Sunday, January 4, 2009

Letter Of Intention University Sample


Sunday, 4/1/2008

today heard the statement Gasparri in all editions of TG Once again I was ashamed of being Italian.

How can you even tolerate an attitude as hypocritical and disrespectful of human life and respect the rights of a million and half people in a narrow strip of land that is the Gaza Strip, starved, bombed and attacked without any way escape.

While around the world rise up and attack Israeli protests is called a genocide, members of our government simply to say "friends" that Israel is their sacred right to defend the holy land invasion by and the air strikes, if anything, if possible, to avoid attacks on civilians. As if they pretend to ignore this, that according to medical sources in Gaza, these attacks have resulted from the Dec. 27: 512 deaths - including 87 children - and about 2,500 wounded.

Today I tried in vain on the news and the web of what the real diplomacy is doing to resolve this crisis and I have summarized some information from the site of the loop.

Even the Pope has expressed strong determination to demand the cessation of the massacres, while the UN and the EU appear to be tangled up sbascicate half-sentences and without rhyme or reason.

Our government supports the farce of the legitimate right to self defense and asks only to spare civilians, go right ahead with panzer, while the opposition considers inadequate the government's position. Meanwhile around the world are making protests, but nothing is known of this, because the television did not report any images.

the end of this site you will find the link with pictures of events in Italy and around the world, taken from Site of ' Ansa.

Here is a summary of statements (any comment is superfluous)

Source ANSA (

CITY 'OF THE VATICAN - Stop, stop: Pope Benedict XVI pleaded today Israel and Hamas to put an "immediate end" to the "tragic" conflict in the Gaza Strip, and called for "justice and peace for the Holy Land. What the Pope's Sunday Angelus had to be exclusively dedicated to reflections on the Christian meaning of Christmas, often covered by the "noise" of the race for gifts and consumerism. The dramatic news from Gaza, the escalation war with the invasion of land by the Israeli army in Gaza inhabited by more than a million and half Palestinians, have imposed - and with a last minute decision agreed with the Vatican Secretariat of State - a different set of speech Ratzinger that was specifically aimed at "responsible for both sides, Israeli and Palestinian request to silence the guns.

UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations is almost irritating in their slowness and inability to reach a balance as possible and practical, and meetings at the UN Headquarters following a sleepy now liturgy that invariably ends with a veto of any and with no decision.

EU - The European Union confirms that a common foreign policy is no longer just a dream, but now seemingly unattainable utopia. Moreover, the 27 seem not to trust one of 'more research and - once again with words - a unique position seems an exercise in which a few people still believe. Certainly not new - Eurosceptic - in a few hours czech presidency has done its best to derail the good things done in the French presidency.

US-United States assisting silent and absent in the battle of Gaza with an outgoing president who has never really interested in the heart the Middle East problem, distracted by other wars (those in Iraq and Afghanistan) and another, the elected, who does not want to take a position, however, as it did for other issues like the economic crisis.

ARAB LEAGUE - The Arab League has been living out of time and space and thought mainly to internal balances and civil strife with the Sunni magggior its members who look with fear at the growth of Hamas in particular because they see this movement the tip of a possible expansion of the Shiite-led Iran.

The result of all this is that the diplomatic initiatives put up at this time to try to stop the war in Gaza do not seem have the strength and depth needed to arrive at the result, in order to force Israelis and Palestinians and cease hostilities. Surely, sooner or later, it will lead to a cease-fire of some kind, but the impression is that dictate the timing, once again, the two contenders will be in accordance with their particular interests and needs and not a pressure coordinated international, currently still very weak.

OPPOSITION - "particularly inappropriate". The trial of Walter Veltroni dry on the work of Foreign Minister Franco Frattini gave the floodgates to a new confrontation between the opposition and the majority, this time the attitude taken by the Italian government over the crisis in Gaza. A fight that the League's Calderoli branded as "dismal." The Secretary of the Democratic Party urged the government to move for an immediate cease-fire, calls for "an immediate, humanitarian aid to the civilian population" and because "the word back to the political."

THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT - Ready replication Frattini: "I would say that I see no contradiction between recognizing Israel's right to self-defense and at the same time say to Israel, friends, that attacks on people should be avoided absolutely innocent. "

"deep concern and apprehension about the fate of so many civilians innocent, "but to support Israel's right to self-defense after the" irresponsible and grave "breach of the truce by Hamas. Contacts open to assess the possibility of a meeting between the parties in Italy. This is the line of the Italian government also after the start of Israel's ground offensive in Gaza. E 'touched the Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, take stock of the situation through the Foreign Ministry a note indicating how the Italian diplomacy at this time is working for a cease-fire making public its willingness to host a meeting between the parties. A "forum for dialogue with the Arab League, Palestinian Authority and Israeli government to define together a path capable of isolating definitely extremism, "the statement said the Foreign Ministry.

Here are pictures of pro-Palestinian demonstrations against the attack and called genocide.




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