Sunday, June 14, 2009

Blood Clots Post Menstruation

EX SCHOOL PASTURES IN SPINEA - If we can save trees, save the nests at least until 2018 PUBLIC WATER

Spinea One of the candidates of mayors, one that represents the continuity with the policy of 10 annni of overbuilding during the election campaign has taken time to attend the ceremony in the former elementary school killing Giovanni Pascoli, opposite the church of Santa Bertilla. Who is not
Spinea can not know that the plan for desertification designed cement in the last 20 years by various joints, including the first center-left, including center right now, there is the realization of just a square where once there was a

elementary school annex
killing beautiful park consists of a dozen tall trees.
In place of the demolished school will be built a multi-functional commercial center. When the ax
implacable hammer on the contracting firm over fifteen plants that are part of the oasis which was founded in the year in the garden of abandoned school is likely that there will be no ceremony, because there would be a shame. When the junta
center-right led by Mayor Tessari in 2004 approved the demolition and the detailed plan, the former Standard Plan 18, the opposition had temporarily blocked the implementation of the shopping center with questions and requests for intervention by the Superintendence for the protection of monuments historians, calling the school building to be protected, suggesting that save and retrieve it. The real estate and agriculture policies
battle eventually won the center-right and the trees, unfortunately, no one has thought of.
The design made by architects and contractors as gray thumb insensitivity, not have designed the new building with the intent to preserve the many trees of elm, linden and maple in the park of the former school by the cement of their new buildings.
Even less thought to the many birds that nest in those trees for years.
Now the hopes of saving the trees is only linked to a common sense, we all know does not govern the logic of the Securities and real estate interests.
The only way to go is to save groped the killing of the nests and young birds that nest in those trees.
By analogy with the species present in near the park adjacent to the Rio Cimetto anagrafe and birds in the area, one can assume that you have habitat of species that are present throughout the area that includes the former quarries and the oasis of the various parks of several Venetian villas situated along Via Roma, as well as the new jewel of the park.
fact, one can assume that in the park behind the former school has created a natural habitat, since there the presence of plants typical of hedgerows, such as linden, elms and maples, which favored the breeding of some species like other areas, with the presence of the lark, the kestrel and buzzard, as well as the Woodpecker and Cuckoo.
Now you can not predict whether there are still small nests or eggs hatch, to be sure that a check is mandatory before they are slaughtered.
Eye that they lack environmental sensitivity! something must be done!


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