Sunday, August 23, 2009

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Latest news
PNA Prime Minister, Palestinian State Within 2 Years
Yesterday - 17:18

The Ball of discord, The Online Spot parodies of that has divided Israel and the Palestinians angered
mo: Israel bombs tunnel in Rafah, Palestinian deaths 3

(AGI) - Ramallah, August 25 - The Palestinian Authority has decided to change strategy: "Within two years, with or without a peace agreement with Israel, will be born 'Palestinian state' de facto 'with its security forces, infrastructure and transport. This was announced in an interview with 'Times', the Palestinian prime minister, Salam Fayyad: "After 16 years of age (political negotiations failed)' cause no change strategy?". "We decided to be active, to hasten the end of Israeli occupation on the ground working hard to build positive elements and to bring our state as a factor that can not 'be ignored, "Fayyad said the British newspaper, the day that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning a meeting in London with his colleague Gordon Brown." This' our agenda we will follow with tenacity, "said the prime minister of the PNA. At a press conference in Ramallah, West Bank, Fayyad explained that" the Palestinian government is struggling in a determined way against a hostile occupation. .. to establish a de facto state apparatus within the next two years. "Fayyad and you 'call for unity' of the Palestinian people, divided after the Hamas takeover of Gaza in June 2007." We must present ourselves to the world showing united and steadfast in our determination to remain in the country, in the end the occupation (Israel) and to achieve freedom 'and independence, "said Fayyad. - ------------
Monday, July 6, 2009 at 18:19
Israel and war crimes.
shock Amnesty International Report said that during the 22 days of the recent conflict in Gaza and in southern Israel, Israeli forces have killed hundreds of unarmed Palestinian civilians and destroyed thousands of homes by attacks that have violated the laws of war
Monday 06/07/2009 8:43

In a new report, Amnesty International said that during the 22 days of the recent conflict in Gaza and southern Israel, Israeli forces have killed hundreds of unarmed Palestinian civilians and destroyed thousands of homes by attacks that have violated the laws of war. 'The absence of adequate studies on the behavior of its forces in Gaza, including war crimes, and the continued refusal to cooperate with the UN fact-finding mission, headed by Richard Goldstone, are proof of intention on the part Israel to avoid a public confrontation and to acknowledge its responsibility''- said Donatella Rovera, who led the research mission by Amnesty International in Gaza and southern Israel during and after the conflict. 'The international community, since the Security Council must use all his influence to get Israel to cooperate fully with the investigation of Goldstone, who is currently the best tool to establish the truth '.
Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have launched hundreds of rockets into southern Israel, killing three Israeli civilians, injuring dozens and forcing thousands to flee their homes. "These attacks constitute war crimes, illegal and unacceptable" - said Rovera.
The report, 117 pages long and based on evidence gathered by Amnesty International delegates (among them a military expert) in January and February, documents the use by Israel of weapons from the open field against the civilian population of Gaza, trapped and unable to escape.
The scale and intensity of attacks on Gaza have been an unprecedented total of 1400 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces at least 300 children and hundreds of civilians who were not in any way taking part in the conflict.
Many of the victims were killed by high-precision weapons, through the use of drones with exceptional qualities that enable viewers to observe the targets in detail. Others have been killed by lack of precision weapons, including rockets and artillery containing white phosphorus, never used before then in Gaza, weapons that should never be used in densely populated areas.


JERUSALEM - Here are the stories of war, the last , fought for three weeks in the Gaza Strip.

stories that you would never hear.

Why not just there's nothing heroic, but there is a lot of gruesome and morally repulsive, in a sniper who shoots on a mother and her two children who have the wrong road, so they want because the rules of 'engagement, or a soldier who fires up an old woman who lost walking, or on other young people in uniform abuse their power to damage, deface, injure a Palestinian civilian population which, after all, is considered one with the enemy combatant.

This and more is learned not from the Palestinian propaganda, but from the stories of those directly involved, dozens of students of Yitzhak Rabin, agreed on 13 February to discuss their experiences as part of Operation Lead zone. "

stories hard, heavy as boulders, able to create much embarrassment at the top of the armed forces.

the point that the military prosecutor, as if to balance the inevitable sensation with a reassuring gesture, decided to make public the decision to open an investigation. Haaretz

was to reveal the contents of that meeting.

But the merit of having triggered the alarm at all that these accounts imply, is the director of the program pre-military academy, Danny Zamir, who heard the statements made by the young but already experienced students, s' is addressed directly to the Chief of Staff, Gaby Ashkenazy.

"There was a house containing a family - remember the master of a small infantry unit -. We ordered the family to stay in one room.

