Friday, February 18, 2011

Front Wheel Wobble When Spinning

New Year, "Patrie" new ground

UDINE - Back to "La Patrie dal Friuli" with a special issue, the "Cuintristorie from Nûfcent" curated by Angelo Floramo . "In the year to levels we would like to teach the" history "of the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy - which has invaded the Friuli until 1866 (and parts of Gorizia the Italians have arrived only after the First World War), "says La Patrie dal Friuli" offer a true reading of the history of Friuli "short century." Each month we will talk about the cover of a significant event of 1900 to the present day. A ride over the decades to better understand what happened in Friuli, never content to what we said and that it would impose Italy. " The first episode is dedicated to the decade 1900-1910 with Udine, capital of modernity "with the trade fair in 1903 and" light "with Arturo Malignani . The issue opens with a historical analysis of Donato Toffoli on 500 years of the peasant revolt of the "Joibe Grasse" of February 27, 1511. Among the new features also heading for the network and new technologies "Furlans, digjitait furlan" cun Dree Venier, Michele Calligaris, Giorgio Jannis and Matieu Baldan . Staying on the news, a speech Marco De Agostini, political secretary of the bustling Friûl and an exclusive interview with Sonia Cossettini , the "traffic warden" Rai Friuli spot so much criticism that says "La Patrie from the Friuli je stade Ask me cemût unique in that the thought of jo dutis chestis polemichis RAI on the spot. " La Patrie dal Friuli can be found in major bookstores and newsstands in all branches of the Cassa di Risparmio VG-F or by subscription: so many gifts and promotions for those who decide to subscribe. And the site is available entire archive of previous issues and have a preview of this month.


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