Monday, September 13, 2010

Colour Charts From Penta

A backpack for the trip ...

A consignment

60-70 days ... maybe 90

clothing for the climate 30̊ to-10̊

Two pairs of shoes a route from 237 m to 4090 m

Two eyes and a field journal for more than 5000 km

Three jeeps to a research team

For a map and a yellow felt-tip pen to mark our arrival in Cochabamba (2548 m )
And here the adventure begins.
What we do know is that we'll need three days for some preliminary organization: a workshop with teachers and students of the University of Cochabamba and purchase of technical equipment such as tents, mosquito nets, bulbs, shovel, pickaxe to dig ... and mattresses.

From September 18 to October 1 will come to life names Cochabamba, Chapare, Villa Tunari, San Javier, Trinidad:
-down from Cochabamba to the Chapare. First step to Villatunari and immersion in economic reality has set in motion the various migratory movements of population engaged in agriculture.
research topic: the cultivation of coca and the subsequent birth of the movement.
-Second stage: San Javier, in what was a Jesuit mission at the time of Reduciones. From San Javier will continue the journey directly to Trinidad (237 m ) and visit some tropical areas (Mmnorè and hibiscus).
research topic: Analysis of ancient agricultural structures attributed to the Arawak culture and comparison with the current economic systems of land use. Relationship between the humid tropical areas with flood flood not those now used mostly by farms. Three days will be spent within a company landowner not far from the floodplain where over a thousand years ago were built canals and embankments on the Amazon pre-Inca peoples.

From October 2 to October 17 climb:
Trinidad - La Paz 3640 m - Achacachi - 3200 m Charasani
-First La Paz stage: with universities, with the Italian Embassy in Bolivia and the related ministries such as viceministero of traditional medicine.
research topic: Analysis of the territory in relation to the historical process of cultural tiawanaco, springs, Inca and colonial.
-Second stage: Lake Titicaca. Stay for at least a week in the community and Charasani curve.
research topic : Shaman activities Kallawaya heirs of traditional medicine and Inca tiawanacota. Interview opportunities with local authorities and some indigenous families.

October 18 to November 3
La Paz - Loayza province - Uyuni 3656 m - Potosi 4090 m - Sucre 4090 m

First stop: the community of the province Loaisa Cairoma gravitating around the town hall.
research topic : evaluation of systems of public and private use of 'water in different historical periods of the last two thousand years, the stage Tiawanaco to the postcolonial.
Objective: creation of a special documentary on the value of memory localization in regard to social structures and diversity of local systems. A note will focus on deepening the relations between the glaciers are retreating and the problems relating to scarcity of water resources.
Second stage: transfer to Potosi and Sucre stopping 4 / 6 days between S. Ana de Chipaya, lake and Poop Uyuni to visit the communities Chipaya, Uru and the Salar of Uyuni.
Research topics: collection of data on patterns of life of local populations and the archives of Sucre and Potosi.

November 3 to November 20 to return
Sucre - Tarija 1854 m - Santa Cruz 416 m

-First stage: Tarija area.
research topic : Archaeology and spatial memory location. Archival research also at the Franciscan convent where they are deposited thousands of texts and manuscripts relating to the period of the colony and the Christianization of the territories or Ava Guarany Chiriguano.
research topic : Ava community Guarany Christianized Christianized and still living today along the Rio Pilcomayo.

November 20 -?
At this point it is not said that I return. If weather conditions permit me the only thing I need is another soap, and some way to go back to "my" ... shamans


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