Sunday, October 4, 2009

Plans To Make A Mudroom And Lockers

Ghosts of Gaza have materialized.

10 October to 2009
the last video the Temple Mount threatened
..... .. .... guns to defend against stone

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There is a video in Arabic on Al Jazeera today's clashes in Jerusalem between Israeli occupation forces (army and police) and the Palestinians of Jerusalem who wanted to go to maoschea Al-Aqsa: dozens of injuries among the Palestinians who were detained, beaten and dispersed. The clashes occurred near the Al-Asbat gate (Bab al-Asbat) an access to the esplanade of the mosque. In recent times these incidents are rising carried out against both men and women and children (denied access to the mosque of Jerusalem). Images are today 10/04/2009, if you want you can use them with these small pieces of information that I translated.
Pina hello

الأخبار - عربي - جرحى بالأقصى ودعوات لنصرته

Ghosts of Gaza by Michelangelo Cocco - Il Manifesto, 30.9.2009Condividi
Today at 13:21
Ghosts of Gaza yesterday arose on thousands of miles from the Strip where the Israeli army - between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009 - has killed more than 1,400 Palestinians during the offensive called "lead time".

In London a group of lawyers called for the arrest of "war crimes" Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the United Kingdom to attend the congress of the British Labour. In the same hours in Geneva, the headquarters of the Council for Human Rights United Nations, went on stage a debate fraught consequences for the image of the Jewish state in the world.

Richard Goldstone, former South African Constitutional Court, who yesterday presented the full report that accuses Israel and Hamas of "war crimes", defended the 575 pages of his work. "In the region there is a culture of impunity for too long," said the former chief prosecutor of the UN tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda by asking the 47 member countries to submit to the Security Council the result of six weeks' s investigation to Gaza. According to Goldstone, "a lack of accountability for war crimes and possible crimes against humanity has reached a critical point; the growing lack of justice is undermining any hope of a peace process that has happened and is strengthening a climate that encourages violence. "

Last Thursday, before the UN General Assembly Benjamin Netanyahu had harshly attacked the report of the lawyer (and Zionist jew) according to the Israeli prime minister, "falsely equate the terrorists to their targets." Yesterday, the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Aharon Leshno-Yaar, called it simply "a disgrace".

But for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, the UN Security Council has the duty, interest of all the victims, to follow the recommendations of Goldstone. A resolution of the Arab and Islamic countries (expected to be voted in tomorrow evening and Friday), requested that the Goldstone Commission's report is sent to the Security Council at which point if, within six months, both parties refused to cooperate, the file would be passed to the Prosecutor of the ICC. For Israel it would be a huge loss.

United States, speaking through the United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, have already said that the Security Council does not consider the appropriate forum for a discussion on "lead time". After having boycotted during the Bush era, yesterday attended Washington per la prima volta a una riunione del Consiglio per i diritti umani, istituito tre anni fa. L’ambasciatore Michael Posner, dopo aver ripetuto la posizione ufficiale Usa secondo la quale il rapporto Goldstone è “profondamente imperfetto”, ha dichiarato: “Noi incoraggiamo Israele a utilizzare un appropriato riesame domestico per indagare sulle accuse credibili”.

Tel Aviv ha finora boicottato Goldstone, sia rifiutandosi di fornire informazioni e collaborazione ai suoi ispettori, sia provando a screditare all’estero l’immagine della Commissione. Ora un gruppo di giuristi israeliani propone la costituzione in extremis di una commissione d’inchiesta presieduta da un giudice della Corte Suprema. Ma Goldstone called it "vile" the efforts made so far by Israel and a "complete failure" of the investigations carried out by Hamas.

and late evening from London came the news that a London court rejected the request for the arrest of "war crimes" against Barak. The court accepted the argument of the British Foreign Office, that the Israeli defense minister, as "guest status" can not be subject to a claim such as that made by a lawyer representing a group of Palestinian families, who had requested the arrest of Barak for "war crimes". Israel's Barak had come at once to the council to go to France to avoid problems, but the minister had decided to stay still in London, where today is expected to meet the chief diplomat David Miliband.

The complaint was lodged by the International Criminal Court Act 2001 and the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 - even laws that allow individuals to submit complaints for "war crimes" against the military, even if they are not British citizens, wherever the crimes were committed.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mexicanas Famosas Tirando

Gaza - Infopal

Repubblica.-In the Senate of the Italian and foreign press

For your information, and hoping that the Italian press decides (contrary to what was done during the recent event, "Let us break the siege on the Palestinian rights "held in Turin, September 18) to inform their readers, to inform you that:

Thursday, September 17 was delivered this open letter to the President of the Senate and the senators present, all others have then received by the postal service.
parties, movements, associations and individuals who share this call can subscribe by sending an email to:;
or write to: For the Common Good, Piaz.le Station 15, 44100 Ferrara - tel. / fax. 0532.52.148

President of the Senate,
senator of the Republic, we have registered with

surprise the news that the Senate approved a resolution calling for the release of an Israeli soldier, captured while taking part in a military operation ordered to "explore" a village Gazes.
surprising that this stance has not even mentioned the more than 11,000 (eleven thousand) Palestinians illegally abducted and detained by the army and the Israeli occupation authorities, knowing full well that among these are the President of the National Assembly (Parliament) and more than fifty mayors and political leaders, including 21 parliamentarians.
Relying on membership of the Senate to the Universal Charter of Human Rights and its independence and current senators wire from the pressures of the Zionist lobby, we call her and all the senators to be a place to remedy this "oversight", assuming a more just, balanced and dignified, in which you are asked to civil and military authorities in Israel:

• to respect the 72 (seventy) and the resolutions of the UN resolutions so far ignored;
• to end the military occupation and colonization of Palestine and the Golan Heights; •
to free Palestinian parliamentary colleagues who were kidnapped ; •
to release all the prisoners in jail for years without trial and guilty only of not liking the military occupation of their land;
• to shed light on organ trafficking taking place after the "accidental" deaths of prisoners.

Senatore Fernando Rossi of the XV Legislature
National Civic List For the Common Good

Mr. President of Italian Senate and Messrs. Senators,

We have learnt with great surprise That the Senate approved a settlement Requesting the release of an Israeli soldier, captured in action while patrolling a village Gazawi. We are astonished
Because this settlement did not even mention the 11,000 and more Palestinians kidnapped and illegally detained by the Israeli army and political governance, Being aware That in that lot we have also the president of the National Assembly (parliament) and more than fifty mayors and political managers, including 21 members of the parliament.
We rely on the Senate of the Republic supporting the universal declaration of human rights and its independence from the advocacy of the sionist lobbies so as to amend this guilty omission and shift towards a more balanced and dignified position asking the Israeli authorities to:
Comply with the 72 ONU resolutions and decisions which have been ignored until now;Put an end to the military occupation and the colonization of Palestine and Golan;Set free all colleagues members of the Palestinian parliament who have been kidnapped;Release all prisoners detained for years without a trial, whose only guilt Being hostile is to criticize and to the military occupation of Their Own Land; Shed light on the illegal traffic of human organs after "accidental" death of prisoners.

