Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is Cooperators A Good Insurance Company

Victory of a President, the hope of all

We still believe it.
not believe the millions of Americans that in recent months have long believed in the dream of seeing a president in the White House differently, not only in color, but the story and the charisma that led him to win the Republican candidate.

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii Kenyan father and white American mother. His father, Barack Obama Sr., married his mother, Ann Dunham, while studying at the University of Hawaii. The couple separated when Obama was two years old. The father did returned to Kenya where he became a noted economist. It 'died in a car accident in 1982.

second wife, the mother married an Indonesian, Lolo Soetoro. The family moved to Indonesia, where Obama has remained until the age of 10 years, after which he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii, where he attended a scholarship to Punahou Academy, an elite institution .

He has seven brothers and sisters in Kenya, the children's father and sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, his mother's side.

After finishing college in 1983, Obama worked for a financial consultant in New York and a consumer association. He found work in Chicago in 1985 in the organization Project of development of the community - a religious group that sought to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods.

Three years later he joined the Harvard Law School, where he became the first black president of the university law journal. He worked as an associate pro tempore in the law firm Sidley Austin in Chicago, where he met his future wife. After graduating from Harvard in 1991, Obama practiced as a civil rights lawyer in a small studio in Chicago, then became a professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago in 1993.

Obama won a seat in the Illinois Senate in 1996. During that term he worked legislation on welfare and ethical issues and on a measure providing for the electronic recording of police interrogations and confessions in homicide investigations.

Obama won a coveted seat on the U.S. Senate in 2004, wresting the nomination of seven rivals for the Democratic Party and went on to win the election.

From U.S. senator has stood out to vote in favor of bills left, but was also one of the few Democrats to support a measure on class-action in court. He opposed the nomination of John Roberts to the Minister of Justice and that of Samuel Alito to Supreme Court Judge.

The National Journal, not sides for any political force, called Obama the most liberal senator in 2007, basing his view on how Parliament had voted in that year. He was ranked 10th on the list of the most liberal in 2008 and 16th place in 2005.

( Sources: Reuters, Almanac of American Politics, "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama)


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