Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wedding Thank You Notesample Wording

Mahmud Darwish .......... ..........

ID Writing: I am an Arab; and the ninth will come after the summer.
you mind perhaps?
Writing: I am an Arab;
used with the companions of poverty in a quarry I have eight children

for which revenue from the rock
clothes and notebooks. I do not ask
charity at your doors
or humiliate me in front of the tiled steps.

you mind perhaps?
Writing: I am an Arab, a name without a title and
patient rest in a land where everything lives
impulse of fury.

My roots are still here,
before the birth of time before the opening of the eras

before the cypress trees, olive groves and
to grow grass.

My father ... descends from the family of the plow,
is not a child of the privileged lords,
my grandfather also was a farmer Neither well
grown, nor well-born!

taught me the pride of the sun
Before teaching the reading of books.

My house is the gatehouse of a guardian
made of copper and brown.

Are you satisfied with my position?
I have a name without a title!

Writing: I am an Arab;

coal-haired and brown eyed.

My description: a
Akal kufiyya covers on my head;
and the palm of his hand hard as a rock, scratching
who would dare to touch.

My address is:
an unarmed village ... forgot
streets without names.

Writing: I am an Arab;
you stole my grandparents
the vine and the land which I cultivated with my

without leaving anything to us or to our grandchildren ...

if these rocks.

E 'may be true that your state

take them ... as was rumored? Then

Write on top of the first page
"do not hate people
or attack anyone, but if I become hungry

the meat of the 'usurper
will be my food.

Warning! Beware of my wrath

and my hunger!

The life and work of Mahmoud Darwish

The life and work of Mahmoud Darwish
Taken from the text: "Poems of Palestinian Resistance "
Edition" Al Hikma "February 2003


Gaza is the home of the brave.
Brave because they have much to lose and do not want to lose him, even at the cost of their lives and the lives of those who would offer a burnt offering to the calf in molten lead. have lost the dignity that we have the pride that we have forgotten, have the hope that has abandoned us.
All this of course mixed with an ancient despair, however, has never been an obstacle but an incentive to do more and better.
This nation is surrounded by desert, the powerful and embraced by the rainforest of the solidarity of workers, women, students.

small ants in the end, that we support Palestine's right to exist, but tenacious ants, who have learned - about the hard way, because who has retained the ability to get angry - that memory can not be selective and that horrors of the past can not justify those that occurred today.


What Lorenzo Cremonesi of the Corriere della Sera " is the first report of an Italian journalist entered the Gaza Strip. And those who have eyes to look and see if he sees says: "at least 80 percent of the victims-we read in the Courier-piece are children, even toddlers, women, elderly. Here you are shooting at civil society without posing too many problems. "
Among the victims of Gaza: the blood and accusations
Travel arriving in Gaza from Egypt. Tales from the hospital, "especially affects civilians"