Fernando Rossi
of Senator XV Legislature
National Civil List for common good

parties, movements, associations and individuals who share this call can subscribe by sending an email to:;
or write to:
For the Common Good,
Piaz.le Station 15, 44100 Ferrara

tel. / fax. 0532.52.148
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

They joined:
Fernando Rossi, Monia Benini, Elvio Arancio, Franco Verga, Gennaro Varriale, Gaspare Galati, Mary Andreotti, Rino Vaccaro, Paul Alexander, Louis Sertorius, Joe Fallisi, Peter Capper, Eurasia Project Coordination, Adele Dentice, Attilio Gabriele Turci, Luciana Gattone, Paola Usai, Gianluca Armstrong, David Zaccaria, Alessandra Colla Joseph Barna, Matthew Bifone, Breigheche Dr.Aboulkheir, Sebastian Cosenza, Manuela Braida, Vittorio Caroselli, Patrizia Dal Monte, Nadia Redoglia, Stefano Orena, Maria Emanuela Massari, Nibras Breigheche, Gianfranco Attanasio, Fabrizio Fulvio Fausto Vials, Lassa Anna Luisa, Vittorio Arrigoni, John Girotto, Dario French, Simone Paoletti

Gaza - Infopal -----------------
Gaza Strip, Israeli artillery fired on Housing: number of wounded.
Posted on 09/28/2009 in News

. This morning, several Palestinians were wounded following an Israeli bombing directed against Palestinian homes located east of al-Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza Strip.

Eyewitnesses reported that Israeli artillery stationed on the border of the Gaza Strip launched at least six missiles at the homes of Palestinian citizens east of the camp; one of these rockets exploded on the house of Abu Elias al-Masdar, injuring his son Jihad, 18, and the student Abir al-Masdar, aged 17, who was near the house.

Meanwhile, medical sources of the hospital, "al-Aqsa Martyrs" in the center of the Gaza Strip, said that two students arrived at the hospital for medical treatment as a result of wounds, media entities, resulting from the bombing Israelis, and some ambulances were directed to the bombed area to rescue any other injuries.

Israeli aggression coincided with a raid of several Israeli military vehicles in the eastern part of the refugee camp of al-Maghazi, occurred between rounds of gunfire and under intense air cover

Some eyewitnesses reported that the Palestinian resistance has faced Israeli forces penetrated the area and succeeded in launching several mortar shells and homemade rockets against Israeli military positions adjacent the Gaza Strip. Share

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Walimah Invitation Wording

Vittorio Arrigoni back home ............

Milani September 23 at 17:49 Reply
* Dear Friends *,
with great joy I turn the official information Vittorio Arrigoni, that the pages of his blog gives us the news that we have waited so long:

"After a year of conviction I was able to escape from prison, thanks to the color of my skin and my passport."

I invite you, therefore, welcome back to the nightmare Vik Board of groups, events, even in this wonderful occasion, our closeness and our appreciation for his heroism.

Thank you so much for me and other directors of the group for the warmth and affection shown for this long year of Victor, an icon of non-violent resistance and the flag of our belief in peace.
human remains,
Claudia Milani

Dell Latitude D610 Internal Hard Error

false testimony ?????? Gideon Levy A JOURNALIST

UN: "From Israel and the Palestinian war crimes and crimes against humanity" - Foreign -


The case reported serious violations of international law in Gaza
viewfinder Operation Lead Time "and the launch of missiles phosphorus
UN:" From Israel and the Palestinians
war crimes and crimes against humanity "
The Ministry Israeli Foreign arises: "Verdict unilateral"

NEW YORK - Both Israelis and Palestinians accomplished "war crimes" and, in some cases, "crimes against humanity" during the Israeli military operation "Cast Lead in Gaza. Says a UN report, released today in New York. The file was drawn by four international experts led by South African judge Richard Goldstone, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. The document has sparked the angry reaction of Israel, who described him as "not objective".

The military operation is being accused. The UN indictment is contained in 574 pages, which states that the military operation on 27 December was "directed to the people of Gaza as a whole" to "punish" and that the army Israel has not conducted properly in the investigation of crimes committed. According to the judges, the Jewish state "has not taken the precautions required by international law to limit the loss of life and injuries among civilians and damage to property."

phosphorous weapons The report condemns as "violations of international humanitarian law" the mortar shells, white phosphorous against UNRWA installations (UN agency in charge of Palestinian refugees) and phosphorous weapons attacks on two hospitals Gaza.

The appeal to the Palestinians. In the indictment of the United Nations have also finished the operations conducted by the opposite side. The report says that the missile launch against Israel from the Palestinian side is "a war crime and may be considered a crime against humanity" because it does not distinguish between military targets and civilians. Judge Goldstone also urged Palestinian militants to free the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, seized in 2006 and since then held captive in Gaza.

Israel's response. Immediate replication Istrael, which dismissed with extreme hardness surveys of the United Nations. "Today was written a shameful chapter in the history of international law and the right of peoples to self-defense," read a note from the Israeli Foreign Ministry. According to the Israeli government, which refused to cooperate in the investigation, "the verdict had already been written in advance in Geneva and the United Nations Commission" is limited to collecting false testimony against Israel or unilateral "in his recent mission to the region.

(September 15, 2009)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Do You Put On A Fashion Show Invitation


"In Palestine"

Description: 'The Israeli Haaretz journalist who for years embodied the soul of the most enlightened his people. A real dove of peace with its lucid analysis and his courageous comments ended up being a thorn in the side of the hawks that have taken place in government.

is the voice of true consciousness - not just the critical one - of a nation that has suffered unjust persecution and agony, but that now threatens to turn into
executioner of people with whom it is intended to cohabit.

Again, on the occasion of the declared war on Hamas, by the terrible massacre of the defenseless inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, the voice of Gideon Levy appeared as the bulwark of reason against the blind fury of his government.

In 22 days left on the ground about 1400 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including women, old people and - according to the latest data - more than 450 children. Bloodshed marked by real criminal episodes (like the Zeitun, with 110 civilians in a building then bombed, or the school with UN gunned down, causing 40 deaths, all of them civilians), and achieved through the use of non-conventional weapons such as white phosphorus and depleted uranium, which has caused indignation all the free consciences of the international community.

And the only result, eventually, will probably be sold to feed new, more hatred, more violence, more deaths. Strengthening rather than weakening terrorism.

Gideon Levy did not hesitate to point the finger at the leaders - Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak ("two of their candidates for prime minister, the third is a war crimes trial ") - with heavy words like stones that no Western journalist (let alone Italian) would dare say:" If we continue like this - has written on the columns of Haaretz - or then in The Hague (seat of the International Tribunal for War Crimes, ed) will be established a new special court. "

This is causing the threats and insults from some of its most fanatical countrymen. But he does not seem to care: "An evil spirit has descended on the nation. This is not my patriotism. My patriotism is to criticize, to basic questions. This is not just il momento dell’uniforme e della fanfara, ma dell’umanità e della compassione”.

La voce di Gideon Levy è la voce del cuore e della ragione, la voce della coscienza.


English version

Gideon Levy is the Israeli journalist of Haaretz who for years has expressed the most illuminated spirit of his people. A true Dove of Peace that, with his lucid analysis and his courageous comments, has become a thorn in the side of the Israeli hawks who who hold political power.

Levy is the voice of true conscience - not only the critical one - of a nation who underwent unique persecutions and atrocious suffering, but that today risks to transform itself in the executioner of people with which it is destiny to cohabit.

Again this time, in the occasion of the declared war to Hamas, in front of the terrible slaughter of unarmed innocent civilians of the Gaza Strip, the voice of Gideon Levy appeared like the extreme bastion of reason against the blind fury of his government.

In 22 days approximately 1400 Palestinian where left on the ground, civilians for the majority: women, old people and – according to the last count - more than 450 children.
A spilling of blood marked by genuine criminal episodes (like that one of Zeitun, with the 110 civilians locked in a building then bombed; or the school with UN status gunned down, causing 40 dead, all civilians), and achieved through the use of non conventional weapons like white phosphorus bombs man and uranium shells, that it has caused indignation in all the free consciences of the international community.

And the only result, at the end, will most probably be the one of provoking more vendettas, more hatred, more violence, and more loss of life. Strengthening, instead of weakening terrorism.

