Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cellebrite Ume36 App Update

she left me. SOS

She left me.
E 'happened suddenly, without warning. I am alone, destroyed, broken, broken in two.
Today I revised the street, I stop and I welled up a relentless flow of words:
"You know, I did not want to disturb you, but I could not help myself. I've wanted to stop to talk, to clarify, to know finalmetne what divides us, what, but especially when we had shared. Perhaps the misunderstanding between us have become too big to understand now but you need to talk, explain, try to open the jars of Pandora into our souls. Just for us. Just to understand. You hurt me, I've never been so bad. You destroyed me just because you were me, you grew inside me, I rocked, I've raised, I took the seed of our love of endless levels, where even the highest love for myself I would push to get there, just because selfish love leads you to be blind but love for you has led me to see and fly in the most disinterested as possible in my life. Our life. Today I see you causing further pain, it seems that my bones to break in and you're here before that it seems almost chalk. I do not know what you think, but know that I loved you with all my might and I really want to heal if you can only apologize. Ask me apologize and tell me, please tell me and mend my wounds with your words, speak and make me feel better, talk, tell me the truth even unclean things that I knew and wanted to see me because for too convenient, too selfish, too vulgar for us. Tell me why you will always carry with me now if you are a pain but you was a joy and an experience, because without you I would not be what they are now. Tell me, then disappear. Forever. "
You have just read the homeopathic approach to diseases .

" Fuck you bitch! "
So this was the approach of traditional medicine .


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