Friday, September 17, 2010

Mini Vase Suction Cup

For the same reason

Travel is for me to know each other, both tame and feed my constant curiosity to discover the many colors and the many forms of the world, tasting life in its many achievements, to discover the vitality to ask each soul what it sees all ' outside of himself.
's not the destination that makes the journey but the journey is made by the receptivity of the person who starts a journey, that seeks to uncover and above all learn from a thousand ways of being in the world, of being in the world . The goal is one step in a journey that never ends, perhaps because the experience continues to live inside me: after the first step to feel the continuing evolution of my thought.

This morning I left Venice to arrive in Madrid, a city that had not yet seen and where I will stay only one night.
Nicola and I stroll to Barajas to find a place to have lunch. The city is really small and not particularly characteristic, the roads are up and down them you can see the runway. From the main square
addentramo us in a way that goes ...
-Where do you eat? There
-how do you think?
-What a beautiful fruit that, when we decide to take me fishing, look at that color!
-Hola, que falta you?
-Esta, only a
-Tomala ...
-Gracias, what is?
-Nada, es por ti guapa, que vaya bien you!

And so with a smile, a peach and a ray of sun that rises we take something to eat and sit on a bench in the square.
can not miss the sweet berry muffins with cream inside! The waiter pastry curious Nicola
-Pardon, a pregunta: eres de whence?
-Yo soy de Bolivia.

A Bolivian Cochabamba, our first stop! So let's talk a little bit of Bolivia and of our research before you say goodbye and prepare to go to Madrid.

S enz'altra goal that their destruction
is how I understand myself to discover and rediscover emotions and people at all times, to get to know each other.

Now I am writing from a hostel in central Madrid, a beautiful place with boys and girls from all over the place, each with its own history and its reason for being here. We are living in common and there tells it. I also speak with Gigi, a English-born Italian who works here and keeps telling me he does not understand how all these guys get down to PC for hours, does not understand how they can stand up to an hour and a half chatting in facebook, "we are in capital " says "go to get a ride! What are you doing here?" And he's right ... why today's post is short ... I'm sorry, I'll get to the metro and Martina climb de fiesta with my traveling companions and those who have conoscoiuto here.


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