Wednesday, January 14, 2009

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Demonstration against the massacres Gaza Venice

Who went on Saturday afternoon in Venice has experienced an atmosphere of anger and sadness together. There was the usual party atmosphere that pervades the colorful events on the left. The colors were strong, blood and despair of the photos of the victims of the massacres that the Israeli army is doing in Gaza, performed with dignity and fortitude by the many Palestinians present.
It 's the first event in the province di Venezia contro il massacro che si sta svolgendo contro la popolazione palestinese. Fortemente voluta dalla comunità araba presente nel Veneto, è stata pensata a Venezia proprio perchè questa città ha sempre rappresentato per l'Europa una porta verso il medio oriente. Venezia città di pace che porta in se questo messaggio e che ha accolto più di 400 persone nonostante la temperatura rigida e le uova che un veneziano -filo israeliano- ha vigliaccamente tirato da una finestra, sulle teste dei partecipanti.
I disobbedienti, meno di una decina, bardati in assetto da rivolta (cappuccio e sciarpa), hanno tappezzato le mura ai bordi del percorso con dei manifesti che indicavano i nomi delle marche, invitavando al boicottaggio dei prodotti Israeli (something also shouted and demanded by many Palestinians present to the parade).

I must admit that apart from the shared content of the posters, which have attacked every 50 meters with commitment and methodology, their aggressive and threatening manner, threatened to undermine the peaceful demonstration, dismissing the request of the delegation of Palestinian Arabs that the departure had expressed a desire to make a peaceful demonstration.
In fact, several plainclothes police officers were busy and to take a closer look at young people in community centers, and nearly has an accident nearly occurred at the beginning and during the journey. The event was held, however, Despite this heavy presence of policemen in plain clothes, totally disinterested in the parade, but strongly attracted to the young disobedient, peacefully.
Departure at 15.00 from the deck of the new Constitution, after a brief stop in front of the RAI in Campo San Geremia and field in San Bartolome, arrived in Campo Santa Margherita after about two hours, where at the end there were some interventions that among other , announced a meeting on Monday 12 at the board of the district of Marghera, also sponsored by the Arab community of Venice.

The sense of this whole event is in solidarity (the only thing you can do) and in the strength and courage to resist that this people can draw, in spite of all the world, including diplomacy, have turned the other hand, it is important for them to know that in Italy there is someone who is indignant and protest, despite the misinformation and the coverage and mystification that the government is doing wire isareliano This appalling massacre.


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