Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mysoore Mallika Blue Film

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 13:22
Written by Team Free Gaza

On June 30, Israeli Occupation Forces forcibly boarded the boat Free Gaza, SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, and seized 21 Human rights activists and journalists on their way to Gaza to deliver much needed humanitarian and reconstruction materials. Among the seized by Israel is the winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Since the beginning of their
sequstro, tens of thousands of people around the world have mobilized to demand their immediate and unconditional release. The Free Movement would like to thank all those who have made a phone call, sent a fax or an e-mail, wrote a letter, organized a demonstration in support of our imprisoned friends

Isabella Zanotti says
believe that only an Israeli jew can give voice to the truth and not be silenced so these gentlemen is why all my respect and trust what he is doing is nothing short of obscene isarele well as absolutely immoral and not on behalf of God can kill so many women and children, I do not think that God is pleased with how they behave
Laura pegs at 19:31 on 16 June
Isabella thinks ............. that in my ignorance, when I was in Israel many years ago ....... .. and I am convinced that the Israelis that they were fomenting and fighting an unjust war ..
.. I thought these guys (with the black hat and long hair and beards) were the cave-dwellings and that they were ..... them dangerous ... racist.

Today I realized that in truth, I did not understand anything:
is the Israeli government is racist and wants to dominate and take over all of Palestine (something Chein truth 'has now almost completed with total indifference of the West , of 'Europe and' Italy.
then at least give to Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God .. ETC.

extermination of a
innocent people .. ... .. UNDER Council indifferent eyes of us all.

Enrico Valpenta at 23:04 on 16 June
recommend it again Special Aspenia demography: full of striking keys .... Free
Laura Wolf at 23:07 on 16 June
vivaiddio and finally found the courage !!!!!!!!

Donatella de Mercurio at 13:46 on 17 June
I believe that finally something is changing ..... and now hope for the Palestinians.

Isabella Zanotti at 14:38 on 17 June
The European Campaign to End the siege of Gaza, the Palestinian Association in Italy, For the Common Good Infopal and organized a humanitarian convoy, "the Caravan of Hope," which has a portet Gaza medical aid and cash to the first medical intervention.
to this address you will find many testimonials on the recent state of affairs in Palestine:

..... I was wondering is that you started to have problems after this article ?
why anyone would hint something real and serious about Palestine is immediately blocked in the network and you know who is the owner of this platform?

Giuliana Bucci at 9:56 on June 18
I hope with all my heart that this unworthy guera to end Israeli-Palestinian ...... and I very much hope that this group may grow to many proselytes

Joseph Fioretti at 23:38 on 18 June
the Neturei Karta are just one of many forms of dissent to Zionism within the Jewish world outside and inside Israel. There are, lest we forget, the Shministim: soldiers who refuse to serve in the occupied territories. There are paciifisti the Israelis, the Israeli Zionist communists. Unfortunately
have no weight "cheap" and do not handle the power of information. The rest of the Jews, yes. The most important news agencies in the world are in the hands of Jews who support Israle but that does not even have an Israeli passport. As for the religious: Do not confuse the NatureAir Karta (and their vision of Judaism) with the Hasidim (Jews of Ashkenazi origin, very strong in the military Israeli). The Hasidim have Intransigence and INTEGRAL views on Israel are religious theories with the same Hamas. Except that the Hasidim are in the Israeli government, Hamas is considered illegal! but here, you know, that the arbitrary

Joseph Fioretti at 23:39 on 18 June
... but here, you know, that the arbitrary opinion of the world's great .... now more important than the opinion of God

************************* ************

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tourism Israeli soldier: come and see how you kill a Palestinian

The planned extermination of the Palestinians -By Israel, USA and Europe and produces a considerable economic gain, feed the sense of fear that justifies other terrorist actions, instilling a climate of racial hatred towards the Palestinians internationally.
The war in the Gaza Strip is a good investment for our governments and the arms industry. Sure ... if you could do more ... if you could squeeze more the now haggard and exhausted lemon ... Do not worry, we think the Israel Law Center, an organization that promotes the tourism industry over-the-military in war zones controlled by the Israeli army.
Israel Law Center, among other things, sells package tours to those who wish to see in action the Israeli army against Palestinians, miserable lice to crush without mercy.
is how an Arab people harassed, robbed of everything, destroyed, is now cynically put on display, showing the degradation of its last shreds of existence, in spite of himself. No mercy, I hate you making industry, pure cynicism. Our current government still has much to learn.
The despicable Israeli tourism program includes several events, including field observation of targeted killings, the inclusion of the IDF in a court pronounced against members of Hamas, the tour of military positions on the border with Lebanon and check-points at the entrance to Gaza, the live performance of penetration raids in Arab territory, and so on.
For those who wish, there is also the 'First Class Accommodation', with accommodation at the Sheraton Plaza Jerusalem, three meals a day, deluxe bus with tour guide, an exclusive and personal communications center made available by ' hotel, a mobile phone to any tourist. 'Incredible and exciting,' said Simon Goldberg, a tourist from Los Angeles, while another tourist, David Winer of Chicago says that the experience has exceeded his expectations. You too can
the thrill of 'Arabic shot' for just under three dollars! But if you want to participate, you are required to make a donation to the Israel Law Center, to aid in the fight against Arab terrorism! The next round is scheduled
for the week from 8 to 15 June.


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