Friday, January 23, 2009

Wheat Gluten Substitute

the branches of willows by Salvatore Quasimodo

E come potevamo noi cantare
con il piede straniero sopra il cuore,
fra i morti abbandonati nelle piazze,
sull’erba dura di ghiaccio, al lamento lamb 's children, to' scream black mother who went to meet his son crucified on a telegraph pole?
the branches of willows, to vote, even our
harps were hung, swaying slightly to the sad wind


Sunday February 8, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF THERESA Scottish activist Theresa McDermott was "found" in Ramleh prison, four days after the Israeli authorities had classified as dispersed, in the aftermath humanitarian military assault ship to Lebanon to Gaza with a cargo of humanitarian aid. In early February Theresa replied to the request for international support from the organizers of a naval expedition humanitarian live in Gaza, on board the vessel flying the flag of Togo, "Those."
Theresa was only one of nine passengers on board the ship February 4th, 2009 was intercepted, boarded and hijacked by the Israeli Navy to the port of Ashdod, Israel.
All passengers and crew were released Thursday, Feb. 5, except Theresa.
Between Thursday night and Sunday morning was not disclosed any information on Theresa by the Israelis, if not the lie that had left for London.
Finally on Sunday, Theresa was able to contact his brother John in Scotland to tell him that he was locked in Ramleh Prison in Israel. According to journalist Salam Khodr
of AlJazeera, when the ship was boarded, the passengers were beaten and kicked and punched by Israeli soldiers (see .
No information was provided by Israeli officials about the arrest of Theresa, where and what are the charges against him and why his arrest was kept secret.
When the British consulate in Tel Aviv was contacted to help trace Theresa, the staff refused to cooperate, saying that they provide assistance to a British citizen only if the person being asked directly by them.
Some members of the Scottish Parliament, including Pauline McNeil and Hugh O 'Donnell, who were part of a humanitarian mission arrived in Gaza on board a vessel of Freegaza, the Dignity, are activated at the British government to ensure that Theresa receive due protection and assistance.
Theresa reached with the first shipment of Gaza Free Gaza in August and came back a second time with Dignity.
It has long been highly respected human rights activist who has worked with the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine and the Free Gaza Movement.
in Scotland working in a post office. The Israelis have found aboard the "They" only humanitarian aid but refused to return the ship, still sottosequestro. the fate of its humanitarian cargo is still unknown.
Jerusalem Contact: Lubna Masarwa (Hebrew, Arabic, English) 00 972 505 633 044, U.S.
Contact: Karin 310-399-1921 (English)

Free Gaza movement

The small Palestinian Gabriele Prignano

I bent over the child lying on a couch of mud and blood and I look and he looks, he says: I'm alone, have torn to the ground

what I had and now that is gone.
I answer, I know who did it, birds have flown lead
without wings, dull roar, the fire in my throat
have sucked your blood, my blood,
crumbled my heart, your heart.
He gets up, looks at me, hugs me
crying and tells me I'm afraid of flying too high
Here I say, he adds, that the sky
is already full of blood and frost
there will be a piece of land
for those who do not land here he?.
go with thee, I say, my dear who greeting

never understand why I left them.
us here is because I'm sick
disgusts me, makes me angry and
life is not worth shit, salt,
of horrific events, hunger,
of massacres, wars and dire
of people watching
still remains

Hunt The Kitchen Hazards

Attach indiscriminate Israeli Soldiers Killing in Gaza

Jerusalem - Sat Mar 21, 3:35 am ET AFP / File - Israeli soldiers sit on a hill on the border with the Gaza Strip as smoke billows from inside Gaza, Israeli troops invades Gaza Mideast Play Video Video: Bomb kills Fatah official
BBC Play Video Mideast Video:Israel 'broke ethics code' in Gaza Reuters Whenever concerns are expressed over civilian casualties inflicted in Israeli military operations, the country's generals and political leaders are quick to insist that theirs is the "world's most moral army. " That claim was challenged by human rights observers over Israel's recent offensive in Gaza, although such criticism is reflexively dismissed by Israel as driven by pro-Palestinian bias. But when the allegations of abuses come from Israeli soldiers involved in the fighting, they can't be as easily dismissed.

"I simply felt it was murder in cold blood, said the soldier who witnessed the scene, quoted in the daily Haaretz. He went on to explain sarcastically, "That's what is so nice, supposedly about Gaza. You see a person waking on a road... He doesn't have to be with a weapon, you don't have to identify him with anything and you can just shoot him. With us it was an old woman on whom I didn't see any weapon. The order was to take that woman out, the moment you see her."

After the anonymous soldiers' testimony was splashed across the media in Israel and abroad, the military police on Thursday said it would investigate the alleged killings. Their allegations renewed an ongoing debate between Israelis who defend the Gaza assault and those who say it failed to accomplish its goal of crippling Hamas, but stained Israel's reputation. On Friday, an Israeli Defense Forces spokesman dismissed claims of the gunning down of the mother and her two children as "heresay", but said that the account of the elderly woman's death was still being probed. But those were just two of the incidents alleged by the six soldiers.

