Friday, January 23, 2009

Wheat Gluten Substitute

the branches of willows by Salvatore Quasimodo

E come potevamo noi cantare
con il piede straniero sopra il cuore,
fra i morti abbandonati nelle piazze,
sull’erba dura di ghiaccio, al lamento lamb 's children, to' scream black mother who went to meet his son crucified on a telegraph pole?
the branches of willows, to vote, even our
harps were hung, swaying slightly to the sad wind


Sunday February 8, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF THERESA Scottish activist Theresa McDermott was "found" in Ramleh prison, four days after the Israeli authorities had classified as dispersed, in the aftermath humanitarian military assault ship to Lebanon to Gaza with a cargo of humanitarian aid. In early February Theresa replied to the request for international support from the organizers of a naval expedition humanitarian live in Gaza, on board the vessel flying the flag of Togo, "Those."
Theresa was only one of nine passengers on board the ship February 4th, 2009 was intercepted, boarded and hijacked by the Israeli Navy to the port of Ashdod, Israel.
All passengers and crew were released Thursday, Feb. 5, except Theresa.
Between Thursday night and Sunday morning was not disclosed any information on Theresa by the Israelis, if not the lie that had left for London.
Finally on Sunday, Theresa was able to contact his brother John in Scotland to tell him that he was locked in Ramleh Prison in Israel. According to journalist Salam Khodr
of AlJazeera, when the ship was boarded, the passengers were beaten and kicked and punched by Israeli soldiers (see .
No information was provided by Israeli officials about the arrest of Theresa, where and what are the charges against him and why his arrest was kept secret.
When the British consulate in Tel Aviv was contacted to help trace Theresa, the staff refused to cooperate, saying that they provide assistance to a British citizen only if the person being asked directly by them.
Some members of the Scottish Parliament, including Pauline McNeil and Hugh O 'Donnell, who were part of a humanitarian mission arrived in Gaza on board a vessel of Freegaza, the Dignity, are activated at the British government to ensure that Theresa receive due protection and assistance.
Theresa reached with the first shipment of Gaza Free Gaza in August and came back a second time with Dignity.
It has long been highly respected human rights activist who has worked with the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine and the Free Gaza Movement.
in Scotland working in a post office. The Israelis have found aboard the "They" only humanitarian aid but refused to return the ship, still sottosequestro. the fate of its humanitarian cargo is still unknown.
Jerusalem Contact: Lubna Masarwa (Hebrew, Arabic, English) 00 972 505 633 044, U.S.
Contact: Karin 310-399-1921 (English)

Free Gaza movement

The small Palestinian Gabriele Prignano

I bent over the child lying on a couch of mud and blood and I look and he looks, he says: I'm alone, have torn to the ground

what I had and now that is gone.
I answer, I know who did it, birds have flown lead
without wings, dull roar, the fire in my throat
have sucked your blood, my blood,
crumbled my heart, your heart.
He gets up, looks at me, hugs me
crying and tells me I'm afraid of flying too high
Here I say, he adds, that the sky
is already full of blood and frost
there will be a piece of land
for those who do not land here he?.
go with thee, I say, my dear who greeting

never understand why I left them.
us here is because I'm sick
disgusts me, makes me angry and
life is not worth shit, salt,
of horrific events, hunger,
of massacres, wars and dire
of people watching
still remains


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