Monday, January 12, 2009

Pedestal Fan For Fitness Center

the truce



-Ban ki-Moon enters the Strip, is controversial

Gaza truce holds

seems to hold the truce in Gaza (if you except for some isolated incident) while continuing the gradual withdrawal of Israeli troops that could be completed with the entrance to the White House of Barack Obama or shortly thereafter.
---- The truce holds, it is now The war of words on the truce in Egypt hoping "Two Annapolis' Gaza cease-fire with Hamas

The Israeli army outposts leaves

Olmert: ceasefire, achievements

Israel truce hours.

Hamas refuses to be recorded on site are feelings of dismay and anger for the reactions of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in front of the ruins caused by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.

Ban Ki-moon, who was the first senior member of the international community to enter the seizure of power by force of the radical Islamist movement Hamas, wanted to see the extent of damage suffered by local people and visited the facilities of UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

But this raid reconnaissance did not like the Israeli government circles because it came as Gaza remains under Hamas government, for which an on-going international isolation.

Hamas rejects the conditions set by the Quartet to open a dialogue: renounce violence, recognize Israel and agreements it concluded with the Palestinians.

The Secretary-General has long lingered in front of a UN school in the fighting that has been hit by Israeli shells that have caused a massacre.

It has certainly not been silent:
"Those responsible for the bombing of UN buildings in Gaza will be held accountable."
Ban, then, that that is required "full investigation" and "full explanation" most serious incidents, so that they "do not ever happening again" anywhere in the world.

Moreover, Ban Ki-moon has also expressed a strong condemnation of the indiscriminate firing of rockets by Palestinian militants of Hamas against Israeli civilians in the south, where he visited the town of Sderot, calling them "appalling and unacceptable ' and in violation of fundamental humanitarian law.

According to the authorities in Gaza during the bombing of Operation Lead Time 5,000 houses were completely destroyed and 20 mosques and 16 ministry buildings. Other
20 thousand houses are damaged.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, blamed Hamas for the damage.

"Just Hamas - Olmert said Frattini - has full responsibility for that destruction and damage inflicted on the innocent." Meanwhile, Ban stressed the need to end the divisions between the Palestinians and urged Fatah and Hamas - the two main Palestinian organizations each other's enemies - "to come together within the legitimate Palestinian Authority."

Prime Minister Olmert, who last week received the Secretary-General, stressed that the international reconstruction effort in Gaza will be implemented so as to prevent Hamas he can get even the slightest legitimacy.

--------------- Panorama What will hold the fragile truce in Gaza? is the question that the protagonists of the last three weeks will make the Middle East crisis, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at the head of Hamas, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to European leaders who attended the summit in Sharm el Sheikh - Nicolas Sarkozy and Silvio Berlusconi, the front row, from Barack Obama to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
After Saturday, the Israeli government had announced a unilateral cease-fire and after that, yesterday, Hamas responded with a decision to declare a truce (for a week and conditioning the withdrawal of Israeli troops), the first formations of ' Star of David with the army began to leave the Strip.
But all the soldiers will come out?
And how long? Prime Minister Olmert, at a press conference of the Egyptian summit has merely stated that "if the cease-fire will prove to be stable, Israel will leave Gaza because he never had the intention to win her back. " What does this mean?
that the withdrawal will be part-time and complete only after the `Jerusalem will have had a reasonable certainty that Hamas launching Qassam rockets on southern Israel, told Herb Keinon, signature peak of the Jerusalem Post, a newspaper Israel's most prestigious. "We left the Strip in 2005 and we are not interested now stay longer than necessary. It will depend on Hamas. If we attack again, it is possible that our army to resume military operations. So I think for the next few days, our tanks remain in Gaza, in some areas as a deterrent against the rocket fire. "

The strategy of the government of Ehud Olmert is quite clear.
After 22 days of bombing, after more than 1,000 Palestinian deaths, after three weeks of daily trickle for the inhabitants of the cities of southern Israel, after international pressure for a cease-fire and a view of the settlement of Barack Obama, the Israeli government, with the support of the analysis of the intelligence services, considered to have reached most of the goals it had set before launching Operation Lead Time and decided to halt the offensive, but he left his soldiers inside the Strip, in so you can return immediately if necessary. The tanks will remain in some areas to convince the militants that Hamas would be counterproductive for them to continue to bombard the Negev.

