Sunday, October 4, 2009

Plans To Make A Mudroom And Lockers

Ghosts of Gaza have materialized.

10 October to 2009
the last video the Temple Mount threatened
..... .. .... guns to defend against stone

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There is a video in Arabic on Al Jazeera today's clashes in Jerusalem between Israeli occupation forces (army and police) and the Palestinians of Jerusalem who wanted to go to maoschea Al-Aqsa: dozens of injuries among the Palestinians who were detained, beaten and dispersed. The clashes occurred near the Al-Asbat gate (Bab al-Asbat) an access to the esplanade of the mosque. In recent times these incidents are rising carried out against both men and women and children (denied access to the mosque of Jerusalem). Images are today 10/04/2009, if you want you can use them with these small pieces of information that I translated.
Pina hello

الأخبار - عربي - جرحى بالأقصى ودعوات لنصرته

Ghosts of Gaza by Michelangelo Cocco - Il Manifesto, 30.9.2009Condividi
Today at 13:21
Ghosts of Gaza yesterday arose on thousands of miles from the Strip where the Israeli army - between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009 - has killed more than 1,400 Palestinians during the offensive called "lead time".

In London a group of lawyers called for the arrest of "war crimes" Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the United Kingdom to attend the congress of the British Labour. In the same hours in Geneva, the headquarters of the Council for Human Rights United Nations, went on stage a debate fraught consequences for the image of the Jewish state in the world.

Richard Goldstone, former South African Constitutional Court, who yesterday presented the full report that accuses Israel and Hamas of "war crimes", defended the 575 pages of his work. "In the region there is a culture of impunity for too long," said the former chief prosecutor of the UN tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda by asking the 47 member countries to submit to the Security Council the result of six weeks' s investigation to Gaza. According to Goldstone, "a lack of accountability for war crimes and possible crimes against humanity has reached a critical point; the growing lack of justice is undermining any hope of a peace process that has happened and is strengthening a climate that encourages violence. "

Last Thursday, before the UN General Assembly Benjamin Netanyahu had harshly attacked the report of the lawyer (and Zionist jew) according to the Israeli prime minister, "falsely equate the terrorists to their targets." Yesterday, the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Aharon Leshno-Yaar, called it simply "a disgrace".

But for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, the UN Security Council has the duty, interest of all the victims, to follow the recommendations of Goldstone. A resolution of the Arab and Islamic countries (expected to be voted in tomorrow evening and Friday), requested that the Goldstone Commission's report is sent to the Security Council at which point if, within six months, both parties refused to cooperate, the file would be passed to the Prosecutor of the ICC. For Israel it would be a huge loss.

United States, speaking through the United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, have already said that the Security Council does not consider the appropriate forum for a discussion on "lead time". After having boycotted during the Bush era, yesterday attended Washington per la prima volta a una riunione del Consiglio per i diritti umani, istituito tre anni fa. L’ambasciatore Michael Posner, dopo aver ripetuto la posizione ufficiale Usa secondo la quale il rapporto Goldstone è “profondamente imperfetto”, ha dichiarato: “Noi incoraggiamo Israele a utilizzare un appropriato riesame domestico per indagare sulle accuse credibili”.

Tel Aviv ha finora boicottato Goldstone, sia rifiutandosi di fornire informazioni e collaborazione ai suoi ispettori, sia provando a screditare all’estero l’immagine della Commissione. Ora un gruppo di giuristi israeliani propone la costituzione in extremis di una commissione d’inchiesta presieduta da un giudice della Corte Suprema. Ma Goldstone called it "vile" the efforts made so far by Israel and a "complete failure" of the investigations carried out by Hamas.

and late evening from London came the news that a London court rejected the request for the arrest of "war crimes" against Barak. The court accepted the argument of the British Foreign Office, that the Israeli defense minister, as "guest status" can not be subject to a claim such as that made by a lawyer representing a group of Palestinian families, who had requested the arrest of Barak for "war crimes". Israel's Barak had come at once to the council to go to France to avoid problems, but the minister had decided to stay still in London, where today is expected to meet the chief diplomat David Miliband.

The complaint was lodged by the International Criminal Court Act 2001 and the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 - even laws that allow individuals to submit complaints for "war crimes" against the military, even if they are not British citizens, wherever the crimes were committed.


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