Monday, February 28, 2011

Biopsy Freckles Inside Of Cheek

photographic chemicals. Digital photography. Via

Since I began studying photography I shot exclusively with a digital camera.
E 'Everyone knows that this will be the recording medium for the next future so as to relegate the film in what is now the vinyl for music.
visiting forums and specialized sites have formed (and I'm forming) the eye to a certain type of image "fragrant" due to the dry analyticity of digital, with almost endless opportunities of image processing, to a certain fashion research " crunchiness "photo. All with the peaceful, just and justified blessing of the manufacturers that push on the flywheel of the best digital performance and fidelity of what is commonly called reality.
Digital recording has become accustomed my eye with its bright colors, clean and sharp, with the distribution "noise" at high ISO homogeneous, with the perception of "cleaning" of the image. The digital
also draws mentally clean rooms, perfect, computerized and automated in my view affect the sensitivity of the photographer, so the research and production of images. Having approached the sport seriously for some years now I also asked myself from the photographers who use the new shooting methods and digital processing equipment with a mandate to get the most from this type of recovery.
Nevertheless I'm lucky to be still riding the giant watershed technology and I do not think the heretical idea of \u200b\u200bbuying a pair of rollers for use in some output. Dusting an old film camera of the sixties, I wanted to experience the thrill of discovery, rather a real discovery as the shots are now not by chance but by a genuine search for a result, not always provided by the amateurism that characterizes me, but reasoned.
The use of film camera forced me to revise the timing of the shot preparation which would be substantially expanded due to the use of tables for the depth of field, evaluation of distance by eye and, not least because, from a cost quantify the shot as the consumption of a tangible medium such as film and made of renewable and non-virtual-bit bytes, mega and giga that restrains the finger button putting a selection from the outset.
The result is a greater attention to the world surrounding the shot, the "idea" put in place that changes during the acquisition process that lasts a split second but that was born minutes before and ends long after the data recorder Click on a diary (to the face metadata!).
I also noticed that the reason given by the film method, free from fuck of "seeing", free from the display of the camera, free from craving for download on the PC. The
pending the development and printing of test done in a conscious way, compared to the almost certain result that you wanted to freeze.
The first film I did work a dozen of days ago and on Saturday I took negatives and prints. I was pleased to welcome a few clicks, in my view, unattainable with current digital techniques, and photos, even the most trivial, seemed to feature a 'great soul, thanks to films such as Ilford Plus 125 ASA for yield contrasts nuances and left me speechless.
To this was added to the awareness that the development and printing were made via a laboratory using a high proportion of manual work, the result is one of many but one, not get back, not reproposed (once the film is developed can not be developed for a second time) so it has to be the first to certzza a handcrafted work of obtaining a result driven but unique. Unrepeatable said. And so human, alive, breathing.
Perhaps that is why I see the photos wear a shade that seems stolen from real life.

That said I do not want to decree the superiority of film over digital. It 's a false statement is wrong (as it is to affirm the opposite.) Risk of doing as grumpy old men who do nothing but repeat that it was better when it was worse. Would risk encouraging a reading of this post focuses on a sense of arrogance and haughtiness had actually discovered the hot water (to take pictures on film!).
My intention is only to share an experience of being wary of anyone who says "digital film because it displaces the same thing and it's free.." Quite false! The results are very different, for when similar but conceptually different because away. You work with a different methodology, is set in its sensitivity to a model centered on silence and method teaches you the technique with the whip is not a Kalashnikov.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monster Wrestling Singlets For Sale

demolishes the Udinese 7-0 Palermo, Zamparini hunting Delio Rossi

PALERMO - was a challenge for the Champions League. It has turned into a triumph by the Guinness Book for the Bianconeri and a resounding thud for Rosanero, which took the bench coach of the house. Udinese beat Palermo 7-0. One thing never seen in Serie A on goal difference between the two contenders. Christmas makes three, bring it back to the scorer, and Sanchez throws into even four times before being replaced by Denis and take the standing ovation of "Barbera". Perfect match of Friuli, who missed a shot. Nightmare deep Delio Rossi, kicked badly by the president Zamparini. Expected to arrive in Sicily Serse Cosmi. Udinese sailing in fifth place to share 47, just one point by the Lazio and five from Naples, waiting for the match between the Neapolitan and Milan tomorrow night. Sunday at the "Friuli" comes Bari, last in the standings to 16 points. The over, that is the game that ends with at least three goals, is listed on a very short ...