Gideon Levy has not hesitated to point his finger against the responsible - Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak (“two of them are candidates for prime minister, the third is a candidate for criminal indictment”) - with words heavy like stones that no western journalist (and the lesser an Italian one) would have ever dared to pronounce: “If we will continue like this- has written from the columns of Haaretz - maybe one day a new, special court will be established in The Hague (the international Court for the war crimes)”.

All of this it is obviously procuring him threats and insults from his more fanatic compatriots. But it does not seem to care: “A evil spirit has descended on our nation. This is not my kind of patriotism. My patriotism is to criticize, to ask questions, the fundamental ones. This is not only the moment of uniforms and fanfare, but of humanity the compassion”.

The voice of Gideon Levy is the voice of the heart and of the reason, the voice of conscience.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Geico Premium Accident

Paola Caridi

Paola Caridi (Middle East) Journalist, born in Rome in 1961, is a founding member of Lettera22. Bachelor of Arts in history of political parties, has a Ph.D. in history of international relations. We are specialized in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Since the crisis in the Great Lakes and 'specialized on issues related to' changes in political systems of central-southern Italy, and then focus on the Middle East and North Africa. From 2001 to 2003 was Cairo correspondent, covering the Middle East and Arab world. Currently and 'Jerusalem correspondent. He wrote in 2007, Feltrinelli, Arab Unseen who won the Capalbio 2008. In 2009, again for Feltrinelli published Hamas. Invisible Arabs His blog is dedicated to the Arab world and the Middle East. In 2008 she was awarded the honor of Knight of the Star of Italian Solidarity, order, chaired by Italian President ------------------------ Journalist, born in Rome in 1961, is a founding member of the News Agency "Lettera22" and is currently working for national and local Italian newspaper. PhD in History of International Relations, she is on Specialised Middle East and Northern Africa region. Correspondent in Cairo (2001-2003), she is based in Jerusalem since 2003. She published in 2007 "Invisible Arabs" (Feltrinelli publishing house) Price Capalbio 2008. In 2009, she published Hamas (Feltrinelli publishing house). She is a Knight of the Order of the Italian Solidarity's Star, order Chaired by the President of the Italian Republic.


Isabella Zanotti September 11 at 17:29 Reply
you run to all your contacts for those who can not come there will be
The live webcast and will be directly connected with arrigoni
Gaza and al-ESAW ... Do not miss

PS Meanwhile I invite you to read and to deepen
a couple of recent articles which virtually no one knows little or nothing, really scary ... 3A% 2F% 2F_web%%% 2Fcmstp 2Ftmplrubriche 2Fbase%%% 2Fgrubrica.asp 3FID_blog% 3D186% 3D853% 26ID_articolo 26ID_sezione 26sezione%%% 3D378% 3D & h = cd6f8266d9001ad3d0028230eae57b30 = 8584 & lg = en

We break the siege on the Palestinian rights
"Palestine, Gaza, PBC."
The beginning of this event is scheduled at 21:00 on 18th September 2009 in the Cultural Centre Dar Al Hikma.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Patton Heater Poh2501

propose again here

Latest news
PNA Prime Minister, Palestinian State Within 2 Years
Yesterday - 17:18

The Ball of discord, The Online Spot parodies of that has divided Israel and the Palestinians angered
mo: Israel bombs tunnel in Rafah, Palestinian deaths 3

(AGI) - Ramallah, August 25 - The Palestinian Authority has decided to change strategy: "Within two years, with or without a peace agreement with Israel, will be born 'Palestinian state' de facto 'with its security forces, infrastructure and transport. This was announced in an interview with 'Times', the Palestinian prime minister, Salam Fayyad: "After 16 years of age (political negotiations failed)' cause no change strategy?". "We decided to be active, to hasten the end of Israeli occupation on the ground working hard to build positive elements and to bring our state as a factor that can not 'be ignored, "Fayyad said the British newspaper, the day that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning a meeting in London with his colleague Gordon Brown." This' our agenda we will follow with tenacity, "said the prime minister of the PNA. At a press conference in Ramallah, West Bank, Fayyad explained that" the Palestinian government is struggling in a determined way against a hostile occupation. .. to establish a de facto state apparatus within the next two years. "Fayyad and you 'call for unity' of the Palestinian people, divided after the Hamas takeover of Gaza in June 2007." We must present ourselves to the world showing united and steadfast in our determination to remain in the country, in the end the occupation (Israel) and to achieve freedom 'and independence, "said Fayyad. - ------------
Monday, July 6, 2009 at 18:19
Israel and war crimes.
shock Amnesty International Report said that during the 22 days of the recent conflict in Gaza and in southern Israel, Israeli forces have killed hundreds of unarmed Palestinian civilians and destroyed thousands of homes by attacks that have violated the laws of war
Monday 06/07/2009 8:43

In a new report, Amnesty International said that during the 22 days of the recent conflict in Gaza and southern Israel, Israeli forces have killed hundreds of unarmed Palestinian civilians and destroyed thousands of homes by attacks that have violated the laws of war. 'The absence of adequate studies on the behavior of its forces in Gaza, including war crimes, and the continued refusal to cooperate with the UN fact-finding mission, headed by Richard Goldstone, are proof of intention on the part Israel to avoid a public confrontation and to acknowledge its responsibility''- said Donatella Rovera, who led the research mission by Amnesty International in Gaza and southern Israel during and after the conflict. 'The international community, since the Security Council must use all his influence to get Israel to cooperate fully with the investigation of Goldstone, who is currently the best tool to establish the truth '.
Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have launched hundreds of rockets into southern Israel, killing three Israeli civilians, injuring dozens and forcing thousands to flee their homes. "These attacks constitute war crimes, illegal and unacceptable" - said Rovera.
The report, 117 pages long and based on evidence gathered by Amnesty International delegates (among them a military expert) in January and February, documents the use by Israel of weapons from the open field against the civilian population of Gaza, trapped and unable to escape.
The scale and intensity of attacks on Gaza have been an unprecedented total of 1400 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces at least 300 children and hundreds of civilians who were not in any way taking part in the conflict.
Many of the victims were killed by high-precision weapons, through the use of drones with exceptional qualities that enable viewers to observe the targets in detail. Others have been killed by lack of precision weapons, including rockets and artillery containing white phosphorus, never used before then in Gaza, weapons that should never be used in densely populated areas.


JERUSALEM - Here are the stories of war, the last , fought for three weeks in the Gaza Strip.

stories that you would never hear.

Why not just there's nothing heroic, but there is a lot of gruesome and morally repulsive, in a sniper who shoots on a mother and her two children who have the wrong road, so they want because the rules of 'engagement, or a soldier who fires up an old woman who lost walking, or on other young people in uniform abuse their power to damage, deface, injure a Palestinian civilian population which, after all, is considered one with the enemy combatant.

This and more is learned not from the Palestinian propaganda, but from the stories of those directly involved, dozens of students of Yitzhak Rabin, agreed on 13 February to discuss their experiences as part of Operation Lead zone. "

stories hard, heavy as boulders, able to create much embarrassment at the top of the armed forces.

the point that the military prosecutor, as if to balance the inevitable sensation with a reassuring gesture, decided to make public the decision to open an investigation. Haaretz

was to reveal the contents of that meeting.

But the merit of having triggered the alarm at all that these accounts imply, is the director of the program pre-military academy, Danny Zamir, who heard the statements made by the young but already experienced students, s' is addressed directly to the Chief of Staff, Gaby Ashkenazy.

"There was a house containing a family - remember the master of a small infantry unit -. We ordered the family to stay in one room.

