Friday, March 27, 2009

Pinky Movies Cherrokke

Di Vittorio told by his daughter Baldina

Sunday 15 and Monday 16 Rai sent a fiction, and for once I was surprised.
Yes, because I got used to think that after all the TV takes up the task to suspend thinking and numb the brain. In part, I remain of the same opinion, as far as the fiction about Di Vittorio, bread and freedom, aired on March 16 and 15 past the Rai has generated in those who have seen (more than 6 million) a sort of wonder and emotion. In fact, the story of Giuseppe Di Vittorio few knew her, even if this great man was the architect and founding father of the largest union CGIL.
The story of his life told in two episodes, everyone thinks both fictional and is adjusted to be made more adventurous and dramatic, but it's really been so.
was stated and Baldini Di Vittorio 88 years and a half, polished witness to the life of his father and the facts narrated in the two episodes broadcast by Rai.
E 'which tells her he Unity of Saturday, March 21 that his father and he has been a great trade unionist, to have been painful but courageous positions, such as on the invasion of Hungary by the Soviet Union, he knew be a loving father.
In fact, his strong point was his family, many soddisafzioni, a lot of joy but also pain and accounts payable with salty history.
In his memory of his daughter's life Corragio of a man, a union leader and politician who made a great contribution to change society, but he never forgot to be a man of passion, love.

Biography (taken from Wikipedia)

Early life

son of farm laborers who worked the land of the Marquis Ruby-red Cerignola. Already in the year of 'adolescence had started an intense political and union activities, in 15 years was among the sponsors of the youth club socialist city, while in 1911 went on to head the Chamber of Labour of Minervino Murge , after which he also directed the Chamber of Labour Bari, where he organized the defense of the headquarters' Association, defeating the fascist squads of Caradonna along with former officers of legionnaires River , socialists, communists, anarchists and Arditi del Popolo.

a union victory

At the heart of the problems of working in Italy was then, as now, the Southern question. In 1912 Di Vittorio in auditors became Italian, coming in a year in the national committee. Just as some members of revolutionary syndicalism, he was "interventionist" about the First World War, according to Randolfo Pacciardi, denied by Di Vittorio himself in an interview with Felice Chilanti.

Di Vittorio, where friends and foes unanimously recognized a great common sense and a rich humanity, was able to make himself understood, thanks to its simple language and effective, both from working class , fast-growing cities, both from the farmers still stuck the margins of economic life, social and cultural development of the country. He himself was a self-taught , joined the trade union struggle and political young, first as a socialist and later as a communist since 1924, three years after the split of Livorno in 1921.

The entry into politics and fascism

In 1921 he was elected deputy while being held in prisons in Lucera. The deputy election takes place in very exceptional circumstances. They offer us a picture of the situation not only personal, but show us the social struggle taking place between the end of 1920 and mid 1921. Convicted by a special court to 12 years of fascist prison in 1925, succeeded to flee to France where he had represented the dissolved Italian General Confederation of Labour in the International Trade Union red. From 1928 to 1930 lived in the Soviet Union and represented Italy in the newly formed International Peasant before returning to Paris and join the group leader of the PCI.

During war in Ethiopia, on the advice of the Comintern, sent a team of three people - three communities - called "the three apostles," including Ilio Barontini, very experienced in this kind of missions - with the task to organize local guerrilla against the fascist invasion.

The Postwar Years

Along with other anti-fascists participated in the English Civil War and in 1937 went to Paris a fascist newspaper. In 1941 he was arrested by the police of the regime and sent into internal exile in Ventotene. In 1943 he was liberated by the partisans and, over the last two years of World War II, took part in the resistance within the ranks of the Garibaldi Brigades.

In 1945 he was elected secretary of the CGIL, which had been reconstituted in the year before with an agreement between Di Vittorio, Achille Grandi and Bruno Buozzi. The latter, who was killed by the Nazis on the eve of signing the pact, was replaced by Oreste Lizzadri . The three were representatives of the main currents of Italian syndicalism: Communist, Socialist and Catholic. The following year, in 1946, was elected deputy to ' Constituent Assembly with PCI.

The unit thus achieved union lasted until 1948, when, at the political general strike proclaimed by the bombing of Palmiro Togliatti, the Catholic component was separated and formed their own union, the CISL, soon imitated by the Social Democrats who regrouped in the UIL.

made headlines in 1956 his position, differing from the official PCI, against the Soviet military intervention to crush the Hungarian uprising.

The fame and prestige of Di Vittorio had a large following among the working class and movement trade unions around the world so that, in 1953, was elected president of the WFTU .

Di Vittorio continued to lead the CGIL until his death in 1957 in Lecco, shortly after a meeting with union representatives.

3 November 2007 the Italian Post Office, fifty years after his death, issued a stamp dedicated to Giuseppe Di Vittorio.

who had failed to see the two episodes can click below on RAI TV, good vision, it's worth it.

Rai TV - Bread and Freedom - FIRST EPISODE

Rai TV - Bread and Freedom - SECOND EPISODE


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