Monday, March 1, 2010

Verses For 21st Birthday

What does it mean to be left to Spinea?


What does it mean today to be left?

conceive their political orientation not only as a mere adherence to an ideology, but as the main indication of a way of being and living.

In a society dominated by careerists and courtiers of the powerful, often willing to prostitute herself to a chair or a prebend, there are still people that, with courage and independence, is able to carry forward the ideas he believes in, even though they are unwelcome to the centers of power. That someone, if willing to follow to the end of its truth and fight for them, is left.

After a quick search on the internet I find this simple definition, is a blog of Charles Dore Jr, I linger there, I speak it over and then decide to share it.

applied to any political argument, for its dreadful simplicity, it is interpreted and willingly, to become any applications starting position, near or far, in the daily reality for every citizen, whether participation in the life association, union, neighborhood, government, from a single city council, the most important areas, gradually widening.

Nothing ideologies, policies, trends of thought, historical materialism or revolution.

Only a sleek, sensible thoughts on the values \u200b\u200bwhich they can riferisi all those citizens tired of being helpless spectators in the theater of politics, now barricaded behind their rituals corny, but that despite rhetoric and stale, are both in the countryside riperpretati election, both in the refusal of the same promises / expectations in your application to real life, be it in a small town, which in large institutions.

In our small, Spinea, we are witnessing the dramatic destruction of the expectations of thousands of voters who supported the change and believed in the conversion of a sustainable future Spinea.

After ten years of rule by the junta led by Tessari palazzinari citizens Spinea wanted to give confidence to the policy of the Left (PD and coalition) as an alternative Postas that had the consent of a majority of voters.
A great victory, a great achievement, one big town to go and win big against the fiercest opponents on the center right, but also a great responsibility.

misplaced trust, but it would seem, - Is a reluctance to dirloa that Spinea rossoverde candidate, the ballot has strongly supported the candidacy of Checkley, in contrast with all other of its list.

I must admit that on Friday we saw the nth humiliating prostration, the City Council in yet pro-palazzinari.

The news jumped in local newspapers, with titles that make merciless highlight the inconsistency.

approved further development of housing, which consecution of power / political will of the worst of the former junta, the so-called Plan Standard 20, approved with the votes of a minority owner of that plane (and I would also like to see ..), it was perpetuated the dependence of this administration to Stravolo the center right, not merely apparently, but physically, is still ruling.

This is what we all perceive, and it is difficult if not impossible, to prove the contrary.

One voice is the representative of the majority against the IDV Alfon Dolphin today settles the controversy, in open council by the mayor, who calls the vote, calling the refrain with a significant statement to the press:

We want to say to Mr. Mayor that our vote of abstention
derives from the fact he wanted to give a clear signal to the previous administration on construction and also because we knew it was a process to conclusion pn 20, a quasi-bound (true hand, you could ask for improvements, such as public green spaces for example), however we at the 'IDV not feel the need for new apartments in Spinea. We reiterate that we support and will support this Administration because it has no alternative or comparisons with the previous one. But if the Mayor invites us to vote against rather than abstain (However, we believe that there is a nice difference between the two behaviors), we should remember that we always do it with the next steps that do not convince us, if he prefers this ?

is why the opening sentence about what it means to be left struck me, because it interprets what one adviser (in the current majority that defines the left) has put into practice:

... there is still someone with the courage and independence, is able to carry forward the ideas he believes in, even though they are unwelcome to the centers of power. That someone, if willing to follow to the end of its truth and fight for them, is left.



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