Human rights investigators suggest that what the soldiers' allegations and eyewitness accounts from Gaza residents suggest is that, in an effort to maximize the safety of their own soldiers entering Gaza, Israeli commanders may have let their ethical standards slide. Retired general and former security chief Ami Ayalon concurs. The Gaza operation, says Ayalon, "compromised the I.D.F.'s ethos, which was once built on ethics, sacrifice. And today, after the Gaza offensive, it is based on force alone."

A soldier identified as Aviv from the Givati Brigade, one of Israel's elite combat units, reportedly described to the military cadets his inner conflict over obeying orders to use indiscriminate firepower while clearing out an eight-story apartment building. "We were supposed to ... burst through the lower door, start shooting inside and then ... I call this murder... in effect, we were supposed to go up floor by floor, and any person we identified, we were supposed to shoot. I initially asked myself: Where is the logic in this?"

Aviv explained that his commanders had blurred the boundaries between combatants and civilians: "From [the officers] above, they said it was permissible, because anyone who remained ...inside Gaza City was, in effect, incriminated, a terrorist, because they hadn't fled," Aviv alleged. "On one hand, they really don't have anywhere to flee to, but on the other hand [the officers] are telling us they hadn't fled so it's their fault." Faced with having to slay the 40 families cowering in the building, he was able to persuade his superiors to let him warn the tenants, giving them five minutes to leave or "get killed."

In the Israeli military offensive, 1,434 Palestinians, including 960 civilians, were killed, according to the Palestinian Human Rights Center in Gaza. Three Israeli civilians were killed in the course of the same operation, and 10 soldiers, four of them by friendly fire. The lopsided death toll, and the fact that so many civilians were killed, has drawn fierce criticism of Israel's by human rights agencies in Israel and abroad. And the consequences could extend from the political to the legal realm.

U.N. human rights envoy Falk said that Israel's apparent failure to distinguish between military targets and civilians could "constitute a war crime of the greatest magnitude under international law." He also said that rocket fire by Palestinian militants that indiscriminately targeted Israeli towns could also constitute a war crime, and urged the establishment of an independent commission to investigate the actions of both sides during the recent conflict. With mounting pressure at home and abroad to account for the high Palestinian civilian death toll in Gaza, Israel's claim to have "The World's Most moral army" is Likely to be subjected to the tests of evidence in the months ahead.

- With reporting by Aaron J. Klein / Tel Aviv

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bearded Dragon Legs Shock


A fire glossy wraps the night .. Mothers in
tired chants night
drown in white bottoms anguish
missing children and in fields Gia 'full of hay contentedly.

War rasa, fumes stagnate
Sirens raging fires huge upset.

suit and 'And the night still
' good thing 'Shoot the Moon

That there will be as far away and unreachable target
compresses and deflects the light sleep
without' dreams. Altera
round head and thin
Listen to the whispers night
Lumps voice of crying.

breviary for GAZA

cry on this ditch
never reached out of my hand to dig around

life has risen from the dead.

silence today for the fields
And the sky is clear with cirrus

just above the horizon and deep craters that mark
voids ..
small bodies contained
Like seeds to the ground Maybe one day

white phosphorus in the clouds

Among the small houses of Gaza
Disturbing shapes gaseous
stick to lean bodies and joint
Among sequences hands turned pale luminescence
Phosphorus planetary
Rocky argument the chemical
hurt womb
fragrant garlic dying
Deceptions and kill.


Hurry lonely soul transference in mind
Star Kilns
solid sparks flying between the crimson butterfly

And the deep breath of the giant
're the 'Empress Vate.

Soldiers march near the city
boots amphibians
approach given the land that has no salt
Mani red hooks shrapnel
backward and forward
Dense tension in those athletic bodies and treated
Kissing drunken lips
behind in the fields c ' and 'ruin Carcasses
iron symbols of art raw yarn
thorny but not more
fill the mazes of peace


Desolato in the periodic system
between lead and phosphorus
and atomic numbers and isotopes
I observe the ruins made of bodies buried

digital photos that appear to share elements
Petrified and wrapped in black plastic water vapor
lethal miasma
hidden in bags of cement still deadly
A tree just below the walls
Displays day
Still gas.



Corps warm skin
hot sun congealed in the hands of faith
Covered with algae serene
Gabbiani feathery and happy
enthroned on high libeccio
Beccanti chirps of birds
In echo of silver anchovies
hover clear skulls
Quell'osso between pink loose muscles and bruises

The globe of the eye in a vacuum
Fixing Drain between now opaque

rocks and asphalt mixtures of salt with blood
Dry white wheat on the day of
few dozen hands
slow down the calm rhythm Of the sea
show your back
bodies of fetuses are born in cradle dark waters

Gia 'dead time not given
The dance in the sea and' The moon caresses furious over

breaths etched on their faces. Go to a port

hot blue horizon where the shattered African
extreme step hatred
to poor migrants
thoughtful eyes
bodies wrapped in black skin thrown
sea \u200b\u200b
as hyacinths and fragrant white
floating cushions
hope for the oceans and seas in the silence of silent turquoise

waves at night.

then sunny and bones.


