Sunday, December 14, 2008

Do Twins Have Vertebrae

December 12, 2008 to commemorate the massacre of State

While in Italy has been struggling with bad weather and the difficulty to make ends meet, while CGIL only mobilizes the world of work and the whole civil society into the streets to have appropriate measures to address the crisis passes under all these problems also yet another anniversary of the Massacre of State.

39 years have passed since that December 12, 1969 in Fountain Square, from the terrible massacre in the National Bank of Agriculture, which caused 17 deaths and 84 injured, were responsible for subversive organizations of the right, as demonstrated historically and procedurally.

Milan, December 12, 1969, 16:30

explodes a bomb in living branch of the National Bank of Agriculture, at 4 Fountain Square. Begins a new era of tragedy.

The terrorists could not have chosen a better time: the bank is in fact packed for the "Friday Market", which refers to the farmers in the provinces of Milan and Pavia. The bomb was placed to cause maximum casualties: under the table at the center of the room for customers, the semi in front of the doors. The rooms bear witness to the power of the explosive used devastated.

The attack because sixteen dead, of which fourteen on the spot, and eighty wounded. History will tell whether the massacre of Piazza Fontana, launching the strategy tension, resulted in the ten darkest years of Italian political life.

In the hours following the attacks are carried out searches in places of all organizations of the extreme left. It also visited some far-right organization, but without much conviction, as the investigation and save the New Order National Vanguard, the most important. Fin The very next day, as prepared in advance, part of an incredible campaign against the extremists on the left. The surveys are an amazing pace, is arrested in three days on which a dozen people, such as state police, "heavy burden clues." They are all anarchists Bakunin and circles of March 22. Among them are: John Aricò, Annelise Borth, Casile Angelo, Roberto Mander, Emilio Borghese, Mario Merlino, Giuseppe Pinelli and Pietro Valpreda. For the police, in short, in addition to the anarchic, no track deserves to be taken into account.

begin interrogation. Are conducted with energy. On December 15 at midnight in the courtyard of police headquarters in Milan, a shattered body with almost no noise at the foot of a journalist. And Giuseppe Pinelli, an anarchist arrested three days earlier, fell without a cry from a room on the fourth floor. Official cause of death: suicide. You would not believe anyone ... Among the anarchists stopped immediately after the massacre at the National Bank of Agriculture, Commissioner Calabresi seems to be interested in one person: Peter Valpreda, a professional dancer. The boy cries his innocence. It is recognized that not long after. Yet, even then, all of them reveal the existence of a "black run", which will be explored only belatedly.

December 15, 1969

Guido Lorenzon secretary of a section of the Christian Democrats, is a city attorney stating that he is aware of facts that could be linked to the attacks. Two days earlier, that the aftermath of the explosion, was the editor John Ventura (longtime friend), a conversation that, since then, the obsession. Information Ventura, which provided him with the attacks were so precise and detailed so that it may be totally unrelated to the massacre.

Previously Ventura had talked with the same precision of the ten train bombings carried out in Northern Italy in the night between 8 and 9 August 1969. It had also confided to belong to a clandestine organization that was planning a coup aimed at creating a system inspired by the Republic of Salò. Up to that moment had been silent Lorenzon. After the massacre in Milan could not do so: the last conversation with Ventura, in fact, seemed to understand that they were preparing other deadly attacks.

The next day, in the company of lawyers, Lorenzon repeated his testimony before a magistrate, from Treviso, the prosecutor Pietro Calogero. With the help of Lorenzon, who continues to attend Ventura, in a few weeks Calogero collect a series of solid evidence against him and his friend, Franco Freda, a lawyer well known in the region of Padua for its neo-Nazi views.

Franco Freda, slightly older than Ventura, a great admirer of Hitler and the SS, fanatical anti-Semite, worked its way up, like Ventura, MSI, in the early sixties he directed the university organization (Fuan ). Later he founded the Aryan aristocracy Groups (AR), close to New Order.

John Ventura grew up in the nostalgia for Mussolini, has run the MSI writing very young. In 1965, finding that movement too moderate, enter into the New Order, whose more energetic policy best suits their aspirations.

November 1971

A Mason, to perform some repairs on the roof of one house of Castelfranco Veneto, accidentally breaks the partition wall of a house owned by a Socialist town councilor, Giancarlo Marchesin, and discovered an arsenal of weapons and explosives, including, in particular, cases of ammunition initialed born. Arrested, Marchesin declares that those weapons were hidden there by John Ventura a few days after the attacks of 12 December, and that before you were at a certain Roger Pan.

questioned in turn, Pan reveals that during the summer of 1969, after the train bombings, Ventura asked him to buy the metal cases of the German brand Jewell. Those of wood used to place the explosives in the attacks, said the publisher had not had the effect of "compression of the explosive metal." Pan refused. The next day, noting Ventura from a metal box, he realized that someone was going to buy it for him.