Then we went and got a new platoon. After a few days was order to release the family. We put a sharpshooter on the roof.
commander released the family, telling them to go to the right, but forgot to tell the sharpshooter who those people were released and everything was ok, and should not shoot. "
instead of right, take the mother with two children left. The sniper sees them move closer to the line, as he was told, no one should cross.
So "fired immediately, killing them."

"I do not think - continues testimony - that he felt too ill .
The general atmosphere, from what I understand talking to my men, was, as it were, that the lives of the Palestinians are far, far less important than the lives of our soldiers. "

rules of engagement very elastic, "unbridled contempt," the cult of physical strength, the effect that "all Palestinians are terrorists," this explosive mix that has led to excesses that humanitarian organizations have denounced as war crimes.

accusation that Israel has refused, arguing that the casualties among Palestinian civilians have been caused by the fact that Hamas militants will shield the people were crowding into the towns, in the heart of which, however, the Israeli army did not hesitate to use a devastating power.

Here, however, does not speak or phosphorus bombs or other lethal devices unknown.
spoken, as it may seem logo out of a war, ethics.

It is no coincidence that the Defence Minister, Ehud Barak, has rushed to reaffirm that the Israeli army "is the most moral army force that exists in the world."
adding that, at most, to clarify the 'individual episodes. "

not think so, however, the protagonists of the stories.
Apart from a few cases of fire against civilians without warning, a commander describes some incidents of vandalism.

"Write" death to Arabs "on the walls (of occupied homes), take photos of family and spit on them just because you can do, I think this is the most important thing to understand As Israeli forces have precipitated in terms of morality. "


poems by Pino de Stasio
A fire glossy wraps the night ..
Mothers tired at night
chants drown in white depths of anguish
missing children and in fields
Gia 'full of hay contentedly.


War rasa, fumes stagnate
Sirens raging fires huge upset.

suit and 'And the night still
' good thing 'Shoot the Moon

That there will be as far away and unreachable target
compresses and deflects the light sleep
without' dreams.
Altera Round head Listen to the whispers and slight
Lumps voice of crying.

breviary for GAZA

cry on this ditch
never reached out of my hand to dig around

life has risen from the dead.

silence today for the fields
And the sky is clear with cirrus

just above the horizon and deep craters that mark
voids ..
small bodies contained
Like seeds to the ground Maybe one day

white phosphorus in the clouds albino
Among the small houses of Gaza
Disturbing shapes gaseous
stick to lean bodies and joint
Sequences of soft hands in revolt
Phosphorus chemical luminescence planetary
Rocky topic
hurt the womb
fragrant garlic dying
Deceptions and kill.


Hurry lonely soul transference in mind
stellar furnaces
solid sparks flying between the crimson butterfly

And the deep breath of the giant
're the 'Empress Vate.

Soldiers march near the city
boots amphibians
approach given the land that has no salt
Mani red hooks shrapnel
backward and forward
Dense tension in those athletic bodies and treated
drunken lips Kiss Behind
camps there 'ruin Carcasses
iron symbols of art raw yarn
thorny but not more
fill the mazes of peace


Desolato in the periodic system
lead and phosphorus atomic number
isotopes and see the ruins made of bodies buried

digital photos that appear to share elements
Petrified and wrapped in black plastic water vapor
lethal miasma
Hidden in bags of cement still deadly
A tree just below the walls
Shows Even the day

--------------------- ------------------

Naples January 31, 2009


History does not teach even those who once was the victim ....

The Israelis have taken advantage of enough of these situations and now accuse the Palestinians of exploiting the images of dead children in their shots. ... This accusation is
'It would be ridiculous
IF IT WAS NOT ... Infamous.
The Israelis did what, cold
had planned to do, let us say frankly, unfortunately, the irony is that we
Italians are involved in the massacre .... in spite of ourselves.

I ask forgiveness from the Palestinians, and I disagree with those who go to Israel and Jewish cappelleto wearing, only for reasons of political expediency.

Nazi extermination, BUT WILL NOT IT TIME TO VISIT The possibility of ONE DAY,



an unarmed people slowly dying .. ..
Here's your eyes deep blacks
look around,
see only horror and death.
The memories are passed in this and

to mind watching the sun setting on the horizon, a sun
is dripping with blood, tears and blood
tears that flow from your eyes
and blood coming out of your veins ...
give me a sign that you're still alive
in the midst of a people of the living dead, trying in vain to live
crawling ..
but it is really dead, because
bombs and man
took away her children better. My
and your heart full of blood
dims its beat ...
and a people so slowly dies.


Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Find The Amount On A Prepaid Usaa Card

Sustainable Architecture by Gernot Mink - The earth as a building material - DEMOLITION

Thesis Simone Franzin

Sustainable Architecture by Gernot Mink - The earth as a building material -

The July 24 Faculty of Engineering of Padua was presented an interesting thesis is that graduated in particular the technique of building with unfired earth.

The paper presented by Laura Simon Franzini, which can be found in Annex seeks to highlight the study and the works that comprise the life span of the architect Gernot Minke.

Minke's work is represented in the course of the thesis as one of the most relevant experience, although not exclusively, on the construction techniques that it uses the earth as raw material.

At a time like this where there is much still to be studied and developed to make it economically and ecologically Sustainable our homes, we find that the technique of the oldest land to build their houses with mud, can give answers to requests for savings, energy consumption etc.

Complete thesis in PDF (c heald here and wait for opening pdf file)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mysoore Mallika Blue Film

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 13:22
Written by Team Free Gaza

On June 30, Israeli Occupation Forces forcibly boarded the boat Free Gaza, SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, and seized 21 Human rights activists and journalists on their way to Gaza to deliver much needed humanitarian and reconstruction materials. Among the seized by Israel is the winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Since the beginning of their
sequstro, tens of thousands of people around the world have mobilized to demand their immediate and unconditional release. The Free Movement would like to thank all those who have made a phone call, sent a fax or an e-mail, wrote a letter, organized a demonstration in support of our imprisoned friends

Isabella Zanotti says
believe that only an Israeli jew can give voice to the truth and not be silenced so these gentlemen is why all my respect and trust what he is doing is nothing short of obscene isarele well as absolutely immoral and not on behalf of God can kill so many women and children, I do not think that God is pleased with how they behave
Laura pegs at 19:31 on 16 June
Isabella thinks ............. that in my ignorance, when I was in Israel many years ago ....... .. and I am convinced that the Israelis that they were fomenting and fighting an unjust war ..
.. I thought these guys (with the black hat and long hair and beards) were the cave-dwellings and that they were ..... them dangerous ... racist.

Today I realized that in truth, I did not understand anything:
is the Israeli government is racist and wants to dominate and take over all of Palestine (something Chein truth 'has now almost completed with total indifference of the West , of 'Europe and' Italy.
then at least give to Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God .. ETC.

extermination of a
innocent people .. ... .. UNDER Council indifferent eyes of us all.

Enrico Valpenta at 23:04 on 16 June
recommend it again Special Aspenia demography: full of striking keys .... Free
Laura Wolf at 23:07 on 16 June
vivaiddio and finally found the courage !!!!!!!!

Donatella de Mercurio at 13:46 on 17 June
I believe that finally something is changing ..... and now hope for the Palestinians.

Isabella Zanotti at 14:38 on 17 June
The European Campaign to End the siege of Gaza, the Palestinian Association in Italy, For the Common Good Infopal and organized a humanitarian convoy, "the Caravan of Hope," which has a portet Gaza medical aid and cash to the first medical intervention.
to this address you will find many testimonials on the recent state of affairs in Palestine:

..... I was wondering is that you started to have problems after this article ?
why anyone would hint something real and serious about Palestine is immediately blocked in the network and you know who is the owner of this platform?