Clochard It 's a gray blanket quilt maybe some embroidery
printed floral shapes and colors faded unstitched
two shoes
emerge between a lamppost and a tall silver box
hisses the silence of the night chasing the wind
wrapped in waste paper reels lunar
caress her face turned to stone cold

joint property at that point
still as a statue of meat obitoriale
light as his eyes half closed and glazed


runs along the narrow enclosure having not
written on the great limestone plateau of Lampedusa
overwhelmed, anxious to say so
the vast group of dark eyes
kissed by an African sun rising
forearms and wrists, legs tired from rowing

cephalic vein swollen with grief
but free from
radiant center figuration seen through the false imprisonment
television on the paving
stony and arid
feet riot.


Silence Lampedusa Lampedusa

Tonight there's just silence

moved by waves that graze the dense features of migrants
dormant for a long effort in the morning to declare
shame! Among
blankets and bodies dumped

synthetic sponge mattresses and blankets large military
dreams that alternate with silent cries
or gush of liquid eyes

sobs and hugs
fleeting golden dawn light thin and fleeting light slowly illuminates
dry lips and never kissed ass

and 'blinding orphan of that place
accurate geography rocky coast of the sea
lazy pitching moves between Africa and Europe
flattened and heavy rocks
sunny even mirages
sediments in addition to basalts
back up the furnace
viscera flowing secretly funnel abysmal on that I would
the highest
deaf idiots screaming for those who close

Men shut themselves in detention centers

Naples January 31, 2009


History does not teach even those who once was the victim .... The Israelis have taken advantage of enough of these situations and now accuse the Palestinians of exploiting the images of dead children in their shots. ... This accusation is 'It would be ridiculous
IF IT WAS NOT ... Infamous.
The Israelis did what, cold
had planned to do, let us say frankly, unfortunately, the irony is that we
Italians are involved in the massacre .... in spite of ourselves.

I ask forgiveness from the Palestinians, and I disagree with those who go to Israel and Jewish cappelleto wearing, only for reasons of political expediency.

Nazi extermination, BUT WILL NOT IT TIME TO VISIT The possibility of ONE DAY,



an unarmed people die slowly .... Here's your eyes deep blacks look around, see only horror and death.
The memories are passed in this and

to mind watching the sun setting on the horizon, a sun
is dripping with blood, tears and blood
tears that flow from your eyes
and blood coming out of your veins ...
give me a sign that you're still alive
in the midst of a people of the living dead, trying in vain to live
crawling ..
but it is really dead, because
bombs and man have
took away her children better. My
and your heart full of blood
dims its beat ...
and a people so slowly dies.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wedding Thank You Notesample Wording

Mahmud Darwish .......... ..........

ID Writing: I am an Arab; and the ninth will come after the summer.
you mind perhaps?
Writing: I am an Arab;
used with the companions of poverty in a quarry I have eight children

for which revenue from the rock
clothes and notebooks. I do not ask
charity at your doors
or humiliate me in front of the tiled steps.

you mind perhaps?
Writing: I am an Arab, a name without a title and
patient rest in a land where everything lives
impulse of fury.

My roots are still here,
before the birth of time before the opening of the eras

before the cypress trees, olive groves and
to grow grass.

My father ... descends from the family of the plow,
is not a child of the privileged lords,
my grandfather also was a farmer Neither well
grown, nor well-born!

taught me the pride of the sun
Before teaching the reading of books.

My house is the gatehouse of a guardian
made of copper and brown.

Are you satisfied with my position?
I have a name without a title!

Writing: I am an Arab;

coal-haired and brown eyed.

My description: a
Akal kufiyya covers on my head;
and the palm of his hand hard as a rock, scratching
who would dare to touch.

My address is:
an unarmed village ... forgot
streets without names.

Writing: I am an Arab;
you stole my grandparents
the vine and the land which I cultivated with my

without leaving anything to us or to our grandchildren ...

if these rocks.

E 'may be true that your state

take them ... as was rumored? Then

Write on top of the first page
"do not hate people
or attack anyone, but if I become hungry

the meat of the 'usurper
will be my food.

Warning! Beware of my wrath

and my hunger!

The life and work of Mahmoud Darwish

The life and work of Mahmoud Darwish
Taken from the text: "Poems of Palestinian Resistance "
Edition" Al Hikma "February 2003


Gaza is the home of the brave.
Brave because they have much to lose and do not want to lose him, even at the cost of their lives and the lives of those who would offer a burnt offering to the calf in molten lead. have lost the dignity that we have the pride that we have forgotten, have the hope that has abandoned us.
All this of course mixed with an ancient despair, however, has never been an obstacle but an incentive to do more and better.
This nation is surrounded by desert, the powerful and embraced by the rainforest of the solidarity of workers, women, students.

small ants in the end, that we support Palestine's right to exist, but tenacious ants, who have learned - about the hard way, because who has retained the ability to get angry - that memory can not be selective and that horrors of the past can not justify those that occurred today.


