Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Is Ther Be Least Busy California Dmv

friends of Palestine to the European Parliament today

Gaza. Berlusconi: "Everyone on holiday in Palestine, the peace you so"
Share Today at 9:47
February 25, 2009 - The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi during the press conference after meeting with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has presented his "ideas" to 'make peace' in Middle East. Here's what he said verbatim Berlusconi indignant reaction Flavio Lotti, National Coordinator of 'peace table' :
"But such flights for tourists Catholics are talking about Berlusconi? But are you talking about? such as airports, hotels such as the Marshall Plan? the Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem and Bethlehem, are already filled with hotels that could accommodate thousands of tourists and pilgrims but are often closed because of military occupation, the wall and checkpoints that strangle the Palestinian economy. Even airports are not lacking in Palestine. What is Jerusalem occupied by Israel since 1967. To Gaza, built with EU funds, was destroyed during the last Israeli attack on Gaza. What do you mean when Berlusconi says these things? Perhaps Berlusconi is planning to pay with our money costs of the Israeli occupation? Other than the Marshall Plan. The Palestinians do not need money, but of freedom and peace. So are many other things to do Italy to leave the Israelis and Palestinians from the grip of war.

Here are 10 concrete actions that can really change things.
1. Explaining Israel that is insane (and illegal) continue to punish collectively a million and half people and must bring in the goods needed to give those people the chance to have a decent life;
2. Bring relief to the families of Gaza survived the final battle (say, as the Italian government, which wants to help the people of Gaza hit by the war and refuse to have any relationship with Hamas means to cheat the Italians);
3. Promote the achievement of a true ceasefire between Israel and Hamas which includes more effective controls against the trafficking of weapons, the end of Palestinian rocket fire and the opening of all crossings of the Gaza Strip;
4. Press on Israel to immediately reduce the pressure military on Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, stop building new settlements and the wall on occupied Palestinian territory, remove roadblocks and reopen the roads that would allow the reunification of the West Bank today fragmented;
5. To support all the organizations of civil society and local authorities which could help to build peace from below with initiatives of dialogue, solidarity and cooperation;
6. To promote in every way the Palestinian national reconciliation and not accentuate the divisions (say, as the Italian Government, that there are good Palestinians and bad Palestinians, who want to strengthen the good and fight the bad guys and, at the same time, we want to help the process of national reconciliation among the Palestinians is an entirely unrealistic objective);
7. Resume talks with all Arab countries to solve the many open conflicts and reach a peace agreement and disarmament regional
8. Promoting the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority and then subjected to a referendum on both people (the right formula "two states for two peoples" is no longer sufficient to describe the goal. The goal must be to ensure both people the same dignity, equal rights, the freedom and the same security.)
9. Promote a plan to entrust the UN with the firm EU support, the responsibility to ensure both the security of Israel and Palestine;
10. promote the transfer of the UN headquarters in New York to Jerusalem and to transform the heart of the conflict in the disputed capital of peace and reconciliation in the world. "
Silvia Luzzi at 10:39 on February 25
but this type of disease ..... cretinism is a virus? a disease? an infection? I hope it does not stick by air !!!!! but I can not even think, because I'm in bad faith, there is always something more dark and dangerous behind! Elena Renier
at 11.40 on February 25
You should also talk to pay Damage to Israel 50 years to the Palestinians for the next century (at least), since the Germans have always been forced to pay for fifty years from their tax money to Israel for a war a few years. A
Israel should veniere confiscated weapons, and the army should be denied. The land should be redistributed to the original owners. The Israliani should have the right to return to Russia and Germany (at the cost of racists in Europe).
Sanctions should also be funded to the Americans for the Israelis for 50 years.
So there can be no true justice. Berlusconi is a puppet of Satan, brother of Bush, not a patriot. Faber
Waber Viola at 11:58 on 25 February
to read certain things fall the so-called me!
Elena Renier at 12:31 on February 25
What is more disturbing is the comment from that reconciliation between Palestinians is a "completely unrealistic objective": it shows the will to destroy this people. So much in bad faith, or rather Satan in the faith of the P2 Masonic lodges? Much more likely.

Faber Waber Viola at 12.40 on February 25
I meant your comment ... it was a long time since I read a similar delusion.

Roberto Di Nunzio at 12.47 on February 25, @
Faber Waber Viola. If you really are referring to the comment of Helen, you are badly wrong content, style and purpose. I agree that Elena, who wrote and I quote. But the point is not that critical for your nominees (Helen is defended well by itself ...), but because they just are not nor do I agree - I - with you. Moreover
comments to the Notes are best used to comment - in fact - the notes themselves rather than using sarcasm or worse ('delusion', you write ...) against others who even know. Having said that, all told.

Roberto Di Nunzio at 12:51 pm on February 25
@ Elena, a friendly advice. Forget it and pulls right, that your way is mine and that of millions of men and women from all over the world.

Faber Waber Viola at 13:18 on February 25 because I wanted
fail to comment the comment and invade your space, but I could not resist ... agree or disagree it was too big to let it run, and anyone who thinks anyone who writes, from my point of view of course.
That said, I found it very interesting what is written above the 10 points listed above, plausible and desirable.
Sorry for the intrusion.

Silvia Luzzi at 13:42 on February 25

Ghirmawit Seyoum at 15:18 on February 25

Although the June 22, 2005, I think it is always present (especially after the dramatic solo Mr. Berlusconi), the following excerpt from the article:

"... According to ... press reports of the Italcantieri Paolo Berlusconi would build 5,000 houses in the area of \u200b\u200bMassawa (Eritrea) to implement the project appears to have been destroyed houses, including even older historical Ottoman Empire, and park areas, as shown from an article published in "Il Manifesto", 27 February 2004, Italcantieri is ready with plans and projects to build tourist resorts and residential buildings to be financed under the agreements between the EU and ACP. ... .... " So I'm not too surprised about the virus which hit Mr. Berlusconi with regard to Palestine ....
think it is a hereditary disease of mania ... INDEPENDENT media sizes where completely different .... a word to the wise.

Laura pegs at 15:08 on February 25, citing


"outraged reaction Flavio Lotti, National Coordinator of 'peace table': " But such flights for tourists Catholics are talking about Berlusconi ? But are you talking about? such as airports, hotels such as the Marshall Plan? the Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem and Bethlehem, are already filled with hotels that could accommodate thousands of tourists and pilgrims but are often closed because of military occupation , of the wall and the checkpoints that strangle the economy Palestinian. Even the airports there are in Palestine. What is Jerusalem occupied by Israel since 1967. To Gaza, built with EU funds, was destroyed during the last Israeli attack on Gaza. What do you mean when Berlusconi says these things? Perhaps Berlusconi is planning to pay with our money costs of the Israeli occupation? Other than the Marshall Plan. The Palestinians do not need money, but of freedom and peace. "

Laura pegs at 15:11 on February 25





, but the Israelis were not




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Roberto Di Nunzio wrote at 14:31
page is dedicated to his friend Jamal Ramallah


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