Monday, September 28, 2009

Mexicanas Famosas Tirando

Gaza - Infopal

Repubblica.-In the Senate of the Italian and foreign press

For your information, and hoping that the Italian press decides (contrary to what was done during the recent event, "Let us break the siege on the Palestinian rights "held in Turin, September 18) to inform their readers, to inform you that:

Thursday, September 17 was delivered this open letter to the President of the Senate and the senators present, all others have then received by the postal service.
parties, movements, associations and individuals who share this call can subscribe by sending an email to:;
or write to: For the Common Good, Piaz.le Station 15, 44100 Ferrara - tel. / fax. 0532.52.148

President of the Senate,
senator of the Republic, we have registered with

surprise the news that the Senate approved a resolution calling for the release of an Israeli soldier, captured while taking part in a military operation ordered to "explore" a village Gazes.
surprising that this stance has not even mentioned the more than 11,000 (eleven thousand) Palestinians illegally abducted and detained by the army and the Israeli occupation authorities, knowing full well that among these are the President of the National Assembly (Parliament) and more than fifty mayors and political leaders, including 21 parliamentarians.
Relying on membership of the Senate to the Universal Charter of Human Rights and its independence and current senators wire from the pressures of the Zionist lobby, we call her and all the senators to be a place to remedy this "oversight", assuming a more just, balanced and dignified, in which you are asked to civil and military authorities in Israel:

• to respect the 72 (seventy) and the resolutions of the UN resolutions so far ignored;
• to end the military occupation and colonization of Palestine and the Golan Heights; •
to free Palestinian parliamentary colleagues who were kidnapped ; •
to release all the prisoners in jail for years without trial and guilty only of not liking the military occupation of their land;
• to shed light on organ trafficking taking place after the "accidental" deaths of prisoners.

Senatore Fernando Rossi of the XV Legislature
National Civic List For the Common Good

Mr. President of Italian Senate and Messrs. Senators,

We have learnt with great surprise That the Senate approved a settlement Requesting the release of an Israeli soldier, captured in action while patrolling a village Gazawi. We are astonished
Because this settlement did not even mention the 11,000 and more Palestinians kidnapped and illegally detained by the Israeli army and political governance, Being aware That in that lot we have also the president of the National Assembly (parliament) and more than fifty mayors and political managers, including 21 members of the parliament.
We rely on the Senate of the Republic supporting the universal declaration of human rights and its independence from the advocacy of the sionist lobbies so as to amend this guilty omission and shift towards a more balanced and dignified position asking the Israeli authorities to:
Comply with the 72 ONU resolutions and decisions which have been ignored until now;Put an end to the military occupation and the colonization of Palestine and Golan;Set free all colleagues members of the Palestinian parliament who have been kidnapped;Release all prisoners detained for years without a trial, whose only guilt Being hostile is to criticize and to the military occupation of Their Own Land; Shed light on the illegal traffic of human organs after "accidental" death of prisoners.

Fernando Rossi
of Senator XV Legislature
National Civil List for common good

parties, movements, associations and individuals who share this call can subscribe by sending an email to:;
or write to:
For the Common Good,
Piaz.le Station 15, 44100 Ferrara

tel. / fax. 0532.52.148
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They joined:
Fernando Rossi, Monia Benini, Elvio Arancio, Franco Verga, Gennaro Varriale, Gaspare Galati, Mary Andreotti, Rino Vaccaro, Paul Alexander, Louis Sertorius, Joe Fallisi, Peter Capper, Eurasia Project Coordination, Adele Dentice, Attilio Gabriele Turci, Luciana Gattone, Paola Usai, Gianluca Armstrong, David Zaccaria, Alessandra Colla Joseph Barna, Matthew Bifone, Breigheche Dr.Aboulkheir, Sebastian Cosenza, Manuela Braida, Vittorio Caroselli, Patrizia Dal Monte, Nadia Redoglia, Stefano Orena, Maria Emanuela Massari, Nibras Breigheche, Gianfranco Attanasio, Fabrizio Fulvio Fausto Vials, Lassa Anna Luisa, Vittorio Arrigoni, John Girotto, Dario French, Simone Paoletti

Gaza - Infopal -----------------
Gaza Strip, Israeli artillery fired on Housing: number of wounded.
Posted on 09/28/2009 in News

. This morning, several Palestinians were wounded following an Israeli bombing directed against Palestinian homes located east of al-Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza Strip.

Eyewitnesses reported that Israeli artillery stationed on the border of the Gaza Strip launched at least six missiles at the homes of Palestinian citizens east of the camp; one of these rockets exploded on the house of Abu Elias al-Masdar, injuring his son Jihad, 18, and the student Abir al-Masdar, aged 17, who was near the house.

Meanwhile, medical sources of the hospital, "al-Aqsa Martyrs" in the center of the Gaza Strip, said that two students arrived at the hospital for medical treatment as a result of wounds, media entities, resulting from the bombing Israelis, and some ambulances were directed to the bombed area to rescue any other injuries.

Israeli aggression coincided with a raid of several Israeli military vehicles in the eastern part of the refugee camp of al-Maghazi, occurred between rounds of gunfire and under intense air cover

Some eyewitnesses reported that the Palestinian resistance has faced Israeli forces penetrated the area and succeeded in launching several mortar shells and homemade rockets against Israeli military positions adjacent the Gaza Strip. Share


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