Friday, January 7, 2011

Cheddar Original Chex Mix

Caroya Cologne, the "Picula Friûl "Argentine

Caroya COLOGNE - "Ours is not a city where there are Friulian, Friulian is a city but true: they call" Picula Friûl ". I met Claudio A. Roya few months ago thanks to Facebook, the social network that unites the world, and is was a pleasant discovery. Being able to speak with a fellow who lives abroad, in a world so distant from mine, is a great satisfaction. Claudio told me that his city was founded in 1878 with a quota of Friuli, then they added two more, and from there began the migration. Up to 30-40 years ago, Cologne was only Caroya Friuli, and only in recent years people came from other parts of the world. Today there are 24,000 inhabitants and more than 50% are Friulian (up to the seventh generation). In Cologne
Caroya speak Friulian, Friulian you eat foods, there are restaurants that do frico and all other specialties of our country. In addition there are: the Center Friulano, which has existed for 40 years, the 'Alef "5 years ago, a group of young people who are called" Ducj Together, a dance group from Friuli, another singing, etc.. They make all the parties 'year: it begins in March with the Harvest Festival, the Festival of grapes, after the Feast of typical foods, the feast of pasta, polenta festival, and so much more ...
Claudio A. Roya works program radio " Fuarce Furlans ", of which I was a guest in the last episode of 2010, a program that is heard in Argentina and also in the Friuli region through the delayed broadcast of Radio Waves Furlane. L ' Alef is a laboratory Friulian language, which is a weekly meeting for people who want to talk in Friuli that is called "Fevelant. Another success is the "default Championship" that is 5 years and this year played in six weeks (once every club in the city) 280 couples, people with 9 to 91 years.


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