Sunday, February 8, 2009

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In Italy, there is generally a 'very vague idea at the end of the Testament hereditary and there is much confusion about who can do it, how do you etc.
More disinformation and there is reluctance on the new topic of the day: living wills.
Eluana's case today, and Welby Piergiorrgio some time ago, they brought to the fore this little known topic.
In 2007 Maurizio Umberto Veronesi Terzilla and published a book called "No one should choose for us," published by Sperling & Kupfer on living wills, advance directives. In fact with these terms means a declaration by which each of us, in full freedom and awareness, can express their wishes regarding care to be received in the case lost the right to decide, because of an illness or fatal injuries. Whatever our feelings and our beliefs about death and the meaning of pain, the problem remains the same: in front of capacity, that medicine has, to remove the natural end of life, who sets the limits of intervention? Science, medical, law? The authors of this book have no doubt about it: no authority can decide without taking into account the wishes of the patient. It 'time to make sure foundations Legal inalienable right to choose how to die, as has already happened in other European countries. The Umberto Veronesi Foundation has promoted the establishment of a Movement for a living will adhere to which medical and legal experts who worked on the presentation of a bill. In
links below you can find the addresses of some sites that show the pattern to be able to present even now, with or without a deposit to the Notary.
Yes, because, as with the traditional text, as long as it holograph (ie written or signed by hand), completed in three copies, one for if, as to keep a person of trust, and to send (focoltativo) the various associations that are interested in this topic.
Who wants to deepen these links are listed below.
Foundation Umberto Veronesi: living wills living wills

Aduc - living wills
A good law - Association for Freedom
Free output - Association for the decriminalization of euthanasia
Napolitano - Yes the biological testament


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