Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Head Unit With Aux Input

Updates Luisa Morgantini Back to Updates -West Bank-Gaza and 10 to 14 February. In Ramallah, the delegation will meet with the Palestinian Authority and with representatives of humanitarian organizations.
Info: Luisa Morgantini
Office + 39 06 69 95 02 17, + 32 22 84 51 51
luisa.morgantini @ europarl.europa.eu; www.luisamorgantini.net;

Source: www.luisamorgantini.net;

Today at 16:24
The Conference of Presidents has authorized a delegation of MEPs visited the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Gaza and West Bank - February 10 to 14.
The delegation, headed Triantaphyllides by Kyriacos, President of the Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council to the European Parliament is composed of the Vice President of the EP Morgantini (GUE / NGL) and the MEP Jill Evans (Greens) Chris DAVIES (ALDE), Frieda BREPOELS ( EPP), Proinsias De Rossa (PSE).
MEPs, will travel to Gaza in solidarity with the civilian population, will meet representatives of the United Nations, the Palestinian Legislative Council and various NGOs and collect information and data on the destruction carried out by the Israeli army and the real living conditions of Palestinians in the Strip.
In Ramallah, the delegation will meet with the Authority Palestinian National Authority and with representatives of humanitarian organizations.

Info: Luisa Morgantini
Office + 39 06 69 95 02 17, + 32 22 84 51 51
luisa.morgantini @ europarl.europa.eu; www.luisamorgantini.net;

Scottish activist Theresa McDermott was "found" in Ramleh prison, four days after the Israeli authorities had classified as dispersed, following the military assault ship humanitarian Lebanese live in Gaza with a cargo of humanitarian aid. In early February
Theresa replied to the request for international support from the organizers of a naval expedition humanitarian live in Gaza, on the ship flying the flag of Togo, "Those."
Theresa was only one of nine passengers on board the ship February 4th, 2009 was intercepted, boarded and hijacked by the Israeli Navy to the port of Ashdod, Israel.
All passengers and crew were released Thursday, Feb. 5, except Theresa.
Between Thursday night and Sunday morning was not disclosed any information on Theresa by the Israelis, if not the lie that had left for London.
Finally on Sunday, Theresa was able to contact his brother John in Scotland to tell him that he was locked in Ramleh Prison in Israel. According to journalist Salam Khodr
of AlJazeera, when the ship was boarded, passengers were beaten and kicked and punched by Israeli soldiers (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCb3apCJ4QI&feature=channel_page).
No information was provided by Israeli officials about the arrest of Theresa, where and what are the charges against him and why his arrest was kept secret.
When the British consulate in Tel Aviv was contacted to help trace Theresa, the staff refused to cooperate, saying that they provide assistance to a British citizen only if the person being asked directly by them.
Some members of the Scottish Parliament, including Pauline McNeil and Hugh O 'Donnell, who were part of a humanitarian mission arrived in Gaza on board a vessel of Freegaza, the Dignity, are activated at the British government to ensure that the Theresa receive due protection and assistance.
Theresa reached with the first shipment of Gaza Free Gaza in August and came back a second time with Dignity.
It has long been highly respected human rights activist who has worked with the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine and the Free Gaza Movement.
in Scotland working in a post office. The Israelis have found aboard the "They" only humanitarian aid but refused to return the ship, still sottosequestro. the fate of its humanitarian cargo is still unknown.
Jerusalem Contact: Lubna Masarwa (Hebrew, Arabic, English) 00 972 505 633 044, U.S. lubnaa@gmail.com
Contact: Karin 310-399-1921 (English) kpally@earthlink.net

Free Gaza movement

This morning the Israeli army attacked and hijacked another ship carrying humanitarian aid pacifist direct Gaza.Condividi Yesterday at 20:27 (to circumvent Italian media silence, please, please turn the news) Today febbario 5, 2009, the Israeli navy again attacked in international waters a ship loaded with aid humanitarian.
After opening fire, he boarded and hijacked to Israel. Crew and passengers are still in custody.
But we should not intimidate us, we must continue to break groped quest'assedio illegitimate and illegal entry along with activists from the Free Gaza Movement March 2 we'll sail back to Cyprus with a ship full of pacifist tons of humanitarian aid, medicines and toys for population of Gaza. On the boat we will also present an Italian delegation of the movement of solidarity with Palestine.
can shoot at us, ram, hijack, but will never be able to sink our anger and our spirit of solidarity.

Francesco Caruso


- Communiqué Freegaza
- Ansa dispatch on hijacked ship pacifist
- info on upcoming naval mission: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=47752993595&id=1537444101&index=0
- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------


Israel attacks Lebanese ship carrying humanitarian aid and beat the passengers.