Pan had forgotten the episode until 13 December 1969, the day when television and newspapers showed the playback of a cassette used in the attacks on banks. It was a Jewell, identical to those purchased by Freda and Ventura. The magistrates of Treviso

discover that the group held its meetings in the hall of a university of Padua made available to it by the keeper, Marco Pozzan, right-hand man Franco Freda.

Submitted by investigators, 21 February and 1 March 1972, two long interviews, Marco Pozzan explains that the plan, prepared for a long time, had received the green light during a night meeting held in Padua, April 18, 1969 . At first reticent about the identity of two of the participants in the meeting, arrived the same evening from Rome, Pozzan, after some hesitation, reveals the name of one of them, Pino Rauti, then head of the New Order movement. On the second, it ensures to know only what the Franco Freda said: "It is a journalist and member of the secret services ...".

The magistrates, indeed, were already aware of this meeting due to interception which had submitted the details of Freda. What I was unaware of the importance it had in the organization of the terrorist attacks of 1969.

March 3, 1972

Franco Freda, solicitor in Padua, John Ventura and Pino Rauti, national leader of the MSI and founder of the New Order, were arrested. They are accused of organizing the attacks of April 25, 1969 (the Fair and the Milan Central Station) and 8 and 9 August of that year (at the expense of some trains). On 21 March, adding to the charges against the group Freda-Ventura bombings of 12 December 1969, the court Stiz forward the dossier to local jurisdiction, the prosecutor in Milan.

to continue the investigation shall be appointed three new judges whose first initiative is set at liberty Rauti, without dropping the indictment.

Taking surveys from scratch, the three judges picked up in Milan a few months a series of decisive evidence against the group-Freda and Ventura, at the same time, demonstrate that police officers and judges who have fallen on the track anarchist who committed numerous irregularities .

A new report on the various pieces of explosives, timers and found bags containing the bombs at December 12, 1969 attacks can ascertain three important facts:

1) the bombs are made up of identical sticks of explosives hidden from Ventura, few days after the attacks, in the house of Giancarlo Marchesin;

2) the mechanisms of delayed blast bombs come from a lot of fifty timer purchased September 22, 1969 by Franco Freda in a shop in Bologna. Freda will tell magistrates that he bought the timers at the request of a mysterious Captain Hamid Mohamed Selin Algerian secret service, on behalf of the Palestinian resistance. A check carried out at Algerian authorities that this captain does not exist;

3) bags in which they found the bombs had been purchased two days before the attacks, in a leather goods of Padua. A few days later, by comparing two photos of the leather bag was discovered intact in the Italian Commercial Bank, Judge D'Ambrosio is a difference. In the first, taken the same evening of the attacks, still hangs from the handle the price tag. In the second, taken a month later, the label and the rope which was attached to have disappeared. Once again, someone intervened to suppress the evidence.

now convinced they have in hand, Franco Freda and Giovanni Ventura, the key characters of the attacks, Milan magistrates apply to find out who is behind the two men, the true underlying the strategy of tension. The investigation will be torn down in flight in 1974 from the decision of the Supreme Court to remove from their investigation of who ran for two years with exemplary courage. The trial was moved to Catanzaro, where they had already been moved to the investigation and trial Valpreda for "reasons of public order." A Catanzaro they are assigned to two local magistrates who, without being able to question their honesty, will never follow the "black tracks" with the stubbornness of their predecessors.


(Nova Humanity, number 10 of March 21, 2004, Year 84 - article by Luciano Lanza)

's sentence appeal for the Piazza Fontana bombing (December 12, 1969) is not outrageous as many say and write, is the rule. Restored. After a few anomalies. Small and incomplete.

facts. On 12 March the Court of Appeal of Milan acquitted of the crime of murder (life imprisonment) Delphi Zorzi, Carlo Maria Maggi and Giancarlo Rognoni, which are responsible of the attack that caused more than 34 years ago 16 (plus one) dead and 84 wounded in National Bank for Agriculture. In June 2001 the three were sentenced to life imprisonment. In addition Stefano Tringali was caught three years for aiding and abetting. Ironically it is the only guilty by a sentence reduced to one year. But if there are guilty of aiding and abetting those who did? Mysteries of Italian justice. Or rather, there are no mysteries, there is only the desire to "close" a page which sees the Italian state as guilty of conspiracy and murder.