Watch Dr Loo And The Filthy Phaleks

Ente Friuli nel Mondo, here is the new magazine

UDINE - Ente Friuli nel Mondo presents the new magazine, now bimonthly, full content from around the globe. It will also digitized the entire collection of old publication number from 1 1952 to present. The files produced will be freely available worldwide by entering on-line in a section of the website and may be transferred on any type of digital media. The project's aim is to obtain a tool to exploit, making it accessible to all Friuli in the world, the vast documentary heritage of the institution Udine.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lewis Dot Diagram Of Clf2-


have long been undecided on the topic of this post.
Small personal upheavals are a sounding board to the great revolutionary who blows hot topics in the Maghreb. The situation Libyan then it seems so indecent that only friends "unconditional" in a country like ours the Banana than in terms of drama. Since it's hard to deliver a clear thinking, as it repels me this idea of \u200b\u200ban Italy so mad and running to the limit of a toxic mother who prostitutes herself with the best intentions with hypocritical dictators of countries that do not deserve even to pronounce the word " Italy, would prefer a little insight that perhaps they will resonate in this little world elimitato the boundaries of the absurd.

Time is a good magician. Because in its perpetuation and in its scan falsely reassured a continuous motion but not the previous one. The tick of a second is like previous year and equal to the next much to praise in the continuity of the eternal spotless screens. Which is of course not.
Being placed before a change is a minor earthquake that shifts daily, not only the perception of change in what is around but also of what lies within us.
My home is located a few miles from the highway, in a more defined areas of the country. To reach the city there are two options: the classical state clogged or a longer route and uncomfortable that winds through fields plowed parallel and adjacent to the highway.
My temper leads me to travel more this second route, a route made more reference points, a via personal meeting place of the Great Oak, little food, the skeleton of the same tree on the ridge of a hill, prison, the usual holes on the asphalt that now have learned to avoid. Right at the end of this road is a small hill going to merge into one of the few arteries that carry traffic in Rimini. This final section embodies the last breath of peace before pulling into traffic and does so with a grace worthy of the past, almost poetic, the way it is wedged between the walls of containment of a hill, the walls that have nothing of the cursed breath stinking gray concrete walls of stone but if you do not bring in the geometric perfection of the casting but the rigor craft of imperfection. Walls dripping with work and not technical, walls forming part of the territory with the same elegance of nature. The left wall was a small masterpiece, on top of that rose by 4 pine trees and thick foliage crushed, that at particular times of the 'thinning of the year or during the morning mists Filta sunlight in sheets warm and enveloping bouncing on hot walls. Take this last stretch was like leaving a warm bed, or had the same evocative power of well-being, but gave the rest of the morning while a senzasione of melancholy as the short drive was intended to culminate in a hurry and with it the vision. I have promised several times to go on site with the camera and wait for even a spark of that beautiful light, but (I do not ability) I always late with the certainty of finding that special light.
For some time, work began to build the third lane of the highway, large parcels of land have been fenced off to allow the works related to the construction site and the red stripe of work has gone so far to the left wall. I never believed nor imagined that they could break down those four pine trees. Which occurred regularly for some unknown reason that escapes the illogical antics of a poetic but ruthlessly clear mind for racing production of this civilization of reinforced concrete. I think it was ripped apart a beautiful corner landscape, a bit 'like it was shot down a beautiful building in the center, my biggest regret is that she can no longer enjoy this (although short) expanded vision of peace that they had had (wanted) " 1 / 125 "of time to devote to a shooting lulled into that kind of great deception that is life.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tag Heuer Not Reset To 12

Sanchez No no party, just like against Brescia

UDINE - Udinese does not go beyond the 0-0 against Brescia. And to think that the day is envisaged 26sima very positive, with defeat all rivals for fifth place. Palermo, Juventus and Roma, in fact, have taken on board by the chills. Instead, Friuli, without the suspended Sanchez, have missed a wonderful opportunity to pull the pursuers and stay in contact with the train that counts. The eleven Guidolin remains fifth, but he sees the Lazio away four points, and Inter are. Sunday Juventus will face the tricky trip to Palermo, although the team Zamparini is going through a very difficult time. With the return of the "nino maravilla" Guidolin, and the reasons the former should be a different story.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Front Wheel Wobble When Spinning

