Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Dog Has Mucus In Her Stool

colonies outlawed

Monday, June 1, 2009 [print version]
houses, roads and public buildings built without planning permission or on land the Palestinians. The investigation has 'aretz on Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Uri Blau, Haaretz, Israel

The UN set up an International Criminal Court (ICTI) against Israel
Type: Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
Description: This group is dedicated to obtaining a strong pressure and economic policy on Israel and is based on three simple actions that do require 5 minutes!
Israel is a country that has violated more UN resolutions, as many as 72 (as of September 2002)
Who wants to know more about this particular http://www.indicius.it/onu_israele.htm

Now I wonder because, if other countries violate UN resolutions, the embargo will apply to the use of force until the bitter end while Israel is becoming sheep?

The Nobel Prize for Peace, Mairead Maguire, wrote to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, the UN General Assembly to consider seriously the establishment of an International Criminal Court Israel (ICTI) as a result of the ongoing Israeli atrocities against the people of Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

the International Criminal Court may be established by the General Assembly of the United Nations as a "subsidiary organ" in accordance with Art. 22 of the UN Charter.
The purpose of the ICTI would be to investigate and prosecute suspected Israeli war criminals for damages against the Palestinian people.

because the UN does not? I leave to you the conclusions.
Well, what I propose to the participants of this group are three simple things:

1. Let alone the embargo on Israel boycott (not buying) your product, identified by code bar that starts with 729. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE ENORMOUS POWER! More info on

2. Send to the following addresses of officials and offices ONUpubboard@un.org
info.ece @ unece.org

the following email translated into English and Italian :_______________________________________________


Members of the UN, give yourself a woke up, instead of making timid appeals to the wind, set up an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) and begin to impose to enforce the embargo with your resolutions or other methods.
Worldwide hopes to soon see a strong and credible UN!


Members of A, and wake you up, just to announce INSTEAD shy appeals to the wind, institute an International Crime Tribunal Against Israel (ICTI) and start to RESPECT imposed the embargo with resolutions of yours or Any Other Way.
All the world hope to see soon a strong and credible UN.


That's it, if you really want to exaggerate mandategliela every day until exasperated.

If you find other email addresses UN to add write.

3. Send an invitation to this group to all your contacts!

NOTE: This group is not against Israel will against the Israeli people, but against a mindset based on war and the tacit consent to it.
Just four years ago, the Israeli defense ministry has decided to do something seemingly basic: create a comprehensive database of settlements in the Occupied Territories. The project was entrusted to Baruch Spiegel, a brigadier general of the reserve and aide of then Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz. For more than two years Spiegel and his collaborators (who have a commitment to privacy) have collected data in a systematic way, especially from the Civil Administration, the Israeli authorities that handles building permits in the West Bank. One of the main reasons
initiative was to finally get the information credible and accessible to use in legal proceedings brought by Palestinian citizens, organizations for the protection of human rights and leftist movements to demonstrate the illegality of settlements. These data, collected in a very meticulous, have been defined political dynamite. The Ministry of Defence, led by Ehud Barak, has firmly refused to make public. Their publication, they said, would undermine state security or damaged the international image of Israel.
This is the most comprehensive report ever compiled in Israel on the Occupied Territories. Ha'aretz recently they have entered held, bringing to light information that the state keeps hidden for years. Analyzing the data we find that in most of the settlements (about 75 per cent) the building works were carried out without the necessary licenses or in conflict with the licenses granted. From the database also shows that in more than 30 settlements have been built buildings and infrastructure (roads, schools, synagogues, rabbinical seminaries, and even police stations) on land belonging to Palestinian citizens residing in the West Bank.
The data do not refer only to the illegal outposts (which had occupied the attorney Talia Sasson in a report published in March 2005), but the historic core of settlements. Among them there are some old, founded by ideological motivations, like those of Alon Shvut, Ofra and Beit El The data concern some large settlements made for mainly economic reasons, as the town of Modi'in Illit ( founded in 1990 and now inhabited by about 36mila people) and that of Givat Ze'ev, just outside Jerusalem.
The information contained in the database do not coincide with the official government position. On the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for example, reads: "The actions of Israel concerning the use and allocation of land under its administration shall be exercised in strict compliance with international law. Israel confiscates private plots to establish settlements. "But the official analysis shows that it is the government itself is responsible for the planning of urban sprawl and lack of regulation in the construction of many settlements in the territories.
According to data from the Israeli Central Statistics Office in 2008 about 290mila Jews lived in the 120 official settlements in dozens of outposts throughout the West Bank were born after 1967. "Nothing has been done in secret," said Pinchas Wallerstein, director general of the Yesha council, the organization that represents the community of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and leading figure of the colonial project. "All construction projects have been carried out by the Israeli government." If the Palestinians were the owners of land occupied by settlements did cause, adds Wallerstein, and if the court agreed to open legal proceedings, these structures should be moved elsewhere. "In recent years this has always been our position," assures.
But making a tour of the settlements would not. There are entire neighborhoods built without a license or on land that belonged to Palestinians. In some cases they even municipal offices and police stations and fire departments.
In the vast and desolate parking lot of the settlement of Kochav Yaakov camper built like other on private land, a young married couple is going to the bus stop. Aharon, 21, and Elisheva, 19, grew up in the United States. They settled permanently in Israel only a few months ago, when Aaron has finished his military service for ultra-Orthodox Nahal unit. Despite this talk about a near-perfect Hebrew. When asked why they chose to live here, list - in that order - three reasons: it is near Jerusalem, is cheap and is located in the Occupied Territories.
They pay the monthly rental fee of 550 shekels (about 98 euro) to the Secretary of the settlement. As new migrants are still exempted from paying Arnon, the council tax. When I point out that his trailer is parked on a private plot, Aharon is not flustered. "What says the state does not care. In the Torah it says that the entire Land of Israel is ours. "
Although it has been more than two years since he left his official position, Baruch Spiegel remain loyal to the establishment. During our interview I repeated several times that his commitment to confidentiality prevents him from telling the details of the project. The half-truths

