Thursday, February 26, 2009

Small Ear Gauges For Guys White


Tunisia releases 'Viva Palestina'
Thu, 26 Feb 2009 11:24:27 GMT
The aid convoy was stopped upon arrival in Tunisia from Algeria on late Wednesday, said Press TV's Yvonne Ridley who is accompanying 'Viva Palestina' on its journey to Gaza.

Following the incident, two human rights activists traveling with the convoy were arrested by Tunisian police. The fate of the two remains clouded.

Ridley said the two were pushed into a van and taken to an undisclosed destination, adding that the rest of the crew was about to reunited in Gabes.

'Viva Palestina' departed from London, and comprises of more than 100 vehicles--including 12 ambulances and a fire engine-- loaded with medicine, food, clothes and toys for the Gazans.

The convoy plans to travel 5,000 miles through France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt before arriving at Rafah border-crossing - sealed by Cairo despite the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

The condition in the costal strip is deteriorating as Israel refuses to ease a crippling seizure on the densely-populated coastal enclave-home to some 1.5 million Palestinians-which has been in place since June 2007.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Is Ther Be Least Busy California Dmv

friends of Palestine to the European Parliament today

Gaza. Berlusconi: "Everyone on holiday in Palestine, the peace you so"
Share Today at 9:47
February 25, 2009 - The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi during the press conference after meeting with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has presented his "ideas" to 'make peace' in Middle East. Here's what he said verbatim Berlusconi indignant reaction Flavio Lotti, National Coordinator of 'peace table' :
"But such flights for tourists Catholics are talking about Berlusconi? But are you talking about? such as airports, hotels such as the Marshall Plan? the Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem and Bethlehem, are already filled with hotels that could accommodate thousands of tourists and pilgrims but are often closed because of military occupation, the wall and checkpoints that strangle the Palestinian economy. Even airports are not lacking in Palestine. What is Jerusalem occupied by Israel since 1967. To Gaza, built with EU funds, was destroyed during the last Israeli attack on Gaza. What do you mean when Berlusconi says these things? Perhaps Berlusconi is planning to pay with our money costs of the Israeli occupation? Other than the Marshall Plan. The Palestinians do not need money, but of freedom and peace. So are many other things to do Italy to leave the Israelis and Palestinians from the grip of war.

Here are 10 concrete actions that can really change things.
1. Explaining Israel that is insane (and illegal) continue to punish collectively a million and half people and must bring in the goods needed to give those people the chance to have a decent life;
2. Bring relief to the families of Gaza survived the final battle (say, as the Italian government, which wants to help the people of Gaza hit by the war and refuse to have any relationship with Hamas means to cheat the Italians);
3. Promote the achievement of a true ceasefire between Israel and Hamas which includes more effective controls against the trafficking of weapons, the end of Palestinian rocket fire and the opening of all crossings of the Gaza Strip;
4. Press on Israel to immediately reduce the pressure military on Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, stop building new settlements and the wall on occupied Palestinian territory, remove roadblocks and reopen the roads that would allow the reunification of the West Bank today fragmented;
5. To support all the organizations of civil society and local authorities which could help to build peace from below with initiatives of dialogue, solidarity and cooperation;
6. To promote in every way the Palestinian national reconciliation and not accentuate the divisions (say, as the Italian Government, that there are good Palestinians and bad Palestinians, who want to strengthen the good and fight the bad guys and, at the same time, we want to help the process of national reconciliation among the Palestinians is an entirely unrealistic objective);
7. Resume talks with all Arab countries to solve the many open conflicts and reach a peace agreement and disarmament regional
8. Promoting the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority and then subjected to a referendum on both people (the right formula "two states for two peoples" is no longer sufficient to describe the goal. The goal must be to ensure both people the same dignity, equal rights, the freedom and the same security.)
9. Promote a plan to entrust the UN with the firm EU support, the responsibility to ensure both the security of Israel and Palestine;
10. promote the transfer of the UN headquarters in New York to Jerusalem and to transform the heart of the conflict in the disputed capital of peace and reconciliation in the world. "
Silvia Luzzi at 10:39 on February 25
but this type of disease ..... cretinism is a virus? a disease? an infection? I hope it does not stick by air !!!!! but I can not even think, because I'm in bad faith, there is always something more dark and dangerous behind! Elena Renier
at 11.40 on February 25
You should also talk to pay Damage to Israel 50 years to the Palestinians for the next century (at least), since the Germans have always been forced to pay for fifty years from their tax money to Israel for a war a few years. A
Israel should veniere confiscated weapons, and the army should be denied. The land should be redistributed to the original owners. The Israliani should have the right to return to Russia and Germany (at the cost of racists in Europe).
Sanctions should also be funded to the Americans for the Israelis for 50 years.
So there can be no true justice. Berlusconi is a puppet of Satan, brother of Bush, not a patriot. Faber
Waber Viola at 11:58 on 25 February
to read certain things fall the so-called me!
Elena Renier at 12:31 on February 25
What is more disturbing is the comment from that reconciliation between Palestinians is a "completely unrealistic objective": it shows the will to destroy this people. So much in bad faith, or rather Satan in the faith of the P2 Masonic lodges? Much more likely.