New Year, "Patrie" new ground

UDINE - Back to "La Patrie dal Friuli" with a special issue, the "Cuintristorie from Nûfcent" curated by Angelo Floramo . "In the year to levels we would like to teach the" history "of the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy - which has invaded the Friuli until 1866 (and parts of Gorizia the Italians have arrived only after the First World War), "says La Patrie dal Friuli" offer a true reading of the history of Friuli "short century." Each month we will talk about the cover of a significant event of 1900 to the present day. A ride over the decades to better understand what happened in Friuli, never content to what we said and that it would impose Italy. " The first episode is dedicated to the decade 1900-1910 with Udine, capital of modernity "with the trade fair in 1903 and" light "with Arturo Malignani . The issue opens with a historical analysis of Donato Toffoli on 500 years of the peasant revolt of the "Joibe Grasse" of February 27, 1511. Among the new features also heading for the network and new technologies "Furlans, digjitait furlan" cun Dree Venier, Michele Calligaris, Giorgio Jannis and Matieu Baldan . Staying on the news, a speech Marco De Agostini, political secretary of the bustling Friûl and an exclusive interview with Sonia Cossettini , the "traffic warden" Rai Friuli spot so much criticism that says "La Patrie from the Friuli je stade Ask me cemût unique in that the thought of jo dutis chestis polemichis RAI on the spot. " La Patrie dal Friuli can be found in major bookstores and newsstands in all branches of the Cassa di Risparmio VG-F or by subscription: so many gifts and promotions for those who decide to subscribe. And the site is available entire archive of previous issues and have a preview of this month.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Much Does A Backyard Basketball Court Cost

If not now when

I can not deny the initial skepticism that has accompanied me to the demonstration of what appears to be promoted by a new wave of fresh and healthy civic participation by women.
Skepticism swept away by a flow of positive energy, creative and remained active as an electric hood over the heads demonstrators.
Immediately we were greeted by an atmosphere of unusual vibration for a city like Rimini, where the only goose bumps is given by some bikini summer.
The impact has been positive, energetic, very constructive, not the classic screaming crowd of bodies but a genuine "meeting" constructive, proactive, not fading. An assembly attentive to words, a meeting participant listening much more than the manifestation of noise. The faces of many protagonists of the movement itself wore the mask of strength, pride, dignity trampled the flower beds like but does not bend, does not dry out, but it is scarred by a system which stunned belittles women depressed, turning off a little at a time, numbness, day after day.
Yesterday was a great day for this country, that when playing the De Profundis, is an unexpected movement of pride and clings to the nail to the vitality of the best days, a vitality that sweeps away the fatigue from the faces, revitalizes the brain , rekindles his eyes and see so many women living has filled my heart with a joy deep, certain and reassuring to see them (because they were devoid of the traits in determining male hatred) made me feel good, finally at peace and less doubtful the fact of living in a strange country stupid.
It made me feel almost normal. I hope
this is just the first step in a broader, which can not stop the expulsion of a premier pimp, can not stop this motion with pride to watch, but as a watch must improve the mechanisms and movements and work with the constancy of the strong.
Because yesterday was a stroke of genius to get a small release must be accompanied by a serious and dedicated persistence. All qualities that women certainly do not fault.

What Side Can I Cook With Ribeye

Cesena, Udinese flies to fifth place

CESENA - The people of Udine has a recurring dream in recent weeks. The dream is called the Champions League. Yesterday, the eleventh of Guidolin has shattered the Cesena with a mandatory 3-0, confirming the unique shape even when away, in front of 2 thousand fans traveling from the Friuli. Totò Di Natale opens and closes the dance with yet another double seasonal coming in at 18 scorers, second only to Cavani. Balla also Inler, or dance the best defense is attacking the bags and momentary 2-0 with a lash from the edge of the area. Patron Well you see your club fly in fifth place with 43 points, to a length interaction (which recovers the Wednesday match against Fiorentina) and two from Lazio. In the next round "will host Udinese Brescia, third to last to 22. Corradi heads of the first leg decided after the race. Woe to underestimate the students, people want to continue to dream big.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sample Of A Letter Of Interest For A Beauty Shop