"According to my information, the armed wing of the fundamentalist party has suffered a huge blow by the offensive of our security forces. The duration of the ceasefire, I repeat, is up to them, "says Herb Keinon.
"Our government has achieved good results with Operation Lead Time.
Perhaps it is not 100% successful in eliminating the threats posed by rockets, but the situation is much better than before.
And then, in my opinion, managed to get international support against Hamas before, perhaps, was missing. "

The cease-fire, if it is `maintained, will be the first step towards a comprehensive settlement of the crisis.
That could also pass through the deployment of an international peacekeeping force on the border between Gaza and Egypt. Silvio Berlusconi has already given the availability of the Italian carabinieri. But for now, this scenario seems far from done. "

For Israel, that's fine, but Hamas has always been contrary," says the analyst
the Jerusalem Post.
Who understands the internal dynamics of Israeli executive.
long, Keinon has the task of following Tzipi Livini.
he was writing in the last days of the divisions between, on one hand the other part of Olmert and his foreign minister, which is deployed next to the holder of the defense, the Labour leader Ehud Barak.
"We were focused and on the duration of the operation. Livni would have liked to finish it earlier, Olmert wanted to go on another few days.
But now, these tensions have been overcome after the declaration of unilateral ceasefire. "
Only the next day and the next moves of the actors will tell us how the ceasefire will hold.

Our mission brings crates of medicines Minister Frattini takes nine sick children ANTONELLA RAMPINO BORDER SHALOM (GAZA)
long horizon, slipping down from Jerusalem along the highway 232, to Be'er Sheva. Orchards, citrus groves as far as the eye, light green slopes dotted with cypress trees, "landscape familiar to you, eh," Herzog said the Israeli minister to the governor of Tuscany Martini, who is here to bring to the hospital with Frattini, Italy, 9 Palestinian children.
Then, at the junction to the Gaza Strip, something changes. Under the willows, a bunch of tanks on the right, left, the network of stations around the world, CNN, CBS, Al Jazeera, above. Ready to put into action, and each other. Further, only a few kilometers from the Kerem Shalom crossing, Israeli soldiers are encamped.
and other tanks, a hundred at least. We must change direction, and point to Tel-Aviv as we return to see trucks that bring home a tank, and reservists who are waiting for the bus, dragging their trolley.

War is not really over yet, Isak Herzog explains that he was Minister of Welfare and a member of the Cabinet crisis, and the withdrawal of tanks proceed "slowly," slowly, "we do not know how long it takes, especially if Iran Hamas still wants to rearm. " A Franco Frattini, The Italian minister who is making a lightning visit throughout the region that looks into the distance, a conference for the reconstruction of Palestine to be convened in Egypt for which it has already acquired via free-Israeli, Olmert said, "I would like the Our withdrew as soon as possible. " No one dares to hope for so much: the 232, in the Kerem, we hear three heavy mortar fire in succession, is that Hamas 'work' its launch in the direction of Sderot. And 'the reception, so to speak, to the Italian delegation, which brings four trucks of medicines (oxygen is not Italian, however, the cooperation has been buying back in Tel Aviv) and other kinds necessities, including electricity generators.
Kerem Shalom is the place where he was kidnapped on June 25, 2006, the soldier Shalit, and his release is a condition that Tzipi Livni has set yesterday for a lasting truce. Kerem Shalom crossing is the only one that Israel has always kept open, and to prove the defense ministry has focused two cameras, and put them on the net ( / pages / general / Maavar_Kerem_Shalom.asp). For

wait in line, forty trucks. Mattresses, milk, rice, potatoes, wheat, blankets, medical kits containing essential items. He let it pass, the captain swears Ami, blue cap and a long tail grizzled, a son lost to Hamas in the Gaza Strip in flames in 2006, 100-150 per day.
works like this: pass the truck at the checkpoint controls, are parked and rescreened with the wolf dog anti-explosive. Then you open the iron door of the high concrete wall. There we shall enter into military-controlled area and unloaded the goods, in an armored hangar, a sort of clearing house. The Israelis checked the whole load.
Then a door closes and another opens, that of the Palestinians. Everything is taken over by 'UNRWA, the UN agency specifically established by a resolution of 1949 and it takes just to distribute the aid, including financial, to the Palestinians.
"We do not give nothing to Hamas, Hamas is not that the aid is intended, "said Light, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But the point is that it is Hamas that controls Gaza and the Strip.

"And there, behind that wall armored, there are the Palestinians," says the captain Neccioni, one of four police mission EUBAM, yet settled in Ashkelon, inactive since Hamas seized Gaza, and today it would reactivate to re-open another crossing point, the Rafah crossing, than for the passage of people and goods.
A mission is always possible, even if the political conditions make it increasingly difficult for the company. Suffice it to say that it took Ban Ki-moon because the pass north to Erez, be reopened, and only for the UN delegation.
"Even the 9 children who are hospitalized in Italy, in Tuscany, have been there," said Elisabetta Belloni Italian cooperation.

But negotiations with the Israelis has been very difficult, and agreed only because it was not injured children in war, but of terminally ill children.


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