Saturday, February 7, 2009

Subclavian Steal Syndrome In Layman's Terms

(Emperor) Berlusconi I, Ronde Valley, denunciation and attack the Constitution

cartoon from:

More things are happening in this first week of February.
The passer will not completely finished yet hypocritically inaugurated by the President (Emperor) Berlusconi I, who after all yesterday pontificate on the ethics of life and death and using the mystifying case of the human family Englaro to give the final blow to the our constitutional order, tomorrow will be around here with Galan and the whole gang to congratulate and autoincensarsi for the great work completed, with 276 days late. But We all know that it is not over yet and that these gentlemen have the rut of doing the farce of the ribbon-cutting ceremony to avoid paying penalties. Who cares of potential accidents and the lack of certainty that the artery is not yet served by the opening of the toll (only one open on 4) if there are additional environmental mitigation works promises to municipalities. Meanwhile
raining incessantly for the first time and we all hope that tomorrow morning to gray skies full of rain on the little head tarpaulin overthrow our beloved President, and that's ridiculous ruining the party.
But let's step back to the vicissitudes of parliamentary laws pseudo "racial" put in field from this majority.
addition to the justice reform laws were passed this week rules that relate to security. In this majority when it comes to safety in mind are the immigrants and then come up with something if not racist and reprimands patrols call doctors to report the immigrants who come to them for treatment if suspected of being illegal immigrants, complete with parliamentary law.

But the culmination of shame for this right and no more self-measurement is demonstrated sadistic taste nell'accanirsi Englaro that the family is trying to conclude the best way, authorized by a ruling of the Supreme Court, in the best way a-non- Eluana existence of his daughter. It is not enough
minister (Sacconi) with threats of retaliation "policies" to health facilities that become available to accept and follow the right-to-end, the poor Eluana, enlightened by faith (with the approval of the Vatican) the President (Emperor) I ° Berlusconi takes the field by stating that if the President refuses, as he did, to sign the decree suspending the ruling of the Supreme Court, which allows doctors to stop artificial feeding, will convene the parliament and will make a law in two or three days.
If anyone thinks the words of the President (Emperor) I ° Berlusconi gave himself with quote as the father, referring to the paternal feeling that inspires him to take a position as serious as that of distortion of the Constitution, correspond to the feelings of a good family man, you can be sure that it is wrong and big.
This gentleman did not think for a moment to use the event because they play for, because it relies heavily on feeling close to people's hearts, why do game pimp sanctimonious hypocrisy of the Catholic world / clerical, that that will be well disposed him. But what interests him is to create a serious precedent constitutional, and for that he used poor Eluana and his family, as a test media, without modesty and piety.
Once again we see a slow agony and barbarity of democracy in our country.

February 8, 2009


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