I wonder how much sense it makes membership in this state. This is useless to state that perhaps never really existed and that has for decades vibrato on the lights of lofty ideals hours asleep time and arrived more dead who comatose today.
Yet another "insult" to the flag was carried by a needless controversy hysterical Confindustria fearful of losing money with holes 5 of GDP and bank located in South Tyrol's crazy outbursts that feed on the weakness of a puppet state, and that current separatist Lega , the mouth of Ministers of the Republic who would divide itself, would not shoot better than the usual demagogic bullshit from backyard ours.
Even the feeble voice of a Napolitano (rightly guarantor of a nation that wants to be called such) that shows a modest crest was erected slapped several times by Mr. PezzoUnico Durnwalder and from the crash Calderoli of homo sapiens.
As usual we talk of nothing, to disappear into the pile of public claiming new victims in a national pride that should be alive and well on the threshold of 150 years and that instead the distinction between dying of a league that does not pop up but on the benches on Italy Racor units and prey and stabs a piece of Italy that wants to be sadly Austria. Instead
unanimously condemn, instead of rowing in the same direction showing the cohesion of a people convinced they will roll blazers and look after the interests (of the party or corporation) following very personal orbits that show the limits more and more evident, as well as disarming a sloppy nation drunk.
Hence the rhetorical question: "What sense does it belong to a State that does not exist?".
You would first organize into clans, tribes and mafias that huge corporations metastases of 57 million inhabitants?

How To Clean After A Bowel Movement

Sweet Ein zwei drei about you

I happen to think.
I happen to think of fragments of life, situations and solutions.
you happen to be electrocuted by a problem that affects the macro or micro, young or old, the past or the future or just a memory, a regret, a moment of glory.
you'll give birth to a concept, a hope, a line of illogic with which to play Arianne ready to rescue any ship tossed from small to large daily tragedies.
you'll laugh yourself or draw a universality from a personal experience. We happen and you can write or not there may happen and you can write the same. The important thing is to leave
The intention of "Sweet About You" is put on the scale of the 'bowl. And get a beautiful, as fragile and unbalanced equilibrium.
I intend to harassment (stalking so prepared for complaints) and ask 10 or 1000 rows.
will find, much to my joy and recognition, situated between these modest pages.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Size Of A Magnum Condom

hundred times Christmas, thanks captain!

UDINE - hundredths of Captain in black and white pearl. Chapeau. Totò Christmas, in the history of the club's patron Pozzo dragging Udinese to victory over the ashes of Samp, anticipating 24sima afternoon of the day. The Neapolitan signing a goal and an assist, bringing her to 40 points, the long-awaited share salvation with 14 games to spare. The match ends 2-0 against Sampdoria, unrecognizable after the supply of illustrious Pazzini and Cassano. I walk on the Friulian opponents for 70 minutes, thanks to the magic of Toto and Alexis Sanchez unleashed a version of "Play Station", a phenomenon capable of inventing spells with the ball only seen in video games, which unlocks the meeting of heads. The zebrette put on ice the game in the first half, giving the final 20 minutes to Sampdoria, which reach the goal with a free-kick and with the Ziegler hated Mannini, which is printed right on the transom. The result is deserved for the eleventh of Francesco Guidolin, now a certainty within the walls of friends and starts to lethal defensive compactness, as well as a well run game that offers glimpses of great football often. I enjoy the momentary Friulian fifth place, waiting for the results tomorrow from other fields. Next Sunday, Udinese will be staged at "Dino Manuzzi", to give battle to an excellent buying Cesena refreshed as Santon, Rosina and the former Felipe, accasatosi Romagna in Florence after a bad experience.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lower Back Pain That Radiates To Groin

Udinese, with a punticino Bologna Udinese

UDINE - No is easy to play every three days. When he has no shine and the rhythms fall is difficult to impose your game and bring out the class of your stars. And if you have an opponent, Bologna, which makes the barricades, everything is terribly difficult. It could be summed up as tonight's match, which saw the cover 1-1 dall'undici Udinese blocked the former (hated) Malesani. The tone of Friuli is the right one, but Guidolin's men give their best when they go to a thousand per hour, said no such thing as impossible after the costly game against Juve in just three days ago. Christmas in the barrel would hit 1-0, after a back pass clumsy Moras Viviano, but the captain spoils everything. What does that Di Vaio in early recovery, which takes advantage of his right to the benefit rossoblù surgery. The pride leads them to draw with Juventus Domizzi, a free-kick from the usual stroke Toto. Nothing more, and the pareggino served. A hot stock that is healthy, as all the major who suffered the same punishment: AC Milan, Lazio and Roma have drawn, Napoli and Juventus even lost, waiting for the Inter will play tomorrow night in Bari in classification has not changed. We will see Saturday at the Friuli against Samp (at 18), which tonight has been defeated at home by Cagliari 0-1.