Sunday, November 23, 2008

Daniel Reyes Cuernavaca Facebook

died Sandro Curzi, historical voice of the left

taken from (AMI) Italian Agency Multimedia

He died Saturday morning in Rome at the age of 78 years, after a long illness, the journalist Sandro Curzi. Director of TG3 Rai and later director of the PRC Communist newspaper "Liberation" from 2005 Curzon was a member of the board of RAI.

Born in Rome 4 March 1930, a militant communist since adolescence, Sandro Curzi has spent its life in the Communist Party first and then the communist PRC authorities, have positions in the communications field. Editor of "Unity" illegal immigration - which later became managing editor and managing director of Central -, Editor of the journal FGCI "New Youth", the director of "Deliverance" from 1998 to 2005 under the leadership of Fausto Bertinotti, in the mid 60s to the national leadership of the Communist Party he served for a short period the role of responsible for press and propaganda.

Still, between journalistic assignments is to remember the Deputy Directorate of the newspaper "Paese Sera", held from 1967 to 1975, that dealt with the student revolts of 1968 and the rescue workers in 1969.

He joined RAI in 1975, worked with Sergio Zavoli to Gr1 and in 1976 was among the supporters of the birth of the third public network, in 1978 and became co-director of the newscast by Biagio Agnes, of which he took over from 1987 to 1993. On completion of this experience, Curzon spent two years at the helm of the Tg of Telemontecarlo. In 2005 he was elected a director by the Parliamentary Supervisory Rai, thanks to the votes of Rifondazione Comunista, the Greens and the left-most wing of the PDS.

The funeral will be held this afternoon in the hall of Protomoteca Campidoglio in Rome, and will be open from 17 to 20 today and from 10 to 18 on Sunday, then re-open on Monday from 9 to 11.30. Then the funeral will be celebrated with a secular ceremony.

condolences for the death of Sandro Curzi reached by the highest authorities of the state. The President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, the family of the journalist expresses his "affectionate participation in the sign of an old friendship" and salutes "a man of sincere political passion and always alive uncommon human kindness," stressing that "the bitter controversy involved in that period of his greatest journalistic responsibility not ever led to closures or hateful to any mitigation of his independence of opinion and of his sense of the institutions. " Praise for "his profound attachment to the public television service, as evidenced by his commitment in recent times."

Several posts from the entire Italian political spectrum. For Rifondazione, the party of Curzi, Paolo Ferrero is the secretary to speak: "We consider a great privilege to have enjoyed working with him, to his love for journalism and his political commitment, both in quality of director who gave me strength Liberation and value, both as a passionate activist in the party. The widow and family - ends Ferrero - I express deep condolences and full embrace of affection and my staff around the PRC. " "If he goes with an old friend Sandro Curzi, a journalist of race, a brave man and ironic that had traveled in his life a large portion of the history of the Italian left," says the secretary of the Democratic Party, Walter Veltroni, speaking of "a passionate man who took things head-on with vehemence and capabilities. " From Pdl, Maurizio Gapsarri recalls "a man soundly that he has always respected part of their political opponents," a character, added the Undersecretary for Communications, Paolo Romani, who "with his critical voice and its sometimes uncomfortable positions contributed to growth of public service. " "A great Italian," calls him the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, "that's right for us has been known to be a partner and a person who has never pulled back."

Among journalists, Michele Santoro Curzon remembers "the greatest ability to nourish the relationship with others, even with people different from him. " The Director of TG5, Clemente Mimun, will miss "his humanity, his sympathy, his loyal partisanship." Rai from the top, the president Claudio Petruccioli lost "a great friend, a companion for life," but also "a great journalist, as Biagi, Montanelli like." With the disappearance of Curzi, says Director General Rai Claudio Cappon, "Italy loses a master of journalism. Rai one of the protagonists, a professional who has helped to make history. "


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