Giuliana Bucci at 9:56 on June 18
I hope with all my heart that this unworthy guera to end Israeli-Palestinian ...... and I very much hope that this group may grow to many proselytes

Joseph Fioretti at 23:38 on 18 June
the Neturei Karta are just one of many forms of dissent to Zionism within the Jewish world outside and inside Israel. There are, lest we forget, the Shministim: soldiers who refuse to serve in the occupied territories. There are paciifisti the Israelis, the Israeli Zionist communists. Unfortunately
have no weight "cheap" and do not handle the power of information. The rest of the Jews, yes. The most important news agencies in the world are in the hands of Jews who support Israle but that does not even have an Israeli passport. As for the religious: Do not confuse the NatureAir Karta (and their vision of Judaism) with the Hasidim (Jews of Ashkenazi origin, very strong in the military Israeli). The Hasidim have Intransigence and INTEGRAL views on Israel are religious theories with the same Hamas. Except that the Hasidim are in the Israeli government, Hamas is considered illegal! but here, you know, that the arbitrary

Joseph Fioretti at 23:39 on 18 June
... but here, you know, that the arbitrary opinion of the world's great .... now more important than the opinion of God

************************* ************

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tourism Israeli soldier: come and see how you kill a Palestinian

The planned extermination of the Palestinians -By Israel, USA and Europe and produces a considerable economic gain, feed the sense of fear that justifies other terrorist actions, instilling a climate of racial hatred towards the Palestinians internationally.
The war in the Gaza Strip is a good investment for our governments and the arms industry. Sure ... if you could do more ... if you could squeeze more the now haggard and exhausted lemon ... Do not worry, we think the Israel Law Center, an organization that promotes the tourism industry over-the-military in war zones controlled by the Israeli army.
Israel Law Center, among other things, sells package tours to those who wish to see in action the Israeli army against Palestinians, miserable lice to crush without mercy.
is how an Arab people harassed, robbed of everything, destroyed, is now cynically put on display, showing the degradation of its last shreds of existence, in spite of himself. No mercy, I hate you making industry, pure cynicism. Our current government still has much to learn.
The despicable Israeli tourism program includes several events, including field observation of targeted killings, the inclusion of the IDF in a court pronounced against members of Hamas, the tour of military positions on the border with Lebanon and check-points at the entrance to Gaza, the live performance of penetration raids in Arab territory, and so on.
For those who wish, there is also the 'First Class Accommodation', with accommodation at the Sheraton Plaza Jerusalem, three meals a day, deluxe bus with tour guide, an exclusive and personal communications center made available by ' hotel, a mobile phone to any tourist. 'Incredible and exciting,' said Simon Goldberg, a tourist from Los Angeles, while another tourist, David Winer of Chicago says that the experience has exceeded his expectations. You too can
the thrill of 'Arabic shot' for just under three dollars! But if you want to participate, you are required to make a donation to the Israel Law Center, to aid in the fight against Arab terrorism! The next round is scheduled
for the week from 8 to 15 June.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Blood Clots Post Menstruation

EX SCHOOL PASTURES IN SPINEA - If we can save trees, save the nests at least until 2018 PUBLIC WATER

Spinea One of the candidates of mayors, one that represents the continuity with the policy of 10 annni of overbuilding during the election campaign has taken time to attend the ceremony in the former elementary school killing Giovanni Pascoli, opposite the church of Santa Bertilla. Who is not
Spinea can not know that the plan for desertification designed cement in the last 20 years by various joints, including the first center-left, including center right now, there is the realization of just a square where once there was a

elementary school annex
killing beautiful park consists of a dozen tall trees.
In place of the demolished school will be built a multi-functional commercial center. When the ax
implacable hammer on the contracting firm over fifteen plants that are part of the oasis which was founded in the year in the garden of abandoned school is likely that there will be no ceremony, because there would be a shame. When the junta
center-right led by Mayor Tessari in 2004 approved the demolition and the detailed plan, the former Standard Plan 18, the opposition had temporarily blocked the implementation of the shopping center with questions and requests for intervention by the Superintendence for the protection of monuments historians, calling the school building to be protected, suggesting that save and retrieve it. The real estate and agriculture policies
battle eventually won the center-right and the trees, unfortunately, no one has thought of.
The design made by architects and contractors as gray thumb insensitivity, not have designed the new building with the intent to preserve the many trees of elm, linden and maple in the park of the former school by the cement of their new buildings.
Even less thought to the many birds that nest in those trees for years.
Now the hopes of saving the trees is only linked to a common sense, we all know does not govern the logic of the Securities and real estate interests.
The only way to go is to save groped the killing of the nests and young birds that nest in those trees.
By analogy with the species present in near the park adjacent to the Rio Cimetto anagrafe and birds in the area, one can assume that you have habitat of species that are present throughout the area that includes the former quarries and the oasis of the various parks of several Venetian villas situated along Via Roma, as well as the new jewel of the park.
fact, one can assume that in the park behind the former school has created a natural habitat, since there the presence of plants typical of hedgerows, such as linden, elms and maples, which favored the breeding of some species like other areas, with the presence of the lark, the kestrel and buzzard, as well as the Woodpecker and Cuckoo.
Now you can not predict whether there are still small nests or eggs hatch, to be sure that a check is mandatory before they are slaughtered.
Eye that they lack environmental sensitivity! something must be done!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Changing Brake Light Vw Golf

Complain of Neturei Karta before the UN: Israel dismantled

and create a state of Palestine for Muslims, Jews and Christians.
Posted on 06/15/2009 in News

New York - Pic. Yesterday, at the 42 th anniversary

occupation of East Jerusalem, some members of the Orthodox Jewish movement
anti-Zionist Neturei Karta

staged a protest outside the Palace of Glass
United Nations in New York City

The demonstrators called for the dismantling of the state of

Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state that encompasses

the Jews currently living in Palestine.

spokesman of the movement,
Yisrael Weiss, known rabbi,
actually showed how

the Zionist regime is in contradiction to the teachings of Judaism
defy the will of God and
inciting the clashes, thanks
crimes committed against other

peaceful inhabitants of Palestine, Muslims and Christians.

According to the Neturei Karta, the land currently occupied by the state of Israel belongs to those who I had always lived (ie Palestinians, Jews and Arabs of all religions, and those who lived peacefully with them) on several occasions, the Neturei Karta have protested alongside Palestinians Arabs, manifested in 2002 with the Palestinian flag, provoking strong reactions from Jewish circles.

also accuse the state of Israel that it has adopted a facade of religion (with the use of religious names for political parties, the presence of rabbis in the same, etc) and alter the commentaries on the Torah according to Zionist demands. Claims that the Zionist Jews can not claim to speak and act on behalf of all Jews, and also avoid participating in activities of Israeli civilians (rejecting elections, welfare, support financial, etc).

The refusal of Zionism reaches the point of not touching images of banknotes or coins representatives Zionists (those with Moses Haim Montefiore and Albert Einstein are acceptable, while those with Theodor Herzl and Chaim Weizmann are not), for not more approach the West Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem claiming that it was polluted by Zionist interests, which would make an abomination.

In the Jewish world, Neturei Karta is considered a minority group, that not even the vast majority of Orthodox Jews opposed to Zionism.

------- ------------------- --------------------
------- Gaza. The al-Mizan Center Human Rights in a report on the losses and damages suffered by the population of the Gaza Strip during the last Israeli war, described the crimes committed by the occupation during the period from December 27, 2008 until dawn on January 18 2009.
In the report, released yesterday, entitled "The attack in numbers, are published the numbers of victims and damage to people and property.

people died during the war or are a result of injuries 1410: 355 under eighteen years of age, 110 women and 240 fighters of the Resistance.

