Friday, June 12, 2009

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Complain of Neturei Karta before the UN: Israel dismantled

and create a state of Palestine for Muslims, Jews and Christians.
Posted on 06/15/2009 in News

New York - Pic. Yesterday, at the 42 th anniversary

occupation of East Jerusalem, some members of the Orthodox Jewish movement
anti-Zionist Neturei Karta

staged a protest outside the Palace of Glass
United Nations in New York City

The demonstrators called for the dismantling of the state of

Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state that encompasses

the Jews currently living in Palestine.

spokesman of the movement,
Yisrael Weiss, known rabbi,
actually showed how

the Zionist regime is in contradiction to the teachings of Judaism
defy the will of God and
inciting the clashes, thanks
crimes committed against other

peaceful inhabitants of Palestine, Muslims and Christians.

According to the Neturei Karta, the land currently occupied by the state of Israel belongs to those who I had always lived (ie Palestinians, Jews and Arabs of all religions, and those who lived peacefully with them) on several occasions, the Neturei Karta have protested alongside Palestinians Arabs, manifested in 2002 with the Palestinian flag, provoking strong reactions from Jewish circles.

also accuse the state of Israel that it has adopted a facade of religion (with the use of religious names for political parties, the presence of rabbis in the same, etc) and alter the commentaries on the Torah according to Zionist demands. Claims that the Zionist Jews can not claim to speak and act on behalf of all Jews, and also avoid participating in activities of Israeli civilians (rejecting elections, welfare, support financial, etc).

The refusal of Zionism reaches the point of not touching images of banknotes or coins representatives Zionists (those with Moses Haim Montefiore and Albert Einstein are acceptable, while those with Theodor Herzl and Chaim Weizmann are not), for not more approach the West Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem claiming that it was polluted by Zionist interests, which would make an abomination.

In the Jewish world, Neturei Karta is considered a minority group, that not even the vast majority of Orthodox Jews opposed to Zionism.

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------- Gaza. The al-Mizan Center Human Rights in a report on the losses and damages suffered by the population of the Gaza Strip during the last Israeli war, described the crimes committed by the occupation during the period from December 27, 2008 until dawn on January 18 2009.
In the report, released yesterday, entitled "The attack in numbers, are published the numbers of victims and damage to people and property.

people died during the war or are a result of injuries 1410: 355 under eighteen years of age, 110 women and 240 fighters of the Resistance.

11,135 private houses, 581 public buildings, 209 industrial plants, 724 companies and 650 commercial vehicles are destroyed by bombing and the Zionist army operations, while the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land damaged reaches 627,175 hectares.

At the conclusion of the report are cited the investigations carried out by al-Mizan and various national and international institutions, demonstrating how it was made a large number of serious and systematic violations of international humanitarian law, otherwise defined as war crimes against the 'humanity, based on what is written in the Charter of the International Tribunal and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The center states that "between these crimes included the bombing of houses with civilians inside them, the shooting against civilians waving white flags, the indiscriminate use of destructive force of weapons in civilian areas, the target civilians indiscriminately, using civilians as human shields, the target of medical personnel, ambulances and the obstacle of the target the locations and employees of the United Nations. "

The report also refers to these crimes must be added that the practices of the occupation forces against the local population, such as collective punishments, destruction of water mains and power lines, the disruption and devastation of roads linking the provinces of Gaza Strip (a very serious gesture as it involves problems in the supply of food and medicines, which are added to those caused by the siege) and the psychological suffering caused by massive attacks against residential areas.

All this, according to al-Mizan, has meant that, for the duration of the conflict, there is not one place throughout the region that would allow the civilians to stay safe.