The database that has developed with his colleagues contains very detailed information, accompanied by aerial photographs and data collected by GIS, geographic information systems.
"It took two and a half years to realize this project," says Spiegel. "The goal was to create a database that accurately describe the type of land (including the legal standard), the boundaries between the sectors, the zoning people, government decisions and the lands of which ownership is not clear ".
"Now who is in possession of all this data?"
"The Civil Service, I suppose."
"Why, that was first assigned this project, there were no reports of this kind?"
"I do not know to what extent it was a priority for the government."
"Why do you think, the state shall not publish this data?"
"This is a confidential and complex topic, which involves various considerations, linked to political and security aspects. You should ask the officials responsible. "
" What are the reserved matters? "
" It is no secret that there have been violations. But the issue is complex. "
" There is also an image problem for the country? "
" I did not mind the image. I tried to understand the real situation in the Territories, which are the settlements legal, though there have been cases of private ownership of land Palestinians. Everything we've found we sent to the proper authorities. "
" Do you think this information should be public? "
" I think the easy part, the rule on jurisdiction, has already been published. But there are passages reserved. I can not say more because I am still under the constraint of confidentiality. "
According to Dror Etkes, former coordinator of the monitoring sites of Peace Now," the refusal to disclose this material is yet another example of how the state take advantage of its authority to reduce the information available to citizens. The aim is to avoid that in the opinion forming public positions intelligent and aware. "
After the first revelations on material collected by Spiegel, the Movement for Peace and freedom of information now requested the Ministry of Defence to publish the database, citing the law on freedom of information . But the government refused.
The database describes in detail all the settlements. For each is listed the number of residents, the type of organization (the urban community, local government, moshav, kibbutz or other), the membership association of population, the status of the land on which the settlement was built, the presence of any illegal outposts and the validity of construction projects. Under each heading are shown in red and data concerning the building works carried out without a license and their precise location in the settlement.

Ofra, Beit El and Elon Moreh
The database contains very interesting information on the setting of Ofra, founded in 1967 by the Zionist movement Gush Emunim. Recently, the Israeli NGO B'Tselem has published a document stating that many of the buildings of the settlement are situated on land owned by Palestinians, and therefore should be evacuated. The Yesha council said that the information reported by B'Tselem are "completely unfounded". But the information contained in the official database on Ofra clarify any doubt: "The settlement of Ofra fails to comply with valid building projects. Most of the buildings in this community located on private land register, so it lacks any legal basis. "
Even at Elon Moreh, a settlement known as the Occupied Territories, have been found illegal constructions. In June 1979, some Palestinian residents of the village of Rujib, southeast of Nablus, to submit a petition to the High Court of Justice on him to cancel the order of requisition of their land, which had been intended for the construction of the settlement. In the classroom, the Israeli government argued, as he always did at that time that the construction of the settlement was necessary for military needs, and that the requisition orders were therefore lawful.
But the court - based on the statements of the settlers of Elon Moreh, who had admitted that it was a temporary settlement for purposes of security - he ordered the army to evacuate the settlements and return the lands to their rightful owners. The Israeli authorities immediately found an alternative site to build the settlement. But in the new colony, "a large part of the construction work was carried out without detailed plans and approved, and some buildings have violated the right to private property." In response, the regional administration of Shomron, which also includes Elon Moreh, said that "all quarters of the settlement were designed by the state of Israel through the Ministry for Housing. The residents of Elon Moreh have not violated the rights of property. "
According to the database, including the settlement of Beit El was built" on land belonging to Palestinian residents, requirements for military purposes. " Here is the comment by Moshe Rosenbaum, head of local administration of Beit El, "The behavior of journalists like you does not help that the worst enemies of Israel." The seminar