Then we went and got a new platoon. After a few days was order to release the family. We put a sharpshooter on the roof.
commander released the family, telling them to go to the right, but forgot to tell the sharpshooter who those people were released and everything was ok, and should not shoot. "
instead of right, take the mother with two children left. The sniper sees them move closer to the line, as he was told, no one should cross.
So "fired immediately, killing them."

"I do not think - continues testimony - that he felt too ill .
The general atmosphere, from what I understand talking to my men, was, as it were, that the lives of the Palestinians are far, far less important than the lives of our soldiers. "

rules of engagement very elastic, "unbridled contempt," the cult of physical strength, the effect that "all Palestinians are terrorists," this explosive mix that has led to excesses that humanitarian organizations have denounced as war crimes.

accusation that Israel has refused, arguing that the casualties among Palestinian civilians have been caused by the fact that Hamas militants will shield the people were crowding into the towns, in the heart of which, however, the Israeli army did not hesitate to use a devastating power.

Here, however, does not speak or phosphorus bombs or other lethal devices unknown.
spoken, as it may seem logo out of a war, ethics.

It is no coincidence that the Defence Minister, Ehud Barak, has rushed to reaffirm that the Israeli army "is the most moral army force that exists in the world."
adding that, at most, to clarify the 'individual episodes. "

not think so, however, the protagonists of the stories.
Apart from a few cases of fire against civilians without warning, a commander describes some incidents of vandalism.

"Write" death to Arabs "on the walls (of occupied homes), take photos of family and spit on them just because you can do, I think this is the most important thing to understand As Israeli forces have precipitated in terms of morality. "


poems by Pino de Stasio
A fire glossy wraps the night ..
Mothers tired at night
chants drown in white depths of anguish
missing children and in fields
Gia 'full of hay contentedly.


War rasa, fumes stagnate
Sirens raging fires huge upset.

suit and 'And the night still
' good thing 'Shoot the Moon

That there will be as far away and unreachable target
compresses and deflects the light sleep
without' dreams.
Altera Round head Listen to the whispers and slight
Lumps voice of crying.

breviary for GAZA

cry on this ditch
never reached out of my hand to dig around

life has risen from the dead.

silence today for the fields
And the sky is clear with cirrus

just above the horizon and deep craters that mark
voids ..
small bodies contained
Like seeds to the ground Maybe one day

white phosphorus in the clouds albino
Among the small houses of Gaza
Disturbing shapes gaseous
stick to lean bodies and joint
Sequences of soft hands in revolt
Phosphorus chemical luminescence planetary
Rocky topic
hurt the womb
fragrant garlic dying
Deceptions and kill.


Hurry lonely soul transference in mind
stellar furnaces
solid sparks flying between the crimson butterfly

And the deep breath of the giant
're the 'Empress Vate.

Soldiers march near the city
boots amphibians
approach given the land that has no salt
Mani red hooks shrapnel
backward and forward
Dense tension in those athletic bodies and treated
drunken lips Kiss Behind
camps there 'ruin Carcasses
iron symbols of art raw yarn
thorny but not more
fill the mazes of peace


Desolato in the periodic system
lead and phosphorus atomic number
isotopes and see the ruins made of bodies buried

digital photos that appear to share elements
Petrified and wrapped in black plastic water vapor
lethal miasma
Hidden in bags of cement still deadly
A tree just below the walls
Shows Even the day

--------------------- ------------------

Naples January 31, 2009


History does not teach even those who once was the victim ....

The Israelis have taken advantage of enough of these situations and now accuse the Palestinians of exploiting the images of dead children in their shots. ... This accusation is
'It would be ridiculous
IF IT WAS NOT ... Infamous.
The Israelis did what, cold
had planned to do, let us say frankly, unfortunately, the irony is that we
Italians are involved in the massacre .... in spite of ourselves.

I ask forgiveness from the Palestinians, and I disagree with those who go to Israel and Jewish cappelleto wearing, only for reasons of political expediency.

Nazi extermination, BUT WILL NOT IT TIME TO VISIT The possibility of ONE DAY,



an unarmed people slowly dying .. ..
Here's your eyes deep blacks
look around,
see only horror and death.
The memories are passed in this and

to mind watching the sun setting on the horizon, a sun
is dripping with blood, tears and blood
tears that flow from your eyes
and blood coming out of your veins ...
give me a sign that you're still alive
in the midst of a people of the living dead, trying in vain to live
crawling ..
but it is really dead, because
bombs and man
took away her children better. My
and your heart full of blood
dims its beat ...
and a people so slowly dies.



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