11,135 private houses, 581 public buildings, 209 industrial plants, 724 companies and 650 commercial vehicles are destroyed by bombing and the Zionist army operations, while the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land damaged reaches 627,175 hectares.

At the conclusion of the report are cited the investigations carried out by al-Mizan and various national and international institutions, demonstrating how it was made a large number of serious and systematic violations of international humanitarian law, otherwise defined as war crimes against the 'humanity, based on what is written in the Charter of the International Tribunal and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The center states that "between these crimes included the bombing of houses with civilians inside them, the shooting against civilians waving white flags, the indiscriminate use of destructive force of weapons in civilian areas, the target civilians indiscriminately, using civilians as human shields, the target of medical personnel, ambulances and the obstacle of the target the locations and employees of the United Nations. "

The report also refers to these crimes must be added that the practices of the occupation forces against the local population, such as collective punishments, destruction of water mains and power lines, the disruption and devastation of roads linking the provinces of Gaza Strip (a very serious gesture as it involves problems in the supply of food and medicines, which are added to those caused by the siege) and the psychological suffering caused by massive attacks against residential areas.

All this, according to al-Mizan, has meant that, for the duration of the conflict, there is not one place throughout the region that would allow the civilians to stay safe.

Hajo Meyer, author of the book 'The End of Judaism' ('The End of Judaism'), was born in Bielefeld, Germany, in 1924. In 1939 he fled alone, at the age of 14 years in Holland to escape the Nazi regime, and could not go to school. One year later, when the Germans occupied the Netherlands, lived in hiding with a clumsily forged identity document. Meyer was arrested by the Gestapo in March 1944 and deported to Auschwitz a week later. And 'one of the last survivors of Auschwitz.
12 June 2009 - [Thanks to Adri Nieuwhof - Translation of Andrea Carancini]

What does it mean to present to the readers?
"I had to leave secondary school in Bielefeld after Kristallnacht in November 1938. For me as a curious child and his parents was a terrible experience. Therefore, I can fully identify with the young Palestinians are hampered in their studies. And I can not identify me in any way with the criminals that prevent young Palestinians to study. "

What motivated you to write his book," The End of Judaism "?
" In the past, the European media have written extensively on political as far-right Joerg Haider in Austria and Jean-Marie Le Pen in France. But when Ariel Sharon was elected [Prime Minister] in Israel in 2001, the media remained silent. But in the 80s I knew the thought of these deeply fascist politicians. With my book I wanted to distance themselves from everything. I grew up in Judaism having equality as a fundamental value of the relationship between human beings. I came to know of the existence of nationalist Judaism only when I heard the settlers to defend their arrogance in interviews at the expense of the Palestinians. "

" When a publisher asked me to write something about my past, I decided to write this book to come to terms with my past. The people of a group that dehumanize the people who belong to another group do it or because they learned from their parents or because they were manipulated by their political leaders. This happened in Israel for decades, in that they have manipulated the Holocaust for their own political purposes. In the long term the country is being destroyed, thus inducing its Jewish citizens to become paranoid. In 2005, [then Prime Minister] Ariel Sharon explained everything telling the Knesset that "we know that we can not trust anyone, can we trust only ourselves."

"This is the most concise definition that there is someone who suffers from clinical paranoia. One of the biggest worries of my life is that Israel defines itself by deception a Jewish state, while it is Zionist. He wants the best land with the least possible number of Palestinians. I have four Jewish grandparents.'m an atheist. I share the socio-cultural heritage of Jewish ethics and learned Hebrew. I do not want to be represented by a Zionist state. They have no idea what was the Holocaust. They use the Holocaust to instill paranoia in their children. "

In her book she writes about the lessons he learned from the past. Can you explain how his past has influenced his perception of Israel and Palestine?
"I've never been a Zionist. After the war, the Zionist Jews have trumpeted the miracle of having" a country of our own. "From an unrepentant atheist, I thought, if this is a miracle of God, I wish they had done the smallest of miracles creating the state 15 years ago. In that case, my parents would not be dead. "

"I could make an endless list of similarities between Nazi Germany and Israel. Take the land and properties, to deny people the opportunity to receive education, and reduce the possibility to make a living by destroying their hopes, all with the aim of driving people from their land. And what I personally find most frightening, killing more than get their hands dirty in person, you create the circumstances in which people begin to kill each other. Thus the distinction between victims and executioners weakens. Mischief in a situation where there is no unity, increasing the distance between people - as Israel is doing in Gaza. "

In your book you write the role of Jews in the peace movement inside and outside Israel, and the objectors Israeli conscientious. What is their contribution?
"Of course it is good that the components of the Jewish population of Israel try to see the Palestinians as human beings and as their equals. However, it disturbs me how thin the number of those who remain and who are truly anti-Zionists. We are struck by what happened in Hitler's Germany. If you express only a shadow of criticism at the time, you ended up in Dachau. Jews in Israel have civil rights. They can protest in the streets, but they do not. "

Can you comment on the news that the Israeli ministers have approved a bill that prohibits the commemoration of the Nakba, the dispossession that is of historic Palestine? The law provides a penalty of up to three
years in prison ... "It 's so racist, so scary. I have no words. It 'an expression of what we already know. The Zochrot [the organization for the commemoration of the Nakba] was founded to counter the Israeli efforts to erase the signs that the Palestinian life. Prohibit the Palestinians commemorate the Nakba ... could not act more Nazi and fascist. Maybe it will help the world to wake up. "

What are your future plans?
[laughs]" You know how old I am? I'm almost 85 years. I've always said cynically mocking that I have a choice: either be tired because I want to do so many things, or go sit waiting to pass the time. Well, a project to be tired, because I still have so much to say. "

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nutella Burns My Throat

Ezio Da Villa - GREEN
Councillor for Environmental Policies: Waste, Water, Air, Energy, controls and sanctions, Environmental Planning, Parks and Forests; path (in agreement with the Department of Roads), Geological Survey, Land Protection

" only careful management can ensure the public territory and citizens, the protection of water resources, fairness and transparency of tariffs and service efficiency. " "In many municipalities in other Italian provinces - adding - where the water supply, sewerage and sanitation have been entrusted to individuals, we found a fare increase and an unjustified gap between the citizen and business service delivery."

