Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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false testimony ?????? Gideon Levy A JOURNALIST

UN: "From Israel and the Palestinian war crimes and crimes against humanity" - Foreign -


The case reported serious violations of international law in Gaza
viewfinder Operation Lead Time "and the launch of missiles phosphorus
UN:" From Israel and the Palestinians
war crimes and crimes against humanity "
The Ministry Israeli Foreign arises: "Verdict unilateral"

NEW YORK - Both Israelis and Palestinians accomplished "war crimes" and, in some cases, "crimes against humanity" during the Israeli military operation "Cast Lead in Gaza. Says a UN report, released today in New York. The file was drawn by four international experts led by South African judge Richard Goldstone, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. The document has sparked the angry reaction of Israel, who described him as "not objective".

The military operation is being accused. The UN indictment is contained in 574 pages, which states that the military operation on 27 December was "directed to the people of Gaza as a whole" to "punish" and that the army Israel has not conducted properly in the investigation of crimes committed. According to the judges, the Jewish state "has not taken the precautions required by international law to limit the loss of life and injuries among civilians and damage to property."

phosphorous weapons The report condemns as "violations of international humanitarian law" the mortar shells, white phosphorous against UNRWA installations (UN agency in charge of Palestinian refugees) and phosphorous weapons attacks on two hospitals Gaza.

The appeal to the Palestinians. In the indictment of the United Nations have also finished the operations conducted by the opposite side. The report says that the missile launch against Israel from the Palestinian side is "a war crime and may be considered a crime against humanity" because it does not distinguish between military targets and civilians. Judge Goldstone also urged Palestinian militants to free the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, seized in 2006 and since then held captive in Gaza.

Israel's response. Immediate replication Istrael, which dismissed with extreme hardness surveys of the United Nations. "Today was written a shameful chapter in the history of international law and the right of peoples to self-defense," read a note from the Israeli Foreign Ministry. According to the Israeli government, which refused to cooperate in the investigation, "the verdict had already been written in advance in Geneva and the United Nations Commission" is limited to collecting false testimony against Israel or unilateral "in his recent mission to the region.

(September 15, 2009)


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