Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Georgia - Replace License When Turning 21


unleashed the armed attack in the Gaza Strip has upset me.

I can not stand the idea that a people that defines itself with inhuman ferocity is civil, proving that you can mystify and manipulate a specific period, a guilty silence and indifference world, attacking and bombing a people exhausted, isolated, hungry two years of embargo and closure of the crossings.

In a situation as unfortunate as that is going through the million and a half of us assembled in a patch of land along 41 km wide and 10.

Today in this country that I remember is the one with the world's highest population density (26,000 inhabitants per sq km) to a school with other attacks left 30 people dead and 50 wounded, the budget is now Day 11 of 635 war dead.

News that I found on the site Infopal I was very impressed and made angry.

Bombing schools and houses of civilians with the excuse that they want to uncover the Hamas leadership is the logic of this uncivilized and barbaric attack, but to do that Israel uses white phosphorous shells, I think the signal that this country has reached levels of brutality are unacceptable and unjustified barbarity.

I found this news site that carry full-Pal Info in its crude brevity

LONDON - Grave denunciation of the British newspaper The Times controIsraele. Ground offensive in the Gaza Strip the army would be using controversial white phosphorus shells. These are weapons that create thick smoke screens, but can also cause terrible burns. The same ammunition used by the U.S. in Iraq in November 2004 Falluja. The Geneva Treaty of 1980 states that white phosphorus "can not 'be used as a weapon of war
in areas populated by civilians." (Agr)

In these days of dramatic appeals to the truce and cease-fire, not only can search the Web for information have a correct understanding of the facts and directed that happen, and who looks in the various independent sites may find that not only in Fallujah in Iraq have been use these banned weapons, but to experience them on their skin are the same Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The altralombardia Source:

November 10, 2005, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz publish the article entitled "The IDF used phosphorous shells in training, against international law.

On 11 July 2006 Palestinian health minister accused the Israeli army of using banned weapons against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and calls on the international community and humanitarian organizations to send special commissions of inquiry on the use of these weapons. His accusations are based on the testimonies of doctors working in 22 hospitals in the Gaza Strip and stating that the wounds of the patients are unusual.

About 249 Palestinians have been wounded since the invasion of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army and the majority of injuries are caused by new and sophisticated projectiles causing amputation of limbs and internal burns.

When the projectile explodes into little pieces are like grains of sand coming from many quarters in and out of body expand, causing lacerations and internal bleeding. The X-ray examination does not reveal the presence of any sliver as it happens in the wounds caused by shrapnel, and the dead tissue is particularly extensive and in depth. This causes most cases of severe infections that leave no other choice but amputation of the injured party. The mortality is still high even after the amputations.


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