Faber Waber Viola at 12.40 on February 25
I meant your comment ... it was a long time since I read a similar delusion.

Roberto Di Nunzio at 12.47 on February 25, @
Faber Waber Viola. If you really are referring to the comment of Helen, you are badly wrong content, style and purpose. I agree that Elena, who wrote and I quote. But the point is not that critical for your nominees (Helen is defended well by itself ...), but because they just are not nor do I agree - I - with you. Moreover
comments to the Notes are best used to comment - in fact - the notes themselves rather than using sarcasm or worse ('delusion', you write ...) against others who even know. Having said that, all told.

Roberto Di Nunzio at 12:51 pm on February 25
@ Elena, a friendly advice. Forget it and pulls right, that your way is mine and that of millions of men and women from all over the world.

Faber Waber Viola at 13:18 on February 25 because I wanted
fail to comment the comment and invade your space, but I could not resist ... agree or disagree it was too big to let it run, and anyone who thinks anyone who writes, from my point of view of course.
That said, I found it very interesting what is written above the 10 points listed above, plausible and desirable.
Sorry for the intrusion.

Silvia Luzzi at 13:42 on February 25

Ghirmawit Seyoum at 15:18 on February 25

Although the June 22, 2005, I think it is always present (especially after the dramatic solo Mr. Berlusconi), the following excerpt from the article:

"... According to ... press reports of the Italcantieri Paolo Berlusconi would build 5,000 houses in the area of \u200b\u200bMassawa (Eritrea) to implement the project appears to have been destroyed houses, including even older historical Ottoman Empire, and park areas, as shown from an article published in "Il Manifesto", 27 February 2004, Italcantieri is ready with plans and projects to build tourist resorts and residential buildings to be financed under the agreements between the EU and ACP. ... .... " So I'm not too surprised about the virus which hit Mr. Berlusconi with regard to Palestine ....
think it is a hereditary disease of mania ... INDEPENDENT media sizes where completely different .... a word to the wise.

Laura pegs at 15:08 on February 25, citing


"outraged reaction Flavio Lotti, National Coordinator of 'peace table': " But such flights for tourists Catholics are talking about Berlusconi ? But are you talking about? such as airports, hotels such as the Marshall Plan? the Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem and Bethlehem, are already filled with hotels that could accommodate thousands of tourists and pilgrims but are often closed because of military occupation , of the wall and the checkpoints that strangle the economy Palestinian. Even the airports there are in Palestine. What is Jerusalem occupied by Israel since 1967. To Gaza, built with EU funds, was destroyed during the last Israeli attack on Gaza. What do you mean when Berlusconi says these things? Perhaps Berlusconi is planning to pay with our money costs of the Israeli occupation? Other than the Marshall Plan. The Palestinians do not need money, but of freedom and peace. "

Laura pegs at 15:11 on February 25





, but the Israelis were not




! -------------------------------------------

..... ........................................

Facebook censored
Roberto Di Nunzio wrote at 14:31
page is dedicated to his friend Jamal Ramallah

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Head Unit With Aux Input

Updates Luisa Morgantini Back to Updates -West Bank-Gaza and 10 to 14 February. In Ramallah, the delegation will meet with the Palestinian Authority and with representatives of humanitarian organizations.
Info: Luisa Morgantini
Office + 39 06 69 95 02 17, + 32 22 84 51 51
luisa.morgantini @;;;

Today at 16:24
The Conference of Presidents has authorized a delegation of MEPs visited the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Gaza and West Bank - February 10 to 14.
The delegation, headed Triantaphyllides by Kyriacos, President of the Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council to the European Parliament is composed of the Vice President of the EP Morgantini (GUE / NGL) and the MEP Jill Evans (Greens) Chris DAVIES (ALDE), Frieda BREPOELS ( EPP), Proinsias De Rossa (PSE).
MEPs, will travel to Gaza in solidarity with the civilian population, will meet representatives of the United Nations, the Palestinian Legislative Council and various NGOs and collect information and data on the destruction carried out by the Israeli army and the real living conditions of Palestinians in the Strip.
In Ramallah, the delegation will meet with the Authority Palestinian National Authority and with representatives of humanitarian organizations.

