Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wedding Koorai Saree Prices

Don Aurelio

hurry to get to know Don Aurelio.
A feeling tells me that probably the kallawaya was looking for.
Pachamama, through the leaves of coca, the sacred places tells me that I have called, who are here for. A question and the leaf falls, then another and another.
"Sara, you have an association? A group of people working with you?"
"Well, that leaves this mean, you see ..."
And so on, Don Aurelio quard me is knowing the leaves and looking at my eyes.
"It's our relationship with nature, with what might replace it? Attravreso coca communicate with the land and souls. In the land and we will return to earth, we also reincarnate in plants, we return to the Pachamama and the coke is a product of the earth, not the cards "Some kallawaya read the cards but don Aurelio says that" it is a confusion that has persisted for 500 years now, "Don Miguel says that instead of the Tarot are derived from the Inca.

"Why in the tablets of sugar offering to Pachamama I saw the figures of the devil and the Virgin? "
" Even that is a confusion in which we live now. I now see wearing these sneakers because they are more comfortable and keep me warmer slippers, see also this is a mess.
See Sara, is a confusion "
This is the syncretism with whom you live and fight.
" The questions that I can do the cards are different from what I can do with the coca leaf? "
" Certainly, certainly! Coca is the most complete "
Don Aurelio, how can I tell if a kallawaya is sincere or not? I have been told that not all are sincere "
"Well, is not easy, but there are some who do it for money, and you see them. Pachamama never asks for money, is the sick or those who need a ritual offering price. Some says I'm crazy, but I say that money does not bring happiness, we must keep clean the soul and the only way you can be happy.
Since we were declared a UNESCO World Heritage many kallawaya. But we can not give a fee, this creates damage to our culture and this is likely to get lost, the real
kallawaya work the land and are always in contact with the Pachamama, the contact must be every day. " Do
ñ aJustina, the wife of Don Aurelio, leads us to a mate and chamomile to make it more sweet add us of Stevia, a natural sweetener "because white sugar is poison, and so the cane, honey goes'

"Sarah, is there to do a ritual"
"When? Tomorrow I have to leave ..."
"The time is here. And 'detention, we are passing. See the birds in the morning? You speak. The wind caresses your skin, this is the Pachamama."
Darkness falls and we return to our inn ... mind a half hour walk in the clouds give way to the moon that illuminates the road.
E 'in the dark mountain road, but I'm not afraid.


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