Adapted from The New Venice

Thursday, June 4, 2009 Chronicle

€ With a thousand bottles of water do you Veritas of mineral

Water Veritas costs one euro per cubic meter, equal to a thousand bottles of mineral that would cost no less than 400 €. A "privilege" to 650 000 citizens Venetians who, in addition to paying one of the lowest tariffs in Italy, drinking water from the tap in the house of the same sources used by a famous brand of mineral water. Everything - looks Ezio Da Villa at least "until 2018, thanks to public management." "Affordable and high quality - stresses the Provincial Councillor for Environment, Ezio Da Villa who is also president of the Auto Laguna, the body that manages the basin water cycle - Could not be guaranteed if we had not decided a few days ago to keep the public management of water through a company like Veritas, a company controlled by municipalities and in which sound merged Vesta, Asm, Asp and Spim. " Last week, in fact, with the unanimous agreement of 20 municipalities in the province of Venice and Treviso 5 (where are located the springs from which it draws the water) was approved the decision to maintain in-house, that is, under the total public control - at least until 2018, after which it can be renewed - the "integrated water service 'which includes over management of the aqueduct that serves a catchment area of \u200b\u200b650 000 inhabitants, including sewerage and sewage treatment plants that deal with "black and white waters" before pouring the wastewater in the lagoon of Venice. "What we have got a few days ago, all together and no distinction is an important and historic decision - said the Provincial Councillor for Environment, Ezio Da Villa -. Only a careful public management can ensure the territory and citizens, the protection of water resources, fairness and transparency of tariffs and service efficiency. " "In many municipalities in other Italian provinces - adding - where the water supply, sewerage and sanitation have been entrusted to individuals, we found a fare increase and an unjustified gap between the citizen and business service delivery. " Affordable and quality services, in fact, are the two cornerstones that have made the decision 25 municipalities governed by the center so that by the center that are part of the axis of Laguna, the expectation on the 'house', rather than privatization - to make a "business" given to private companies with a tender - as they have, however, very common in Italy (especially in Umbria, Tuscany and Lazio) and in European cities like Paris, only to regret it. Drinking water supplied by Veritas, better known as "the water of the Mayor," the note promotion campaign, is 'good' quality - How to certify the continuing national controls - and is distributed by a network of over 3,600 km of pipe. The taps of the basin served by Veritas goes especially well water, drawn from sixty wells at depths ranging from 60 cha and more recently, due to overfishing in recent years also by private individuals, 300 meters. Network is also entered in a percentage of surface water, drinking water plant of Cavanella (Chioggia), which treats the water of the Adige, and Ca Solaro (Mestre) which draws water from the Sile, the main Italian river resurgence. "In plants Veritas - From Villa explains - is operating a system of active carbon filters can to improve the taste and characteristics of the water drinkable, even make it very similar to that of groundwater. " Veritas makes every year about 10,000 laboratory tests and analyzes more than 200,000 parameters. The 25 municipalities of the axis of Laguna are - in the province of Venice -, Campagna Lupia Campolongo, Camponogara, Treporti Cavallino, Chioggia, Dolo, Fiesso, Fossa, Martock, Mira Mirano Mogliano, Morgano, Aprilia, Pianiga, Salzano, Santa Maria di Sala, Scoresby, Spinea , Stra, Venice, Vigonovo. To these are added those of common Preganziol, Fifth Zero Branco (Treviso) and Trebaseleghe (Padova), where sources are located.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Dog Has Mucus In Her Stool

colonies outlawed

Monday, June 1, 2009 [print version]
houses, roads and public buildings built without planning permission or on land the Palestinians. The investigation has 'aretz on Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Uri Blau, Haaretz, Israel

The UN set up an International Criminal Court (ICTI) against Israel
Type: Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
Description: This group is dedicated to obtaining a strong pressure and economic policy on Israel and is based on three simple actions that do require 5 minutes!
Israel is a country that has violated more UN resolutions, as many as 72 (as of September 2002)
Who wants to know more about this particular

Now I wonder because, if other countries violate UN resolutions, the embargo will apply to the use of force until the bitter end while Israel is becoming sheep?

The Nobel Prize for Peace, Mairead Maguire, wrote to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, the UN General Assembly to consider seriously the establishment of an International Criminal Court Israel (ICTI) as a result of the ongoing Israeli atrocities against the people of Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

the International Criminal Court may be established by the General Assembly of the United Nations as a "subsidiary organ" in accordance with Art. 22 of the UN Charter.
The purpose of the ICTI would be to investigate and prosecute suspected Israeli war criminals for damages against the Palestinian people.

because the UN does not? I leave to you the conclusions.
Well, what I propose to the participants of this group are three simple things:

1. Let alone the embargo on Israel boycott (not buying) your product, identified by code bar that starts with 729. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE ENORMOUS POWER! More info on

2. Send to the following addresses of officials and offices
info.ece @

the following email translated into English and Italian :_______________________________________________


Members of the UN, give yourself a woke up, instead of making timid appeals to the wind, set up an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) and begin to impose to enforce the embargo with your resolutions or other methods.
Worldwide hopes to soon see a strong and credible UN!


Members of A, and wake you up, just to announce INSTEAD shy appeals to the wind, institute an International Crime Tribunal Against Israel (ICTI) and start to RESPECT imposed the embargo with resolutions of yours or Any Other Way.
All the world hope to see soon a strong and credible UN.


That's it, if you really want to exaggerate mandategliela every day until exasperated.

If you find other email addresses UN to add write.

3. Send an invitation to this group to all your contacts!

NOTE: This group is not against Israel will against the Israeli people, but against a mindset based on war and the tacit consent to it.
Just four years ago, the Israeli defense ministry has decided to do something seemingly basic: create a comprehensive database of settlements in the Occupied Territories. The project was entrusted to Baruch Spiegel, a brigadier general of the reserve and aide of then Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz. For more than two years Spiegel and his collaborators (who have a commitment to privacy) have collected data in a systematic way, especially from the Civil Administration, the Israeli authorities that handles building permits in the West Bank. One of the main reasons
initiative was to finally get the information credible and accessible to use in legal proceedings brought by Palestinian citizens, organizations for the protection of human rights and leftist movements to demonstrate the illegality of settlements. These data, collected in a very meticulous, have been defined political dynamite. The Ministry of Defence, led by Ehud Barak, has firmly refused to make public. Their publication, they said, would undermine state security or damaged the international image of Israel.
This is the most comprehensive report ever compiled in Israel on the Occupied Territories. Ha'aretz recently they have entered held, bringing to light information that the state keeps hidden for years. Analyzing the data we find that in most of the settlements (about 75 per cent) the building works were carried out without the necessary licenses or in conflict with the licenses granted. From the database also shows that in more than 30 settlements have been built buildings and infrastructure (roads, schools, synagogues, rabbinical seminaries, and even police stations) on land belonging to Palestinian citizens residing in the West Bank.
The data do not refer only to the illegal outposts (which had occupied the attorney Talia Sasson in a report published in March 2005), but the historic core of settlements. Among them there are some old, founded by ideological motivations, like those of Alon Shvut, Ofra and Beit El The data concern some large settlements made for mainly economic reasons, as the town of Modi'in Illit ( founded in 1990 and now inhabited by about 36mila people) and that of Givat Ze'ev, just outside Jerusalem.
The information contained in the database do not coincide with the official government position. On the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for example, reads: "The actions of Israel concerning the use and allocation of land under its administration shall be exercised in strict compliance with international law. Israel confiscates private plots to establish settlements. "But the official analysis shows that it is the government itself is responsible for the planning of urban sprawl and lack of regulation in the construction of many settlements in the territories.
According to data from the Israeli Central Statistics Office in 2008 about 290mila Jews lived in the 120 official settlements in dozens of outposts throughout the West Bank were born after 1967. "Nothing has been done in secret," said Pinchas Wallerstein, director general of the Yesha council, the organization that represents the community of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and leading figure of the colonial project. "All construction projects have been carried out by the Israeli government." If the Palestinians were the owners of land occupied by settlements did cause, adds Wallerstein, and if the court agreed to open legal proceedings, these structures should be moved elsewhere. "In recent years this has always been our position," assures.
But making a tour of the settlements would not. There are entire neighborhoods built without a license or on land that belonged to Palestinians. In some cases they even municipal offices and police stations and fire departments.
In the vast and desolate parking lot of the settlement of Kochav Yaakov camper built like other on private land, a young married couple is going to the bus stop. Aharon, 21, and Elisheva, 19, grew up in the United States. They settled permanently in Israel only a few months ago, when Aaron has finished his military service for ultra-Orthodox Nahal unit. Despite this talk about a near-perfect Hebrew. When asked why they chose to live here, list - in that order - three reasons: it is near Jerusalem, is cheap and is located in the Occupied Territories.
They pay the monthly rental fee of 550 shekels (about 98 euro) to the Secretary of the settlement. As new migrants are still exempted from paying Arnon, the council tax. When I point out that his trailer is parked on a private plot, Aharon is not flustered. "What says the state does not care. In the Torah it says that the entire Land of Israel is ours. "
Although it has been more than two years since he left his official position, Baruch Spiegel remain loyal to the establishment. During our interview I repeated several times that his commitment to confidentiality prevents him from telling the details of the project. The half-truths