Info: Luisa Morgantini
Office + 39 06 69 95 02 17, + 32 22 84 51 51
luisa.morgantini @;;

Scottish activist Theresa McDermott was "found" in Ramleh prison, four days after the Israeli authorities had classified as dispersed, following the military assault ship humanitarian Lebanese live in Gaza with a cargo of humanitarian aid. In early February
Theresa replied to the request for international support from the organizers of a naval expedition humanitarian live in Gaza, on the ship flying the flag of Togo, "Those."
Theresa was only one of nine passengers on board the ship February 4th, 2009 was intercepted, boarded and hijacked by the Israeli Navy to the port of Ashdod, Israel.
All passengers and crew were released Thursday, Feb. 5, except Theresa.
Between Thursday night and Sunday morning was not disclosed any information on Theresa by the Israelis, if not the lie that had left for London.
Finally on Sunday, Theresa was able to contact his brother John in Scotland to tell him that he was locked in Ramleh Prison in Israel. According to journalist Salam Khodr
of AlJazeera, when the ship was boarded, passengers were beaten and kicked and punched by Israeli soldiers (see
No information was provided by Israeli officials about the arrest of Theresa, where and what are the charges against him and why his arrest was kept secret.
When the British consulate in Tel Aviv was contacted to help trace Theresa, the staff refused to cooperate, saying that they provide assistance to a British citizen only if the person being asked directly by them.
Some members of the Scottish Parliament, including Pauline McNeil and Hugh O 'Donnell, who were part of a humanitarian mission arrived in Gaza on board a vessel of Freegaza, the Dignity, are activated at the British government to ensure that the Theresa receive due protection and assistance.
Theresa reached with the first shipment of Gaza Free Gaza in August and came back a second time with Dignity.
It has long been highly respected human rights activist who has worked with the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine and the Free Gaza Movement.
in Scotland working in a post office. The Israelis have found aboard the "They" only humanitarian aid but refused to return the ship, still sottosequestro. the fate of its humanitarian cargo is still unknown.
Jerusalem Contact: Lubna Masarwa (Hebrew, Arabic, English) 00 972 505 633 044, U.S.
Contact: Karin 310-399-1921 (English)

Free Gaza movement

This morning the Israeli army attacked and hijacked another ship carrying humanitarian aid pacifist direct Gaza.Condividi Yesterday at 20:27 (to circumvent Italian media silence, please, please turn the news) Today febbario 5, 2009, the Israeli navy again attacked in international waters a ship loaded with aid humanitarian.
After opening fire, he boarded and hijacked to Israel. Crew and passengers are still in custody.
But we should not intimidate us, we must continue to break groped quest'assedio illegitimate and illegal entry along with activists from the Free Gaza Movement March 2 we'll sail back to Cyprus with a ship full of pacifist tons of humanitarian aid, medicines and toys for population of Gaza. On the boat we will also present an Italian delegation of the movement of solidarity with Palestine.
can shoot at us, ram, hijack, but will never be able to sink our anger and our spirit of solidarity.

Francesco Caruso


- Communiqué Freegaza
- Ansa dispatch on hijacked ship pacifist
- info on upcoming naval mission:
- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------


Israel attacks Lebanese ship carrying humanitarian aid and beat the passengers.

Freegaza An activist was on board this ship, SUCH Freegaza and worked during their stay in Cyprus to obtain from local authorities that the vessel was searched and checked before leaving for Gaza. Please
Let your outrage, once again, against Israel, which carries with bullying acts of piracy in the eastern Mediterranean.
On board was a patriarch of Jerusalem as well as several elderly Lebanese human rights activists.
Eyewitnesses said the passengers were beaten and most of the boat was destroyed.
We are checking the condition of the units of plasma loaded on board, because if it is true that the pirates of the Israeli army, have turned off the generator, the plasma will be destroyed very quickly.
The position of the ship at the time of the attack was this:, 33.7776 & ie = UTF8 & z = 12 & om = 1

You can follow the story in English on some sites: (video)

