Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Clean After A Bowel Movement

Sweet Ein zwei drei about you

I happen to think.
I happen to think of fragments of life, situations and solutions.
you happen to be electrocuted by a problem that affects the macro or micro, young or old, the past or the future or just a memory, a regret, a moment of glory.
you'll give birth to a concept, a hope, a line of illogic with which to play Arianne ready to rescue any ship tossed from small to large daily tragedies.
you'll laugh yourself or draw a universality from a personal experience. We happen and you can write or not there may happen and you can write the same. The important thing is to leave
The intention of "Sweet About You" is put on the scale of the 'bowl. And get a beautiful, as fragile and unbalanced equilibrium.
I intend to harassment (stalking so prepared for complaints) and ask 10 or 1000 rows.
will find, much to my joy and recognition, situated between these modest pages.


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