What Lorenzo Cremonesi of the Corriere della Sera " is the first report of an Italian journalist entered the Gaza Strip. And those who have eyes to look and see if he sees says: "at least 80 percent of the victims-we read in the Courier-piece are children, even toddlers, women, elderly. Here you are shooting at civil society without posing too many problems. "
Among the victims of Gaza: the blood and accusations
Travel arriving in Gaza from Egypt. Tales from the hospital, "especially affects civilians"

Yunis (Gaza Strip) - We go to the 14.00 bus from shabby Egyptian border crossing at Rafah. The atmosphere is very tense, throughout Israel the morning bombed the tunnels along the border. Fighters in the sky, the whistle, the outbreak, deep, terrifying. Some bombs fell a few meters from here, breaking windows of the terminal part of Egypt. The bus makes two of us. The other passenger is a Palestinian doctor who returns home. On the other hand, in "Hamasland," there are no armed guards, just a couple of bearded men with dusty brown clothes that speak to the walkie talkie. to leave the terminal you are moving in the ambulance: everyone, without distinction. The streets are empty. Only three old Mercedes four kilometers along the leading European hospital in the Palestinian area of \u200b\u200bRafah. Here is the region of the tunnel, the most affected by the Israelis. Who is sitting very far. Many houses are abandoned, some buildings are closed tight. Do you see however many carts pulled by mules, do not use gasoline (now costs a dollar and a half liter, three times a month old). Most shops are closed, but they say the schools here are open every morning and respite farmers return to work in the fields, even those most at risk. hospital entrance is accompanied by cries of choral "shahid, shahid" (martyr). Two reddened with blood and on stretchers two deaths. Men, young people, the brain leaking from the head. Some women dressed in black, his face uncovered, invoking Allah, they cry. When they see a Western journalist inveigh against Israel and its "Nazi crimes." Here are some wounded, at least six. One is still shaken by quakes. He also wounded in the head. The face is unrecognizable, the nose open, eyes wide.
Today, Israel has hit hard the villages of the South East, those who look to the Negev desert. Continually resonate the names of two places: Abasan and Kuza, respectively 25,000 and 16,000 inhabitants. "Practically all the victims of severe past twenty-four hours are from those two villages. Our hospital sends the most difficult cases to the hospital more important, "Nasser" in Khan Yunis, "says Kamal Mussa, managing director of the institute. Here, chaos reigns. The guards let in all the emergency room. Physicians appear professional, many of them have studied abroad in Cairo, but also in Italy, France and the United States. Not lack of medicines or equipment. Yet the crowd is too much, first aid it is submerged. "The Israelis have no humanity, shoot the pile, do not distinguish between soldiers and civilians, aimed at children, they fire on houses," cry the hardest hit members of the clans, and the Qodeh Argelah.
One thing seems clear, at least for the south of Gaza, there is malnutrition. Despite rising prices, the lack of some foodstuffs, the block system, no one in Gaza starving. "The situation is much worse in the large refugee camps further north, such as Jabaliah. But here in the south, the food is not lacking, "says Saber Sarafand doctor internist of 30 years. He and his fellow nurses, Mohammad Lafi, just back from a long course of improvement in the U.S., in New Orleans, are clearly of the moderates. They have little to do with the culture of holy war and Islamic fundamentalism propagated by Hamas. Indeed, looking with a certain discomfort in the long beards and uniform black guys that move in the lobby of acceptance. Yet they are convinced of a fact: 'It's true that Hamas broke the truce and has precipitated the beginning of December 27 fights. But Israel was taking us by the neck, they had no alternative. The facts are not even serious as targeted assassinations perpetrated by Israel even at the time of the truce. They are rather the seal Gaza as a big prison. The choice of Hamas was killed between being a slow fire, or quickly in the war. And they have rightly chosen the clash immediately, a cry to the world. And in so doing is capturing the hearts of the population. Hamas is now stronger than ever among our people. "
At seven in the evening darkness falls. There is no public lighting. The windows of the houses are close together. E 'then that ambulance brand new, just arrived from Egypt, provides a gateway to the central hospital in Khan Yunis. This journey into the darkest night you take less than twenty minutes. The streets are half empty, but the most populous in the afternoon. We see mostly young men, apparently unarmed. For the second half stops to pick a doctor who carries a child for four days. Nearby is a tiny shop that sells cooking gas cylinders. "They have become a rarity - says Amal, the Ambulanz -. Before they cost 35 Israeli shequel now exceed 400. " Thus one industry to seek firewood for cooking on the floor. The
"Nasser" is attended by hundreds of boys. Many lost time feel important to count the dead. But many others are clearly Hamas militants, who look with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity every Westerner who enters. It 's the managing director of the "Nasser," We'am Fares to provide the detailed figures of the war. On the wall behind his desk is a photo of Yasser Arafat and phrases from the Koran framed. All 350 hospital beds are occupied. "Just today we received 12 dead and 48 injured, aged between 13 and 75 years. From December 27 the dead that we were 680, treated the wounded 183, including all at least 35 percent are children under 14 years. "
seems rather difficult to find definite answers to the use of phosphorus bombs. The Israelis have been using them or not, you can see some wounded? "Of course I have used them, against all international conventions. Here at Khan Yunis we counted at least seven dead and 18 wounded, "they say in unison doctors and nurses. There is a problem however: "You can not see. All injured by phosphorous weapons have already been transferred abroad, especially in Egypt and Qatar. " It remains too vague Christophe Oberlin, a surgeon in Paris arrived 3 days ago on behalf of the French government: "I personally do not I've seen hurt by phosphorus and not really know if I could distinguish them from others wounded, not a doctor of war." But one thing is sure: "The Israelis say that only 30 percent of Palestinian casualties are civilians. This is a blatant lie, I am ready to testify before any international tribunal. The opposite is true: at least 80 percent of the victims are children, even toddlers, women, elderly. Here you are shooting at civil society without posing too many problems. And the wounds I've seen are horrible. Many patients die under the knife. " At about ten o'clock at night there's other ambulances loaded with wounded. A scene full of pain, relieved only by the big smile of Asthma, a 10 year old girl wounded in the chest, but speaking fast, almost cheerful, and promises that will be great university.