Media Team Free Gaza Movement
310 422 7242


- A ship with humanitarian aid and carrying pro-Palestinian activists, including Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, and journalists from Arab countries, was stopped today by the Navy Israeli military while trying to force the sea blockade imposed by Israel along the Gaza Strip and routed in the Ashdod port for inspection. A military spokesman said a search of the vessel, it was established that contained no weapons. Informed sources have also said that the passengers of the ship will be transferred to Lebanon via the Rosh Hanikra crossing point, after the conclusion of the investigation and verification of identity, that humanitarian aid will arrive in Gaza and that the ship will be returned to its rightful owner. The shipment of aid was organized by the Palestinian National Committee against the Siege in cooperation with the Movement Freegaza. The Israeli action has provoked angry reactions in several Arab countries. Syria has said it was an "act of piracy" and the Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora expressed his "absolute condemnation of the blatant aggression." According to military spokesman said the ship, named 'This and renamed' Brothers from the organizers of the trip and flying the flag of Togo, had left a few days ago from the port of Tripoli and then he threw more in Cyprus before returning to Gaza destination. The ship, said the spokesman, was repeatedly warned by radio that he had permission to enter the territorial waters of Gaza. The commander of the vessel Tuesday evening I was assured that his destination was the Egyptian port of El Arish, just off the Strip. This morning, however, the ship has suddenly changed course pointing in the direction of Gaza, after again ignored warnings not to violate the blockade and suspicious behavior to the Israelis. The ship, according to the spokesperson, was then intercepted by units of the navy and then boarded after warning shots. During the collision, he said, was not made use of firearms. A correspondent of Al Jazeera TV of Qatar, who was on the ship, said the Israeli unit several shots were fired and that passengers were beaten. A police spokesman, quoted by Israeli public radio said that it was used only the force necessary to make arrests in cases of resistance. A senior naval officer said the issuer, the decision to stop the ship was taken "to put an end to these walks between Cyprus and Gaza." In recent months, Israel has allowed two ships of peace with humanitarian aid from Cyprus to break the sea blockade of Gaza. Among the passengers of the Brotherhood is best known as former Melkite Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem, Hilarion Capucci, who in 1974 was sentenced to 12 years in prison in Israel after being caught smuggling weapons from Lebanon, hidden in his car with diplomatic plates , on behalf of Palestinian organizations. Capucci was released three years later following an intervention of Pope Paul VI at the presidente Katzir. Israele aveva posto due condizioni: che Capucci non avrebbe più fatto politica e che non sarebbe più tornato in Medio Oriente. (ansa)

Israeli forces seize Gaza aid ship

The Israeli navy has captured and diverted a ship from Lebanon carrying more than 60 tonnes of aid to the Gaza Strip.
Al Jazeera's correspondent aboard the Al-Ikhwa (The Brotherhood) ship said the navy first opened fire, then five Israeli soldiers boarded the ship, beating and threatening the passengers.

"They are pointing guns against us - they are kicking us and beating us. They are threatening our lives," Al Jazeera's Salam Khoder said.
Communications with the ship broke off shortly thereafter. According to the owner of the vessel, the Israelis destroyed its communication equipment and confiscated the phones of those on board.

The Israeli military told Al Jazeera it had captured the Lebanese vessel and taken it to Ashdod, where authorities were examining its cargo. The passengers and crew, meanwhile, were being questioned by police.
Warnings 'disregarded'
In a statement, the Israeli military said it had warned the ship on Wednesday night against entering Gaza's coastal waters.
"During today's morning hours, the cargo ship changed its bearing, and began heading towards the Gaza Strip .... disregarding all warnings made," it said. The Lebanese prime minister has condemned Israel's seizure of the aid ship [AFP] Al-Ikhwa, which originally set sail from Cyprus, left the Lebanese port city of Tripoli on Tuesday.
Maan Bashour, an aid co-ordinator for the group End the Blockade of Gaza, said the ship was carrying medical equipment, food supplies and books, toys and milk for small children.
"This ship was searched in Cyprus and in Lebanon," Bashour told Al Jazeera in Beirut, Lebanon. "And we were very eager to let it be searched by Lebanese and Cypriot authorities in order that there be no reason for the Israelis to prevent it from going to Gaza."

Foud Siniora, Lebanon's prime minister, condemned the attack on Al-Ikhwa, emphasising that it was on a humanitarian mission to Gaza.

"It is no surprise for Israel to perpetrate such an action as it has been accustomed to ignoring all international resolutions and values," he said during a speech in Beirut.

