Monday, December 29, 2008

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Archbishop Tutu: "Israel's air raid on Gaza is a war crime"

Israeli shelling on Gaza - Photo

The Israeli air strikes on Gaza have all the characteristics of war crimes. " , said the Nobel Prize for Peace, Msgr. Desmond Tutu . "In the context of a total air supremacy, in which part of the war unfolds against lethal air forces adversaries who can not defend, assume all of the bombing war crimes "- said the Anglican Archbishop, according to which the military offensive" does not contribute to the security of Israel. "Archbishop Tutu has finally highlighted the responsibilities of international community and especially of world leaders "in the last 60 years have constantly failed with the people of Palestine and Israel."

Amnesty International denounces the Israeli offensive in Gaza that has already caused over 280 deaths the Palestinian population in one of the bloodiest attacks in the forty years of Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. "The use disproportionate use of force by Israel is illegal and liable to trigger violence Other details in the whole region "- the press reports of Amnesty . " Hundreds of unarmed civilians and police personnel who did not participate in hostilities are among the victims the Israeli bombardment "- adds the association. Amnesty also states that" the continued firing of rockets on Israeli towns and villages by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups - which according to the Association share the responsibility for the escalation of violence - are illegal and can not be justified. "The Association therefore calls on all parties to put an end to the attacks and the community International "intervene immediately to ensure that civilians trapped in the violence are protected and that the blockade of Gaza is removed."

"It is absolutely necessary to stop the bombing because they are already too many innocent victims. We condemn all violence: the rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, but today's bombing. So there will only further spiral of violence. We are saddened that yet Once that is the only language of weapons "- says Claudette Habash, director of Caritas Jerusalem in an appeal taken by the Italian Caritas which for years has supported the most vulnerable population in the Gaza Strip.

were numerous yesterday expressions of condemnation and protests in front of the Israeli embassy attacks and solidarity for the victims and for the tormented people of Gaza not only in the Arab world, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Yemen, but also in various European capitals including Stockholm, Copenhagen, London, Madrid, Istanbul, Rome and Milan in Milan - Misna agency reported - the protesters staged a march which started from Piazza San Babila, where banners have been linked anti -Israel, and has reached the Piazza Duomo, then praying for the victims of Gaza and for Peace in the knee.

The missionary news agency in the world highlights the comment of the pressure group Israeli peace " Gush Shalom (Peace Block) founded by former Israeli parliamentary Uri Avnery. In a statement released by e-mail pacifist the association states that "The war in Gaza, the bloodshed, killings, destruction and suffering on both sides of the border have the perverse folly of a bankrupt government. A government that is carried away by military adventurers, and a crude nationalist demagoguery and pointless in a destructive war that will not give solution to any problem, nor for the communities in southern Israel under a rain of missiles, nor the terrible poverty and suffering of Gaza under siege. The day after the war, will remain the same problems - with the addition of many bereaved families, injured and disabled for life and piles of rubble and destruction. "

" The escalation to war could and should be avoided "- continues the statement Gush Shalom. "To break the truce with Israel was the raid carried out in a tunnel on the night of the American elections two months ago. Since then the army has been accumulating with escalation of fire raids and targeted killings, each time firing rockets at Israel fell. The cycle of the massacre could and should be broken. The cease-fire can be restored immediately and on a more solid. It is right to demand an end to Israel's total rocket its territory and its citizens, but must put an end to all their attacks and death by starvation of one million and a half residents of Gaza, even stopping to interfere with the right of Palestinians to choose their leaders. The declaration of Ehud Barak that would suspend campaigning to focus on the offensive in Gaza is a joke. The war in Gaza is in itself the campaign of Barak, a cynical attempt to buy votes with the blood and suffering of Sderot and Netivot, Gaza and Beit Hanun. "

According to a survey of the Israeli commercial television, the ' 82% of Israelis have expressed support for the operation of 'lead time' and the Labour Party, of which Defense Minister Ehud Barak has been president since June 2007, would rise in the forecast for any seats in parliament from 11 to 16 - emphasizes the director of the Misna , Pietro Mariano Benni. [GB]



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