Lorenzo Cremonesi January 14, 2009

Find Series Subtitles English

Demonstration against the massacres Gaza Venice

Who went on Saturday afternoon in Venice has experienced an atmosphere of anger and sadness together. There was the usual party atmosphere that pervades the colorful events on the left. The colors were strong, blood and despair of the photos of the victims of the massacres that the Israeli army is doing in Gaza, performed with dignity and fortitude by the many Palestinians present.
It 's the first event in the province di Venezia contro il massacro che si sta svolgendo contro la popolazione palestinese. Fortemente voluta dalla comunità araba presente nel Veneto, è stata pensata a Venezia proprio perchè questa città ha sempre rappresentato per l'Europa una porta verso il medio oriente. Venezia città di pace che porta in se questo messaggio e che ha accolto più di 400 persone nonostante la temperatura rigida e le uova che un veneziano -filo israeliano- ha vigliaccamente tirato da una finestra, sulle teste dei partecipanti.
I disobbedienti, meno di una decina, bardati in assetto da rivolta (cappuccio e sciarpa), hanno tappezzato le mura ai bordi del percorso con dei manifesti che indicavano i nomi delle marche, invitavando al boicottaggio dei prodotti Israeli (something also shouted and demanded by many Palestinians present to the parade).

I must admit that apart from the shared content of the posters, which have attacked every 50 meters with commitment and methodology, their aggressive and threatening manner, threatened to undermine the peaceful demonstration, dismissing the request of the delegation of Palestinian Arabs that the departure had expressed a desire to make a peaceful demonstration.
In fact, several plainclothes police officers were busy and to take a closer look at young people in community centers, and nearly has an accident nearly occurred at the beginning and during the journey. The event was held, however, Despite this heavy presence of policemen in plain clothes, totally disinterested in the parade, but strongly attracted to the young disobedient, peacefully.
Departure at 15.00 from the deck of the new Constitution, after a brief stop in front of the RAI in Campo San Geremia and field in San Bartolome, arrived in Campo Santa Margherita after about two hours, where at the end there were some interventions that among other , announced a meeting on Monday 12 at the board of the district of Marghera, also sponsored by the Arab community of Venice.

The sense of this whole event is in solidarity (the only thing you can do) and in the strength and courage to resist that this people can draw, in spite of all the world, including diplomacy, have turned the other hand, it is important for them to know that in Italy there is someone who is indignant and protest, despite the misinformation and the coverage and mystification that the government is doing wire isareliano This appalling massacre.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pedestal Fan For Fitness Center

the truce



-Ban ki-Moon enters the Strip, is controversial

Gaza truce holds

seems to hold the truce in Gaza (if you except for some isolated incident) while continuing the gradual withdrawal of Israeli troops that could be completed with the entrance to the White House of Barack Obama or shortly thereafter.
---- The truce holds, it is now The war of words on the truce in Egypt hoping "Two Annapolis' Gaza cease-fire with Hamas

The Israeli army outposts leaves

Olmert: ceasefire, achievements

Israel truce hours.

Hamas refuses to be recorded on site are feelings of dismay and anger for the reactions of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in front of the ruins caused by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.

Ban Ki-moon, who was the first senior member of the international community to enter the seizure of power by force of the radical Islamist movement Hamas, wanted to see the extent of damage suffered by local people and visited the facilities of UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

But this raid reconnaissance did not like the Israeli government circles because it came as Gaza remains under Hamas government, for which an on-going international isolation.

Hamas rejects the conditions set by the Quartet to open a dialogue: renounce violence, recognize Israel and agreements it concluded with the Palestinians.

The Secretary-General has long lingered in front of a UN school in the fighting that has been hit by Israeli shells that have caused a massacre.

It has certainly not been silent:
"Those responsible for the bombing of UN buildings in Gaza will be held accountable."
Ban, then, that that is required "full investigation" and "full explanation" most serious incidents, so that they "do not ever happening again" anywhere in the world.

Moreover, Ban Ki-moon has also expressed a strong condemnation of the indiscriminate firing of rockets by Palestinian militants of Hamas against Israeli civilians in the south, where he visited the town of Sderot, calling them "appalling and unacceptable ' and in violation of fundamental humanitarian law.