Freegaza An activist was on board this ship, SUCH Freegaza and worked during their stay in Cyprus to obtain from local authorities that the vessel was searched and checked before leaving for Gaza. Please
Let your outrage, once again, against Israel, which carries with bullying acts of piracy in the eastern Mediterranean.
On board was a patriarch of Jerusalem as well as several elderly Lebanese human rights activists.
Eyewitnesses said the passengers were beaten and most of the boat was destroyed.
We are checking the condition of the units of plasma loaded on board, because if it is true that the pirates of the Israeli army, have turned off the generator, the plasma will be destroyed very quickly.
The position of the ship at the time of the attack was this:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=32.8707, 33.7776 & ie = UTF8 & z = 12 & om = 1

You can follow the story in English on some sites:
http://uk.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUKTRE51421920090205 (video)

Media Team Free Gaza Movement
310 422 7242


- A ship with humanitarian aid and carrying pro-Palestinian activists, including Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, and journalists from Arab countries, was stopped today by the Navy Israeli military while trying to force the sea blockade imposed by Israel along the Gaza Strip and routed in the Ashdod port for inspection. A military spokesman said a search of the vessel, it was established that contained no weapons. Informed sources have also said that the passengers of the ship will be transferred to Lebanon via the Rosh Hanikra crossing point, after the conclusion of the investigation and verification of identity, that humanitarian aid will arrive in Gaza and that the ship will be returned to its rightful owner. The shipment of aid was organized by the Palestinian National Committee against the Siege in cooperation with the Movement Freegaza. The Israeli action has provoked angry reactions in several Arab countries. Syria has said it was an "act of piracy" and the Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora expressed his "absolute condemnation of the blatant aggression." According to military spokesman said the ship, named 'This and renamed' Brothers from the organizers of the trip and flying the flag of Togo, had left a few days ago from the port of Tripoli and then he threw more in Cyprus before returning to Gaza destination. The ship, said the spokesman, was repeatedly warned by radio that he had permission to enter the territorial waters of Gaza. The commander of the vessel Tuesday evening I was assured that his destination was the Egyptian port of El Arish, just off the Strip. This morning, however, the ship has suddenly changed course pointing in the direction of Gaza, after again ignored warnings not to violate the blockade and suspicious behavior to the Israelis. The ship, according to the spokesperson, was then intercepted by units of the navy and then boarded after warning shots. During the collision, he said, was not made use of firearms. A correspondent of Al Jazeera TV of Qatar, who was on the ship, said the Israeli unit several shots were fired and that passengers were beaten. A police spokesman, quoted by Israeli public radio said that it was used only the force necessary to make arrests in cases of resistance. A senior naval officer said the issuer, the decision to stop the ship was taken "to put an end to these walks between Cyprus and Gaza." In recent months, Israel has allowed two ships of peace with humanitarian aid from Cyprus to break the sea blockade of Gaza. Among the passengers of the Brotherhood is best known as former Melkite Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem, Hilarion Capucci, who in 1974 was sentenced to 12 years in prison in Israel after being caught smuggling weapons from Lebanon, hidden in his car with diplomatic plates , on behalf of Palestinian organizations. Capucci was released three years later following an intervention of Pope Paul VI at the presidente Katzir. Israele aveva posto due condizioni: che Capucci non avrebbe più fatto politica e che non sarebbe più tornato in Medio Oriente. (ansa)

Israeli forces seize Gaza aid ship

The Israeli navy has captured and diverted a ship from Lebanon carrying more than 60 tonnes of aid to the Gaza Strip.
Al Jazeera's correspondent aboard the Al-Ikhwa (The Brotherhood) ship said the navy first opened fire, then five Israeli soldiers boarded the ship, beating and threatening the passengers.

"They are pointing guns against us - they are kicking us and beating us. They are threatening our lives," Al Jazeera's Salam Khoder said.
Communications with the ship broke off shortly thereafter. According to the owner of the vessel, the Israelis destroyed its communication equipment and confiscated the phones of those on board.

The Israeli military told Al Jazeera it had captured the Lebanese vessel and taken it to Ashdod, where authorities were examining its cargo. The passengers and crew, meanwhile, were being questioned by police.
Warnings 'disregarded'
In a statement, the Israeli military said it had warned the ship on Wednesday night against entering Gaza's coastal waters.
"During today's morning hours, the cargo ship changed its bearing, and began heading towards the Gaza Strip .... disregarding all warnings made," it said. The Lebanese prime minister has condemned Israel's seizure of the aid ship [AFP] Al-Ikhwa, which originally set sail from Cyprus, left the Lebanese port city of Tripoli on Tuesday.
Maan Bashour, an aid co-ordinator for the group End the Blockade of Gaza, said the ship was carrying medical equipment, food supplies and books, toys and milk for small children.
"This ship was searched in Cyprus and in Lebanon," Bashour told Al Jazeera in Beirut, Lebanon. "And we were very eager to let it be searched by Lebanese and Cypriot authorities in order that there be no reason for the Israelis to prevent it from going to Gaza."

Foud Siniora, Lebanon's prime minister, condemned the attack on Al-Ikhwa, emphasising that it was on a humanitarian mission to Gaza.

"It is no surprise for Israel to perpetrate such an action as it has been accustomed to ignoring all international resolutions and values," he said during a speech in Beirut.

"I made a number of necessary phone calls with international parties in order to exert pressures on Israel which is violating laws. I hold Israel responsible for the safety of the ship and passengers. "


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