Ron Nahman is the mayor of Ariel. In the last election was re-elected for a sixth term. Nahman denounced the blockade imposed on the construction work of Ariel and complains that he always had to lead the battles with the Civil Administration to obtain building permits. Although this settlement is mentioned in the database. In particular, there is talk of the college of Ariel: "The area on which it stands was not regulated by a city plan." It also explains that the institute is located on two separate parcels, and that the new plan has not yet been discussed. Nahman confirms this, but says that the issue of planning has been solved recently.
When we say there are dozens of settlements built in part on private land, does not seem surprised. Neither the surprising fact that three quarters of the settlements have been taken in building works which do not respect the original designs. "The complaints should not be directed to us, but the government," he says. "Small settlements were planned by the administration of rural buildings, which belongs to the Ministry of Housing, while larger ones dipondono detachments from the same district of the Ministry. In each case, therefore, is always on the government to authorize the settlements. According to the "Build your house," the state shall bear a share of the cost of construction, while the rest belongs to private. But it's all a gigantic bluff. Believe that I was to design the settlements? Not at all: they were Sharon, Peres, Rabin, Golda and Dayan. "
Most of the territories of the West Bank has not been admitted to Israel, then the foundation and building communities in places subject to different rules from those in force in Israel. Talia Sasson's report on illegal outposts, in part based on data collected by Baruch Spiegel, listed four requirements for the establishment of a new settlement in the territories: 1. The Israeli government must have decided to found the settlement. 2. The settlement area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction must be defined. 3. The site must have a detailed plan and approved. 4. The settlement must arise on public lands or on lands purchased by Israelis and registered in their name at the Land Registry.
According to the database, the authorization to plan and build in most of the settlements has been issued by the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and the Ministry of Housing. The WZO and the ministry have also allocated the land to other bodies, who later built the settlements, in some cases it was the office of the WZO settlement, in others of the ministry of housing, in others of 'Administration of rural buildings. In several cases, the settlements were built by the organization Zionist Gush Emunim.
From the database we find that on some land belonging to Palestinians have been built schools and religious institutions. How to Kinor David, in the southern part of the settlement of Ateret. Sign at the entrance of the institute stated that the seminar was prepared by the Amana Settlement Movement, by the local office of Mateh Binyamin settlements and the WZO. Even
colony on Michmash are similar notation: "Some neighborhoods were built on private land. At the center of the settlement, for example, there is a neighborhood made up entirely of mobile homes, which in practice has a religious school. "
Recently, in a winter afternoon, I saw a group of children playing. One of them wore a shirt with this phrase: "We will not forget and forgive." Not seen around teachers. A young woman who was carrying her newborn baby to the doctor stopped a moment to chat. He said he moved to Michmash from Ashkelon, because the husband's parents were among the founders of the settlement. He also said that is not going to send his son to religious school. But not because it sits on private land. Simply because it is not the kind of education she wants for him. "In any case," he added, "I do not think that it was built on private land. " According
Kobi Bleich, spokesman for the ministry of housing, "the ministry is in the subsidy settlements located in the Central Zone of priorities, respecting the provisions only of the Israeli government. The construction of buildings, however, is carried out by regional governments, but only after the prosecutor has examined whether the new district is part of a development plan approved. All the initiatives of the past, therefore, were in conformity with decisions of policy makers. "And Danny Poleg, spokesman for the Israeli police for the District Judea and Samaria (which make up the occupied West Bank), said:" The construction new police stations within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Security. It is to them that any questions should be placed. "
In response, the WZO has sent us a thick booklet. "The settlements in Judea and Samaria, as well as in Israel, was accompanied by the preparation of regional master plans," reads the brochure. "The realization of these plans have participated in committees of various government ministries directives, plus the civil administration and the municipal authorities. Our office has worked exclusively for the settlements on lands that have been assigned to the contract by the Civil Administration. And all the lands are were then reassigned as appropriate. "But the Civil Administration, which asked more than a month ago to comment on the database, has not yet responded.

Article published on International 795, May 15, 2009


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