According to the authorities in Gaza during the bombing of Operation Lead Time 5,000 houses were completely destroyed and 20 mosques and 16 ministry buildings. Other
20 thousand houses are damaged.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, blamed Hamas for the damage.

"Just Hamas - Olmert said Frattini - has full responsibility for that destruction and damage inflicted on the innocent." Meanwhile, Ban stressed the need to end the divisions between the Palestinians and urged Fatah and Hamas - the two main Palestinian organizations each other's enemies - "to come together within the legitimate Palestinian Authority."

Prime Minister Olmert, who last week received the Secretary-General, stressed that the international reconstruction effort in Gaza will be implemented so as to prevent Hamas he can get even the slightest legitimacy.

--------------- Panorama What will hold the fragile truce in Gaza? is the question that the protagonists of the last three weeks will make the Middle East crisis, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at the head of Hamas, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to European leaders who attended the summit in Sharm el Sheikh - Nicolas Sarkozy and Silvio Berlusconi, the front row, from Barack Obama to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
After Saturday, the Israeli government had announced a unilateral cease-fire and after that, yesterday, Hamas responded with a decision to declare a truce (for a week and conditioning the withdrawal of Israeli troops), the first formations of ' Star of David with the army began to leave the Strip.
But all the soldiers will come out?
And how long? Prime Minister Olmert, at a press conference of the Egyptian summit has merely stated that "if the cease-fire will prove to be stable, Israel will leave Gaza because he never had the intention to win her back. " What does this mean?
that the withdrawal will be part-time and complete only after the `Jerusalem will have had a reasonable certainty that Hamas launching Qassam rockets on southern Israel, told Herb Keinon, signature peak of the Jerusalem Post, a newspaper Israel's most prestigious. "We left the Strip in 2005 and we are not interested now stay longer than necessary. It will depend on Hamas. If we attack again, it is possible that our army to resume military operations. So I think for the next few days, our tanks remain in Gaza, in some areas as a deterrent against the rocket fire. "

The strategy of the government of Ehud Olmert is quite clear.
After 22 days of bombing, after more than 1,000 Palestinian deaths, after three weeks of daily trickle for the inhabitants of the cities of southern Israel, after international pressure for a cease-fire and a view of the settlement of Barack Obama, the Israeli government, with the support of the analysis of the intelligence services, considered to have reached most of the goals it had set before launching Operation Lead Time and decided to halt the offensive, but he left his soldiers inside the Strip, in so you can return immediately if necessary. The tanks will remain in some areas to convince the militants that Hamas would be counterproductive for them to continue to bombard the Negev.

"According to my information, the armed wing of the fundamentalist party has suffered a huge blow by the offensive of our security forces. The duration of the ceasefire, I repeat, is up to them, "says Herb Keinon.
"Our government has achieved good results with Operation Lead Time.
Perhaps it is not 100% successful in eliminating the threats posed by rockets, but the situation is much better than before.
And then, in my opinion, managed to get international support against Hamas before, perhaps, was missing. "

The cease-fire, if it is `maintained, will be the first step towards a comprehensive settlement of the crisis.
That could also pass through the deployment of an international peacekeeping force on the border between Gaza and Egypt. Silvio Berlusconi has already given the availability of the Italian carabinieri. But for now, this scenario seems far from done. "

For Israel, that's fine, but Hamas has always been contrary," says the analyst
the Jerusalem Post.
Who understands the internal dynamics of Israeli executive.
long, Keinon has the task of following Tzipi Livini.
he was writing in the last days of the divisions between, on one hand the other part of Olmert and his foreign minister, which is deployed next to the holder of the defense, the Labour leader Ehud Barak.
"We were focused and on the duration of the operation. Livni would have liked to finish it earlier, Olmert wanted to go on another few days.
But now, these tensions have been overcome after the declaration of unilateral ceasefire. "
Only the next day and the next moves of the actors will tell us how the ceasefire will hold.

Our mission brings crates of medicines Minister Frattini takes nine sick children ANTONELLA RAMPINO BORDER SHALOM (GAZA)
long horizon, slipping down from Jerusalem along the highway 232, to Be'er Sheva. Orchards, citrus groves as far as the eye, light green slopes dotted with cypress trees, "landscape familiar to you, eh," Herzog said the Israeli minister to the governor of Tuscany Martini, who is here to bring to the hospital with Frattini, Italy, 9 Palestinian children.
Then, at the junction to the Gaza Strip, something changes. Under the willows, a bunch of tanks on the right, left, the network of stations around the world, CNN, CBS, Al Jazeera, above. Ready to put into action, and each other. Further, only a few kilometers from the Kerem Shalom crossing, Israeli soldiers are encamped.
and other tanks, a hundred at least. We must change direction, and point to Tel-Aviv as we return to see trucks that bring home a tank, and reservists who are waiting for the bus, dragging their trolley.