The database that has developed with his colleagues contains very detailed information, accompanied by aerial photographs and data collected by GIS, geographic information systems.
"It took two and a half years to realize this project," says Spiegel. "The goal was to create a database that accurately describe the type of land (including the legal standard), the boundaries between the sectors, the zoning people, government decisions and the lands of which ownership is not clear ".
"Now who is in possession of all this data?"
"The Civil Service, I suppose."
"Why, that was first assigned this project, there were no reports of this kind?"
"I do not know to what extent it was a priority for the government."
"Why do you think, the state shall not publish this data?"
"This is a confidential and complex topic, which involves various considerations, linked to political and security aspects. You should ask the officials responsible. "
" What are the reserved matters? "
" It is no secret that there have been violations. But the issue is complex. "
" There is also an image problem for the country? "
" I did not mind the image. I tried to understand the real situation in the Territories, which are the settlements legal, though there have been cases of private ownership of land Palestinians. Everything we've found we sent to the proper authorities. "
" Do you think this information should be public? "
" I think the easy part, the rule on jurisdiction, has already been published. But there are passages reserved. I can not say more because I am still under the constraint of confidentiality. "
According to Dror Etkes, former coordinator of the monitoring sites of Peace Now," the refusal to disclose this material is yet another example of how the state take advantage of its authority to reduce the information available to citizens. The aim is to avoid that in the opinion forming public positions intelligent and aware. "
After the first revelations on material collected by Spiegel, the Movement for Peace and freedom of information now requested the Ministry of Defence to publish the database, citing the law on freedom of information . But the government refused.
The database describes in detail all the settlements. For each is listed the number of residents, the type of organization (the urban community, local government, moshav, kibbutz or other), the membership association of population, the status of the land on which the settlement was built, the presence of any illegal outposts and the validity of construction projects. Under each heading are shown in red and data concerning the building works carried out without a license and their precise location in the settlement.

Ofra, Beit El and Elon Moreh
The database contains very interesting information on the setting of Ofra, founded in 1967 by the Zionist movement Gush Emunim. Recently, the Israeli NGO B'Tselem has published a document stating that many of the buildings of the settlement are situated on land owned by Palestinians, and therefore should be evacuated. The Yesha council said that the information reported by B'Tselem are "completely unfounded". But the information contained in the official database on Ofra clarify any doubt: "The settlement of Ofra fails to comply with valid building projects. Most of the buildings in this community located on private land register, so it lacks any legal basis. "
Even at Elon Moreh, a settlement known as the Occupied Territories, have been found illegal constructions. In June 1979, some Palestinian residents of the village of Rujib, southeast of Nablus, to submit a petition to the High Court of Justice on him to cancel the order of requisition of their land, which had been intended for the construction of the settlement. In the classroom, the Israeli government argued, as he always did at that time that the construction of the settlement was necessary for military needs, and that the requisition orders were therefore lawful.
But the court - based on the statements of the settlers of Elon Moreh, who had admitted that it was a temporary settlement for purposes of security - he ordered the army to evacuate the settlements and return the lands to their rightful owners. The Israeli authorities immediately found an alternative site to build the settlement. But in the new colony, "a large part of the construction work was carried out without detailed plans and approved, and some buildings have violated the right to private property." In response, the regional administration of Shomron, which also includes Elon Moreh, said that "all quarters of the settlement were designed by the state of Israel through the Ministry for Housing. The residents of Elon Moreh have not violated the rights of property. "
According to the database, including the settlement of Beit El was built" on land belonging to Palestinian residents, requirements for military purposes. " Here is the comment by Moshe Rosenbaum, head of local administration of Beit El, "The behavior of journalists like you does not help that the worst enemies of Israel." The seminar

Ron Nahman is the mayor of Ariel. In the last election was re-elected for a sixth term. Nahman denounced the blockade imposed on the construction work of Ariel and complains that he always had to lead the battles with the Civil Administration to obtain building permits. Although this settlement is mentioned in the database. In particular, there is talk of the college of Ariel: "The area on which it stands was not regulated by a city plan." It also explains that the institute is located on two separate parcels, and that the new plan has not yet been discussed. Nahman confirms this, but says that the issue of planning has been solved recently.
When we say there are dozens of settlements built in part on private land, does not seem surprised. Neither the surprising fact that three quarters of the settlements have been taken in building works which do not respect the original designs. "The complaints should not be directed to us, but the government," he says. "Small settlements were planned by the administration of rural buildings, which belongs to the Ministry of Housing, while larger ones dipondono detachments from the same district of the Ministry. In each case, therefore, is always on the government to authorize the settlements. According to the "Build your house," the state shall bear a share of the cost of construction, while the rest belongs to private. But it's all a gigantic bluff. Believe that I was to design the settlements? Not at all: they were Sharon, Peres, Rabin, Golda and Dayan. "
Most of the territories of the West Bank has not been admitted to Israel, then the foundation and building communities in places subject to different rules from those in force in Israel. Talia Sasson's report on illegal outposts, in part based on data collected by Baruch Spiegel, listed four requirements for the establishment of a new settlement in the territories: 1. The Israeli government must have decided to found the settlement. 2. The settlement area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction must be defined. 3. The site must have a detailed plan and approved. 4. The settlement must arise on public lands or on lands purchased by Israelis and registered in their name at the Land Registry.
According to the database, the authorization to plan and build in most of the settlements has been issued by the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and the Ministry of Housing. The WZO and the ministry have also allocated the land to other bodies, who later built the settlements, in some cases it was the office of the WZO settlement, in others of the ministry of housing, in others of 'Administration of rural buildings. In several cases, the settlements were built by the organization Zionist Gush Emunim.
From the database we find that on some land belonging to Palestinians have been built schools and religious institutions. How to Kinor David, in the southern part of the settlement of Ateret. Sign at the entrance of the institute stated that the seminar was prepared by the Amana Settlement Movement, by the local office of Mateh Binyamin settlements and the WZO. Even
colony on Michmash are similar notation: "Some neighborhoods were built on private land. At the center of the settlement, for example, there is a neighborhood made up entirely of mobile homes, which in practice has a religious school. "
Recently, in a winter afternoon, I saw a group of children playing. One of them wore a shirt with this phrase: "We will not forget and forgive." Not seen around teachers. A young woman who was carrying her newborn baby to the doctor stopped a moment to chat. He said he moved to Michmash from Ashkelon, because the husband's parents were among the founders of the settlement. He also said that is not going to send his son to religious school. But not because it sits on private land. Simply because it is not the kind of education she wants for him. "In any case," he added, "I do not think that it was built on private land. " According
Kobi Bleich, spokesman for the ministry of housing, "the ministry is in the subsidy settlements located in the Central Zone of priorities, respecting the provisions only of the Israeli government. The construction of buildings, however, is carried out by regional governments, but only after the prosecutor has examined whether the new district is part of a development plan approved. All the initiatives of the past, therefore, were in conformity with decisions of policy makers. "And Danny Poleg, spokesman for the Israeli police for the District Judea and Samaria (which make up the occupied West Bank), said:" The construction new police stations within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Security. It is to them that any questions should be placed. "
In response, the WZO has sent us a thick booklet. "The settlements in Judea and Samaria, as well as in Israel, was accompanied by the preparation of regional master plans," reads the brochure. "The realization of these plans have participated in committees of various government ministries directives, plus the civil administration and the municipal authorities. Our office has worked exclusively for the settlements on lands that have been assigned to the contract by the Civil Administration. And all the lands are were then reassigned as appropriate. "But the Civil Administration, which asked more than a month ago to comment on the database, has not yet responded.

Article published on International 795, May 15, 2009