Why is the rule in this criminal affair? Very simple. Because since the outbreak of the bombs (one in Milan and two in Rome) the apparatus of state have done everything for detecting and concealing the truth. Remember? At first the monster that had put the bomb was an anarchist, Pietro Valpreda, but not only anarchist also a dancer, then a move, a different with the lust of blood and revolution. And from there a campaign (obsessively orchestrated, not too cleverly, but pounding by the media) against the anarchists and the left "revolutionary." With a side equally dramatic: the "flight" of a Milanese anarchist, Giuseppe Pinelli, from the fourth floor of police headquarters in Milan. Well that had worked for a short time frame, then an obscure court Veneto in Treviso, Giancarlo Stiz if they had come out with a warrant for the arrest of two neo-Nazis: Franco Freda and Giovanni Ventura. For Stiz were their leaders, not Valpreda of this assassination. Before

anomaly. Which contradicted the investigation "institutional" of Roman magistrates and Vittorio Ernesto Cudillo occurred. The two had bet now (and why?) Valpreda and his companions on the club March 22. From there, a sequence of processes that define a small thing is ridiculous. The process begins February 23 for the massacre that saw the dock and the anarchists Valpreda and his companions (with an addition of Mario Merlino, Nazi infiltrator in the group March 22) and the Nazis Freda and Ventura. The Sound of Music to muddy the waters (the worn, but still heralded theory of "extremists on both sides) and do not understand what really happened. But the Roman magistrates on March 6 (makers of the frame, remember: Occorso and Cudillo) understand that they will get it going. The process is then moved to Milan: the place of slaughter. The place where, according to the laws of the Italian state was to be held beginning the process. What's going on? The Prosecutor General of Milan, Enrico De Pepper says that Milan is a city in the hands of the "red" legitimate suspicion. The process is hijacked (banished?) In Catanzaro. But we have to wait almost ten years after the massacre (February 23, 1979 to get to the first sentence. Freda and Ventura are sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, acquitted Valpreda and companions (insufficient evidence), but convicted of criminal conspiracy. But there an interesting postscript. The courts of Catanzaro return to Milan acts regarding the former prime minister Giulio Andreotti and Mariano Rumor and former Mario Tanassi ministers, defense, and Mario Zagari, Justice. To say that the four men come almost immediately from the political process is how to tell one of those old jokes that everyone knows. And it all ends up as already expected, "Sorry to disturb."

And, from task to task, we arrive at January 27, 1987 in which the first section of the Supreme Court closed the matter: no one responsible for the massacre of Piazza Fontana. Anarchists and Nazis are innocent. Or rather, the fact remains that Freda and Ventura has confirmed the sentence to 15 years for attacks on the Trade Fair and the Central Station in Milan on April 25, 1969 and, in the same year, the train bombings (ten bombs, eight burst) between 8 and 9 August. Special

not insignificant: those two attacks, initially attributed to anarchists, were used to construct the "theorem anarchist" Piazza Fontana. Then the responsibility of the case is finally attributed to the Nazis no longer seems relevant.
dialectical capacity of the Italian judiciary.

arrive in another of the few anomalies that mark this event. The examining magistrate Guido Salvini in 1987 opened a new investigation sull'eversione and right on the Piazza Fontana massacre.

survey in 1995 in order to get indictments against a number of neo-Nazi terrorists. But to wait until June 2001 to assist the life sentence of Delphi Zorzi, Carlo Maria Maggi and Giancarlo Rognoni. Over the three-year sentence for aiding and Stefano Tringali.

Even the anomaly created by Salvini was closed. Buried by a desire to be guilty for the massacre. And when you have never seen a state that condemns himself?

Why the massacre of Piazza Fontana was really a massacre was termed as the anarchists Bridge Ghisolfa December 17, 1969 at a press conference that the press called it "incoherent". Massacre was involved because there are ministers, party secretaries, the Italian secret service (who are not diverted, but obedient to the orders of those responsible policy) and foreign intelligence services (Americans and Israelis).

For those who have lived through that period then it is worth recalling that the Italian ruling class feared a shift to the left of the national policy, a change unwanted and opposed by all means. Even with the bombs and the dead. It was put in place a strategy that "would lead, in the intentions of the performers, in an authoritarian regime, but which was run by the highest organs of state to take out political opponents and to create a climate of fear which perpetuates the centrality the Christian Democratic Party and its allies. "

Now, back to the fore the successors of the Christian Democrats (Forza Italy more satellites), the Piazza Fontana bombing must go into oblivion. Discuss this issue again in a few years, when nearly forty years have passed since the massacre. And then it will be even more and only a story. Revised. According to the dictates of revisionism abounds.


"Family Associations victims of the massacre of Piazza Fontana"
President: LOUIS PASS


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