Hajo Meyer, author of the book 'The End of Judaism' ('The End of Judaism'), was born in Bielefeld, Germany, in 1924. In 1939 he fled alone, at the age of 14 years in Holland to escape the Nazi regime, and could not go to school. One year later, when the Germans occupied the Netherlands, lived in hiding with a clumsily forged identity document. Meyer was arrested by the Gestapo in March 1944 and deported to Auschwitz a week later. And 'one of the last survivors of Auschwitz.
12 June 2009 - [Thanks to Adri Nieuwhof - Translation of Andrea Carancini]

What does it mean to present to the readers?
"I had to leave secondary school in Bielefeld after Kristallnacht in November 1938. For me as a curious child and his parents was a terrible experience. Therefore, I can fully identify with the young Palestinians are hampered in their studies. And I can not identify me in any way with the criminals that prevent young Palestinians to study. "

What motivated you to write his book," The End of Judaism "?
" In the past, the European media have written extensively on political as far-right Joerg Haider in Austria and Jean-Marie Le Pen in France. But when Ariel Sharon was elected [Prime Minister] in Israel in 2001, the media remained silent. But in the 80s I knew the thought of these deeply fascist politicians. With my book I wanted to distance themselves from everything. I grew up in Judaism having equality as a fundamental value of the relationship between human beings. I came to know of the existence of nationalist Judaism only when I heard the settlers to defend their arrogance in interviews at the expense of the Palestinians. "

" When a publisher asked me to write something about my past, I decided to write this book to come to terms with my past. The people of a group that dehumanize the people who belong to another group do it or because they learned from their parents or because they were manipulated by their political leaders. This happened in Israel for decades, in that they have manipulated the Holocaust for their own political purposes. In the long term the country is being destroyed, thus inducing its Jewish citizens to become paranoid. In 2005, [then Prime Minister] Ariel Sharon explained everything telling the Knesset that "we know that we can not trust anyone, can we trust only ourselves."

"This is the most concise definition that there is someone who suffers from clinical paranoia. One of the biggest worries of my life is that Israel defines itself by deception a Jewish state, while it is Zionist. He wants the best land with the least possible number of Palestinians. I have four Jewish grandparents.'m an atheist. I share the socio-cultural heritage of Jewish ethics and learned Hebrew. I do not want to be represented by a Zionist state. They have no idea what was the Holocaust. They use the Holocaust to instill paranoia in their children. "

In her book she writes about the lessons he learned from the past. Can you explain how his past has influenced his perception of Israel and Palestine?
"I've never been a Zionist. After the war, the Zionist Jews have trumpeted the miracle of having" a country of our own. "From an unrepentant atheist, I thought, if this is a miracle of God, I wish they had done the smallest of miracles creating the state 15 years ago. In that case, my parents would not be dead. "

"I could make an endless list of similarities between Nazi Germany and Israel. Take the land and properties, to deny people the opportunity to receive education, and reduce the possibility to make a living by destroying their hopes, all with the aim of driving people from their land. And what I personally find most frightening, killing more than get their hands dirty in person, you create the circumstances in which people begin to kill each other. Thus the distinction between victims and executioners weakens. Mischief in a situation where there is no unity, increasing the distance between people - as Israel is doing in Gaza. "

In your book you write the role of Jews in the peace movement inside and outside Israel, and the objectors Israeli conscientious. What is their contribution?
"Of course it is good that the components of the Jewish population of Israel try to see the Palestinians as human beings and as their equals. However, it disturbs me how thin the number of those who remain and who are truly anti-Zionists. We are struck by what happened in Hitler's Germany. If you express only a shadow of criticism at the time, you ended up in Dachau. Jews in Israel have civil rights. They can protest in the streets, but they do not. "

Can you comment on the news that the Israeli ministers have approved a bill that prohibits the commemoration of the Nakba, the dispossession that is of historic Palestine? The law provides a penalty of up to three
years in prison ... "It 's so racist, so scary. I have no words. It 'an expression of what we already know. The Zochrot [the organization for the commemoration of the Nakba] was founded to counter the Israeli efforts to erase the signs that the Palestinian life. Prohibit the Palestinians commemorate the Nakba ... could not act more Nazi and fascist. Maybe it will help the world to wake up. "

What are your future plans?
[laughs]" You know how old I am? I'm almost 85 years. I've always said cynically mocking that I have a choice: either be tired because I want to do so many things, or go sit waiting to pass the time. Well, a project to be tired, because I still have so much to say. "


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