"I made a number of necessary phone calls with international parties in order to exert pressures on Israel which is violating laws. I hold Israel responsible for the safety of the ship and passengers. "

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wwe Party Supplies In Florida Stores

In Italy, there is generally a 'very vague idea at the end of the Testament hereditary and there is much confusion about who can do it, how do you etc.
More disinformation and there is reluctance on the new topic of the day: living wills.
Eluana's case today, and Welby Piergiorrgio some time ago, they brought to the fore this little known topic.
In 2007 Maurizio Umberto Veronesi Terzilla and published a book called "No one should choose for us," published by Sperling & Kupfer on living wills, advance directives. In fact with these terms means a declaration by which each of us, in full freedom and awareness, can express their wishes regarding care to be received in the case lost the right to decide, because of an illness or fatal injuries. Whatever our feelings and our beliefs about death and the meaning of pain, the problem remains the same: in front of capacity, that medicine has, to remove the natural end of life, who sets the limits of intervention? Science, medical, law? The authors of this book have no doubt about it: no authority can decide without taking into account the wishes of the patient. It 'time to make sure foundations Legal inalienable right to choose how to die, as has already happened in other European countries. The Umberto Veronesi Foundation has promoted the establishment of a Movement for a living will adhere to which medical and legal experts who worked on the presentation of a bill. In
links below you can find the addresses of some sites that show the pattern to be able to present even now, with or without a deposit to the Notary.
Yes, because, as with the traditional text, as long as it holograph (ie written or signed by hand), completed in three copies, one for if, as to keep a person of trust, and to send (focoltativo) the various associations that are interested in this topic.
Who wants to deepen these links are listed below.
Foundation Umberto Veronesi: living wills living wills

Aduc - living wills
A good law - Association for Freedom
Free output - Association for the decriminalization of euthanasia
Napolitano - Yes the biological testament

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Subclavian Steal Syndrome In Layman's Terms

(Emperor) Berlusconi I, Ronde Valley, denunciation and attack the Constitution

cartoon from:

More things are happening in this first week of February.
The passer will not completely finished yet hypocritically inaugurated by the President (Emperor) Berlusconi I, who after all yesterday pontificate on the ethics of life and death and using the mystifying case of the human family Englaro to give the final blow to the our constitutional order, tomorrow will be around here with Galan and the whole gang to congratulate and autoincensarsi for the great work completed, with 276 days late. But We all know that it is not over yet and that these gentlemen have the rut of doing the farce of the ribbon-cutting ceremony to avoid paying penalties. Who cares of potential accidents and the lack of certainty that the artery is not yet served by the opening of the toll (only one open on 4) if there are additional environmental mitigation works promises to municipalities. Meanwhile
raining incessantly for the first time and we all hope that tomorrow morning to gray skies full of rain on the little head tarpaulin overthrow our beloved President, and that's ridiculous ruining the party.
But let's step back to the vicissitudes of parliamentary laws pseudo "racial" put in field from this majority.
addition to the justice reform laws were passed this week rules that relate to security. In this majority when it comes to safety in mind are the immigrants and then come up with something if not racist and reprimands patrols call doctors to report the immigrants who come to them for treatment if suspected of being illegal immigrants, complete with parliamentary law.

But the culmination of shame for this right and no more self-measurement is demonstrated sadistic taste nell'accanirsi Englaro that the family is trying to conclude the best way, authorized by a ruling of the Supreme Court, in the best way a-non- Eluana existence of his daughter. It is not enough
minister (Sacconi) with threats of retaliation "policies" to health facilities that become available to accept and follow the right-to-end, the poor Eluana, enlightened by faith (with the approval of the Vatican) the President (Emperor) I ° Berlusconi takes the field by stating that if the President refuses, as he did, to sign the decree suspending the ruling of the Supreme Court, which allows doctors to stop artificial feeding, will convene the parliament and will make a law in two or three days.
If anyone thinks the words of the President (Emperor) I ° Berlusconi gave himself with quote as the father, referring to the paternal feeling that inspires him to take a position as serious as that of distortion of the Constitution, correspond to the feelings of a good family man, you can be sure that it is wrong and big.
This gentleman did not think for a moment to use the event because they play for, because it relies heavily on feeling close to people's hearts, why do game pimp sanctimonious hypocrisy of the Catholic world / clerical, that that will be well disposed him. But what interests him is to create a serious precedent constitutional, and for that he used poor Eluana and his family, as a test media, without modesty and piety.
Once again we see a slow agony and barbarity of democracy in our country.

February 8, 2009