War is not really over yet, Isak Herzog explains that he was Minister of Welfare and a member of the Cabinet crisis, and the withdrawal of tanks proceed "slowly," slowly, "we do not know how long it takes, especially if Iran Hamas still wants to rearm. " A Franco Frattini, The Italian minister who is making a lightning visit throughout the region that looks into the distance, a conference for the reconstruction of Palestine to be convened in Egypt for which it has already acquired via free-Israeli, Olmert said, "I would like the Our withdrew as soon as possible. " No one dares to hope for so much: the 232, in the Kerem, we hear three heavy mortar fire in succession, is that Hamas 'work' its launch in the direction of Sderot. And 'the reception, so to speak, to the Italian delegation, which brings four trucks of medicines (oxygen is not Italian, however, the cooperation has been buying back in Tel Aviv) and other kinds necessities, including electricity generators.
Kerem Shalom is the place where he was kidnapped on June 25, 2006, the soldier Shalit, and his release is a condition that Tzipi Livni has set yesterday for a lasting truce. Kerem Shalom crossing is the only one that Israel has always kept open, and to prove the defense ministry has focused two cameras, and put them on the net ( / pages / general / Maavar_Kerem_Shalom.asp). For

wait in line, forty trucks. Mattresses, milk, rice, potatoes, wheat, blankets, medical kits containing essential items. He let it pass, the captain swears Ami, blue cap and a long tail grizzled, a son lost to Hamas in the Gaza Strip in flames in 2006, 100-150 per day.
works like this: pass the truck at the checkpoint controls, are parked and rescreened with the wolf dog anti-explosive. Then you open the iron door of the high concrete wall. There we shall enter into military-controlled area and unloaded the goods, in an armored hangar, a sort of clearing house. The Israelis checked the whole load.
Then a door closes and another opens, that of the Palestinians. Everything is taken over by 'UNRWA, the UN agency specifically established by a resolution of 1949 and it takes just to distribute the aid, including financial, to the Palestinians.
"We do not give nothing to Hamas, Hamas is not that the aid is intended, "said Light, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But the point is that it is Hamas that controls Gaza and the Strip.

"And there, behind that wall armored, there are the Palestinians," says the captain Neccioni, one of four police mission EUBAM, yet settled in Ashkelon, inactive since Hamas seized Gaza, and today it would reactivate to re-open another crossing point, the Rafah crossing, than for the passage of people and goods.
A mission is always possible, even if the political conditions make it increasingly difficult for the company. Suffice it to say that it took Ban Ki-moon because the pass north to Erez, be reopened, and only for the UN delegation.
"Even the 9 children who are hospitalized in Italy, in Tuscany, have been there," said Elisabetta Belloni Italian cooperation.

But negotiations with the Israelis has been very difficult, and agreed only because it was not injured children in war, but of terminally ill children.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Georgia - Replace License When Turning 21


unleashed the armed attack in the Gaza Strip has upset me.

I can not stand the idea that a people that defines itself with inhuman ferocity is civil, proving that you can mystify and manipulate a specific period, a guilty silence and indifference world, attacking and bombing a people exhausted, isolated, hungry two years of embargo and closure of the crossings.

In a situation as unfortunate as that is going through the million and a half of us assembled in a patch of land along 41 km wide and 10.

Today in this country that I remember is the one with the world's highest population density (26,000 inhabitants per sq km) to a school with other attacks left 30 people dead and 50 wounded, the budget is now Day 11 of 635 war dead.

News that I found on the site Infopal I was very impressed and made angry.

Bombing schools and houses of civilians with the excuse that they want to uncover the Hamas leadership is the logic of this uncivilized and barbaric attack, but to do that Israel uses white phosphorous shells, I think the signal that this country has reached levels of brutality are unacceptable and unjustified barbarity.

I found this news site that carry full-Pal Info in its crude brevity

LONDON - Grave denunciation of the British newspaper The Times controIsraele. Ground offensive in the Gaza Strip the army would be using controversial white phosphorus shells. These are weapons that create thick smoke screens, but can also cause terrible burns. The same ammunition used by the U.S. in Iraq in November 2004 Falluja. The Geneva Treaty of 1980 states that white phosphorus "can not 'be used as a weapon of war
in areas populated by civilians." (Agr)

In these days of dramatic appeals to the truce and cease-fire, not only can search the Web for information have a correct understanding of the facts and directed that happen, and who looks in the various independent sites may find that not only in Fallujah in Iraq have been use these banned weapons, but to experience them on their skin are the same Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The altralombardia Source:

November 10, 2005, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz publish the article entitled "The IDF used phosphorous shells in training, against international law.

On 11 July 2006 Palestinian health minister accused the Israeli army of using banned weapons against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and calls on the international community and humanitarian organizations to send special commissions of inquiry on the use of these weapons. His accusations are based on the testimonies of doctors working in 22 hospitals in the Gaza Strip and stating that the wounds of the patients are unusual.

About 249 Palestinians have been wounded since the invasion of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army and the majority of injuries are caused by new and sophisticated projectiles causing amputation of limbs and internal burns.

