Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Do You Put On A Fashion Show Invitation


"In Palestine"

Description: 'The Israeli Haaretz journalist who for years embodied the soul of the most enlightened his people. A real dove of peace with its lucid analysis and his courageous comments ended up being a thorn in the side of the hawks that have taken place in government.

is the voice of true consciousness - not just the critical one - of a nation that has suffered unjust persecution and agony, but that now threatens to turn into
executioner of people with whom it is intended to cohabit.

Again, on the occasion of the declared war on Hamas, by the terrible massacre of the defenseless inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, the voice of Gideon Levy appeared as the bulwark of reason against the blind fury of his government.

In 22 days left on the ground about 1400 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including women, old people and - according to the latest data - more than 450 children. Bloodshed marked by real criminal episodes (like the Zeitun, with 110 civilians in a building then bombed, or the school with UN gunned down, causing 40 deaths, all of them civilians), and achieved through the use of non-conventional weapons such as white phosphorus and depleted uranium, which has caused indignation all the free consciences of the international community.

And the only result, eventually, will probably be sold to feed new, more hatred, more violence, more deaths. Strengthening rather than weakening terrorism.

Gideon Levy did not hesitate to point the finger at the leaders - Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak ("two of their candidates for prime minister, the third is a war crimes trial ") - with heavy words like stones that no Western journalist (let alone Italian) would dare say:" If we continue like this - has written on the columns of Haaretz - or then in The Hague (seat of the International Tribunal for War Crimes, ed) will be established a new special court. "

This is causing the threats and insults from some of its most fanatical countrymen. But he does not seem to care: "An evil spirit has descended on the nation. This is not my patriotism. My patriotism is to criticize, to basic questions. This is not just il momento dell’uniforme e della fanfara, ma dell’umanità e della compassione”.

La voce di Gideon Levy è la voce del cuore e della ragione, la voce della coscienza.


English version

Gideon Levy is the Israeli journalist of Haaretz who for years has expressed the most illuminated spirit of his people. A true Dove of Peace that, with his lucid analysis and his courageous comments, has become a thorn in the side of the Israeli hawks who who hold political power.

Levy is the voice of true conscience - not only the critical one - of a nation who underwent unique persecutions and atrocious suffering, but that today risks to transform itself in the executioner of people with which it is destiny to cohabit.

Again this time, in the occasion of the declared war to Hamas, in front of the terrible slaughter of unarmed innocent civilians of the Gaza Strip, the voice of Gideon Levy appeared like the extreme bastion of reason against the blind fury of his government.

In 22 days approximately 1400 Palestinian where left on the ground, civilians for the majority: women, old people and – according to the last count - more than 450 children.
A spilling of blood marked by genuine criminal episodes (like that one of Zeitun, with the 110 civilians locked in a building then bombed; or the school with UN status gunned down, causing 40 dead, all civilians), and achieved through the use of non conventional weapons like white phosphorus bombs man and uranium shells, that it has caused indignation in all the free consciences of the international community.

And the only result, at the end, will most probably be the one of provoking more vendettas, more hatred, more violence, and more loss of life. Strengthening, instead of weakening terrorism.

Gideon Levy has not hesitated to point his finger against the responsible - Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak (“two of them are candidates for prime minister, the third is a candidate for criminal indictment”) - with words heavy like stones that no western journalist (and the lesser an Italian one) would have ever dared to pronounce: “If we will continue like this- has written from the columns of Haaretz - maybe one day a new, special court will be established in The Hague (the international Court for the war crimes)”.

All of this it is obviously procuring him threats and insults from his more fanatic compatriots. But it does not seem to care: “A evil spirit has descended on our nation. This is not my kind of patriotism. My patriotism is to criticize, to ask questions, the fundamental ones. This is not only the moment of uniforms and fanfare, but of humanity the compassion”.

The voice of Gideon Levy is the voice of the heart and of the reason, the voice of conscience.


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