Yunis (Gaza Strip) - We go to the 14.00 bus from shabby Egyptian border crossing at Rafah. The atmosphere is very tense, throughout Israel the morning bombed the tunnels along the border. Fighters in the sky, the whistle, the outbreak, deep, terrifying. Some bombs fell a few meters from here, breaking windows of the terminal part of Egypt. The bus makes two of us. The other passenger is a Palestinian doctor who returns home. On the other hand, in "Hamasland," there are no armed guards, just a couple of bearded men with dusty brown clothes that speak to the walkie talkie. to leave the terminal you are moving in the ambulance: everyone, without distinction. The streets are empty. Only three old Mercedes four kilometers along the leading European hospital in the Palestinian area of \u200b\u200bRafah. Here is the region of the tunnel, the most affected by the Israelis. Who is sitting very far. Many houses are abandoned, some buildings are closed tight. Do you see however many carts pulled by mules, do not use gasoline (now costs a dollar and a half liter, three times a month old). Most shops are closed, but they say the schools here are open every morning and respite farmers return to work in the fields, even those most at risk. hospital entrance is accompanied by cries of choral "shahid, shahid" (martyr). Two reddened with blood and on stretchers two deaths. Men, young people, the brain leaking from the head. Some women dressed in black, his face uncovered, invoking Allah, they cry. When they see a Western journalist inveigh against Israel and its "Nazi crimes." Here are some wounded, at least six. One is still shaken by quakes. He also wounded in the head. The face is unrecognizable, the nose open, eyes wide.
Today, Israel has hit hard the villages of the South East, those who look to the Negev desert. Continually resonate the names of two places: Abasan and Kuza, respectively 25,000 and 16,000 inhabitants. "Practically all the victims of severe past twenty-four hours are from those two villages. Our hospital sends the most difficult cases to the hospital more important, "Nasser" in Khan Yunis, "says Kamal Mussa, managing director of the institute. Here, chaos reigns. The guards let in all the emergency room. Physicians appear professional, many of them have studied abroad in Cairo, but also in Italy, France and the United States. Not lack of medicines or equipment. Yet the crowd is too much, first aid it is submerged. "The Israelis have no humanity, shoot the pile, do not distinguish between soldiers and civilians, aimed at children, they fire on houses," cry the hardest hit members of the clans, and the Qodeh Argelah.
One thing seems clear, at least for the south of Gaza, there is malnutrition. Despite rising prices, the lack of some foodstuffs, the block system, no one in Gaza starving. "The situation is much worse in the large refugee camps further north, such as Jabaliah. But here in the south, the food is not lacking, "says Saber Sarafand doctor internist of 30 years. He and his fellow nurses, Mohammad Lafi, just back from a long course of improvement in the U.S., in New Orleans, are clearly of the moderates. They have little to do with the culture of holy war and Islamic fundamentalism propagated by Hamas. Indeed, looking with a certain discomfort in the long beards and uniform black guys that move in the lobby of acceptance. Yet they are convinced of a fact: 'It's true that Hamas broke the truce and has precipitated the beginning of December 27 fights. But Israel was taking us by the neck, they had no alternative. The facts are not even serious as targeted assassinations perpetrated by Israel even at the time of the truce. They are rather the seal Gaza as a big prison. The choice of Hamas was killed between being a slow fire, or quickly in the war. And they have rightly chosen the clash immediately, a cry to the world. And in so doing is capturing the hearts of the population. Hamas is now stronger than ever among our people. "
At seven in the evening darkness falls. There is no public lighting. The windows of the houses are close together. E 'then that ambulance brand new, just arrived from Egypt, provides a gateway to the central hospital in Khan Yunis. This journey into the darkest night you take less than twenty minutes. The streets are half empty, but the most populous in the afternoon. We see mostly young men, apparently unarmed. For the second half stops to pick a doctor who carries a child for four days. Nearby is a tiny shop that sells cooking gas cylinders. "They have become a rarity - says Amal, the Ambulanz -. Before they cost 35 Israeli shequel now exceed 400. " Thus one industry to seek firewood for cooking on the floor. The
"Nasser" is attended by hundreds of boys. Many lost time feel important to count the dead. But many others are clearly Hamas militants, who look with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity every Westerner who enters. It 's the managing director of the "Nasser," We'am Fares to provide the detailed figures of the war. On the wall behind his desk is a photo of Yasser Arafat and phrases from the Koran framed. All 350 hospital beds are occupied. "Just today we received 12 dead and 48 injured, aged between 13 and 75 years. From December 27 the dead that we were 680, treated the wounded 183, including all at least 35 percent are children under 14 years. "
seems rather difficult to find definite answers to the use of phosphorus bombs. The Israelis have been using them or not, you can see some wounded? "Of course I have used them, against all international conventions. Here at Khan Yunis we counted at least seven dead and 18 wounded, "they say in unison doctors and nurses. There is a problem however: "You can not see. All injured by phosphorous weapons have already been transferred abroad, especially in Egypt and Qatar. " It remains too vague Christophe Oberlin, a surgeon in Paris arrived 3 days ago on behalf of the French government: "I personally do not I've seen hurt by phosphorus and not really know if I could distinguish them from others wounded, not a doctor of war." But one thing is sure: "The Israelis say that only 30 percent of Palestinian casualties are civilians. This is a blatant lie, I am ready to testify before any international tribunal. The opposite is true: at least 80 percent of the victims are children, even toddlers, women, elderly. Here you are shooting at civil society without posing too many problems. And the wounds I've seen are horrible. Many patients die under the knife. " At about ten o'clock at night there's other ambulances loaded with wounded. A scene full of pain, relieved only by the big smile of Asthma, a 10 year old girl wounded in the chest, but speaking fast, almost cheerful, and promises that will be great university.

Lorenzo Cremonesi January 14, 2009


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