When the projectile explodes into little pieces are like grains of sand coming from many quarters in and out of body expand, causing lacerations and internal bleeding. The X-ray examination does not reveal the presence of any sliver as it happens in the wounds caused by shrapnel, and the dead tissue is particularly extensive and in depth. This causes most cases of severe infections that leave no other choice but amputation of the injured party. The mortality is still high even after the amputations.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Letter Of Intention University Sample


Sunday, 4/1/2008

today heard the statement Gasparri in all editions of TG Once again I was ashamed of being Italian.

How can you even tolerate an attitude as hypocritical and disrespectful of human life and respect the rights of a million and half people in a narrow strip of land that is the Gaza Strip, starved, bombed and attacked without any way escape.

While around the world rise up and attack Israeli protests is called a genocide, members of our government simply to say "friends" that Israel is their sacred right to defend the holy land invasion by and the air strikes, if anything, if possible, to avoid attacks on civilians. As if they pretend to ignore this, that according to medical sources in Gaza, these attacks have resulted from the Dec. 27: 512 deaths - including 87 children - and about 2,500 wounded.

Today I tried in vain on the news and the web of what the real diplomacy is doing to resolve this crisis and I have summarized some information from the site of the loop.

Even the Pope has expressed strong determination to demand the cessation of the massacres, while the UN and the EU appear to be tangled up sbascicate half-sentences and without rhyme or reason.

Our government supports the farce of the legitimate right to self defense and asks only to spare civilians, go right ahead with panzer, while the opposition considers inadequate the government's position. Meanwhile around the world are making protests, but nothing is known of this, because the television did not report any images.

the end of this site you will find the link with pictures of events in Italy and around the world, taken from Site of ' Ansa.

Here is a summary of statements (any comment is superfluous)

Source ANSA (

CITY 'OF THE VATICAN - Stop, stop: Pope Benedict XVI pleaded today Israel and Hamas to put an "immediate end" to the "tragic" conflict in the Gaza Strip, and called for "justice and peace for the Holy Land. What the Pope's Sunday Angelus had to be exclusively dedicated to reflections on the Christian meaning of Christmas, often covered by the "noise" of the race for gifts and consumerism. The dramatic news from Gaza, the escalation war with the invasion of land by the Israeli army in Gaza inhabited by more than a million and half Palestinians, have imposed - and with a last minute decision agreed with the Vatican Secretariat of State - a different set of speech Ratzinger that was specifically aimed at "responsible for both sides, Israeli and Palestinian request to silence the guns.

UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations is almost irritating in their slowness and inability to reach a balance as possible and practical, and meetings at the UN Headquarters following a sleepy now liturgy that invariably ends with a veto of any and with no decision.

EU - The European Union confirms that a common foreign policy is no longer just a dream, but now seemingly unattainable utopia. Moreover, the 27 seem not to trust one of 'more research and - once again with words - a unique position seems an exercise in which a few people still believe. Certainly not new - Eurosceptic - in a few hours czech presidency has done its best to derail the good things done in the French presidency.

US-United States assisting silent and absent in the battle of Gaza with an outgoing president who has never really interested in the heart the Middle East problem, distracted by other wars (those in Iraq and Afghanistan) and another, the elected, who does not want to take a position, however, as it did for other issues like the economic crisis.

ARAB LEAGUE - The Arab League has been living out of time and space and thought mainly to internal balances and civil strife with the Sunni magggior its members who look with fear at the growth of Hamas in particular because they see this movement the tip of a possible expansion of the Shiite-led Iran.

The result of all this is that the diplomatic initiatives put up at this time to try to stop the war in Gaza do not seem have the strength and depth needed to arrive at the result, in order to force Israelis and Palestinians and cease hostilities. Surely, sooner or later, it will lead to a cease-fire of some kind, but the impression is that dictate the timing, once again, the two contenders will be in accordance with their particular interests and needs and not a pressure coordinated international, currently still very weak.

OPPOSITION - "particularly inappropriate". The trial of Walter Veltroni dry on the work of Foreign Minister Franco Frattini gave the floodgates to a new confrontation between the opposition and the majority, this time the attitude taken by the Italian government over the crisis in Gaza. A fight that the League's Calderoli branded as "dismal." The Secretary of the Democratic Party urged the government to move for an immediate cease-fire, calls for "an immediate, humanitarian aid to the civilian population" and because "the word back to the political."

THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT - Ready replication Frattini: "I would say that I see no contradiction between recognizing Israel's right to self-defense and at the same time say to Israel, friends, that attacks on people should be avoided absolutely innocent. "

"deep concern and apprehension about the fate of so many civilians innocent, "but to support Israel's right to self-defense after the" irresponsible and grave "breach of the truce by Hamas. Contacts open to assess the possibility of a meeting between the parties in Italy. This is the line of the Italian government also after the start of Israel's ground offensive in Gaza. E 'touched the Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, take stock of the situation through the Foreign Ministry a note indicating how the Italian diplomacy at this time is working for a cease-fire making public its willingness to host a meeting between the parties. A "forum for dialogue with the Arab League, Palestinian Authority and Israeli government to define together a path capable of isolating definitely extremism, "the statement said the Foreign Ministry.

Here are pictures of pro-Palestinian demonstrations against the attack and called genocide.