Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bloon Tower Defense 4 Not Blocked By School

Roberto Di Nunzio Palestine. "Report on the demolition of homes of Palestinian citizens" March 20, 2009

link: "Report on the demolition of homes of Palestinian citizens" March 28, 2009 - A Report on the well-documented practice of demolitions of Palestinian homes - Powered by the 'Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions - ICAHD' - http://www / eng / - This document (PDF)

Laura pegs at 12:02 on March 28
OF MESSENGER: You Make Me Mad:
For years, I say these things
And no one believes me.
fight injustice perpetrated against the Palestinians in
the courage to admit?

television and

pierced, the cap,

Manuela Inguaggiato at 12:06 on March 28
@ Laura: I met a man from my country that is
state in Palestine and that, already a decade ago,
I told lurid stories of poverty and destruction.

Silvia Luzzi at 12:26 on March 28
conscious and powerless? how to make our

Paola Conti at 12.38 on March 28
enough, enough, enough, are strastufa
to continue to read these horrors and continue to feel the
our politicians and top lash
against those who speak against the policy of the state of Israel
, defamed as anti-Semitic. I
I never thought to be racist in the sense that generalizes
not hate an entire people, but why should I if their rulers
using Nazi methods, it is not my fault, and
this shit, I can
proclaim total freedom.

Manuela Inguaggiato at 12.47 on March 28
I love the Jewish culture, I read books
Jewish philosophers and outraged at the olocausato
me and for which they were victims of the Shoah,
because what is at stake are the people
their dignity, regardless of national and religious identifications
I do not hate the Jewish people but I will defend
freedom, self-determination of all and in all these
There really are .. all!
analyze the attitude of the two peoples, individuals and not their government ...
I have the impression that nobody
the two
has a sincere desire to resolve the situation.

Andrea Gaudenzi at 19:20 on March 28
Manuela Darling, not that, my favorite anti-stress.
With people like you ', with balanced approach
and willing to encounter, things would be more' simple. But today we
row, after which 'we have the truth'
in his pocket and password and 'offend or denigrate. Tell me if you
exists the verita'al 100%?
e'oggi Saturday What day?
Well, Australia e'Domenica. Example
certainly stupid. But today
use words in a sentence with an arrogant and facilitates'
back in Rants
now the extremists on both sides are winning for some time, but we
with free mind
we should try to counteract this.
The situation 'complex and shown and stalled.
Can not find a loophole.
Poverty ', Power, Religion, Politics, Money,
block all time.
start looking for venues, and those who leave
be 'worse or who started,
now things have gone too far. Anna Maria
Selini at 21:31 on March 28
Thank you very much Robert!

Manuela Inguaggiato at 21:51 on March 28
thanks for the feedback.
I wonder just how do you judge without now you're not doing anything pro-Palestinian

but judging people who do not know.
Apparently speak quietly, trying not to offend anyone
is a
attitude that is not yours ...
PS: the wars of religion are the most bloody
because the middle is fucking
eternal salvation!
I wonder what you have read
.. honestly .. in your humble opinion.

Roberto di Nunzio: I would not be disagreeable
(which I find pretty good, if you want ...)
but you is not the first time you enter a
'debate' posting comments that move
fully elsewhere the very meaning of the text you wish to comment
creating a conscious confusion.
often your posts are your thoughts
(let's call it that) that is even
complicated to interpret.
Now, please, everyone can write what
's more like it, but (my advice
dispassionate) avoids making judgments
eprimono so peremptory that only the poor who have mastered

matter on which I climbed with such reckless
superficiality ...

Manuela Inguaggiato at 22.40 on March 28
I do not hate no faith, I try to respect them all
from the conviction that it is
of one God and its many incarnations
or representations.
not think I forgot about the story in the history
but there is also the Holocaust and all the various rice-growing
di San Sabba.
Do not tell me that the wars of religion are not
bloody .. Even
Santiago de Compostela, the temple of
Christianity, was erected to celebrate the English Reconquista against the Moors
not to mention the Crusades and the various fires.
I just try to keep in the center and a look mantenre
From my point of view does not mean being ignorant
Regarding your pro-Palestinian commitments
I referred to this discussion, in my opinion, is buying a gradient

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pinky Movies Cherrokke

Di Vittorio told by his daughter Baldina

Sunday 15 and Monday 16 Rai sent a fiction, and for once I was surprised.
Yes, because I got used to think that after all the TV takes up the task to suspend thinking and numb the brain. In part, I remain of the same opinion, as far as the fiction about Di Vittorio, bread and freedom, aired on March 16 and 15 past the Rai has generated in those who have seen (more than 6 million) a sort of wonder and emotion. In fact, the story of Giuseppe Di Vittorio few knew her, even if this great man was the architect and founding father of the largest union CGIL.
The story of his life told in two episodes, everyone thinks both fictional and is adjusted to be made more adventurous and dramatic, but it's really been so.
was stated and Baldini Di Vittorio 88 years and a half, polished witness to the life of his father and the facts narrated in the two episodes broadcast by Rai.
E 'which tells her he Unity of Saturday, March 21 that his father and he has been a great trade unionist, to have been painful but courageous positions, such as on the invasion of Hungary by the Soviet Union, he knew be a loving father.
In fact, his strong point was his family, many soddisafzioni, a lot of joy but also pain and accounts payable with salty history.
In his memory of his daughter's life Corragio of a man, a union leader and politician who made a great contribution to change society, but he never forgot to be a man of passion, love.

Biography (taken from Wikipedia)

Early life

son of farm laborers who worked the land of the Marquis Ruby-red Cerignola. Already in the year of 'adolescence had started an intense political and union activities, in 15 years was among the sponsors of the youth club socialist city, while in 1911 went on to head the Chamber of Labour of Minervino Murge , after which he also directed the Chamber of Labour Bari, where he organized the defense of the headquarters' Association, defeating the fascist squads of Caradonna along with former officers of legionnaires River , socialists, communists, anarchists and Arditi del Popolo.

a union victory

At the heart of the problems of working in Italy was then, as now, the Southern question. In 1912 Di Vittorio in auditors became Italian, coming in a year in the national committee. Just as some members of revolutionary syndicalism, he was "interventionist" about the First World War, according to Randolfo Pacciardi, denied by Di Vittorio himself in an interview with Felice Chilanti.

Di Vittorio, where friends and foes unanimously recognized a great common sense and a rich humanity, was able to make himself understood, thanks to its simple language and effective, both from working class , fast-growing cities, both from the farmers still stuck the margins of economic life, social and cultural development of the country. He himself was a self-taught , joined the trade union struggle and political young, first as a socialist and later as a communist since 1924, three years after the split of Livorno in 1921.

The entry into politics and fascism

In 1921 he was elected deputy while being held in prisons in Lucera. The deputy election takes place in very exceptional circumstances. They offer us a picture of the situation not only personal, but show us the social struggle taking place between the end of 1920 and mid 1921. Convicted by a special court to 12 years of fascist prison in 1925, succeeded to flee to France where he had represented the dissolved Italian General Confederation of Labour in the International Trade Union red. From 1928 to 1930 lived in the Soviet Union and represented Italy in the newly formed International Peasant before returning to Paris and join the group leader of the PCI.

During war in Ethiopia, on the advice of the Comintern, sent a team of three people - three communities - called "the three apostles," including Ilio Barontini, very experienced in this kind of missions - with the task to organize local guerrilla against the fascist invasion.

The Postwar Years

Along with other anti-fascists participated in the English Civil War and in 1937 went to Paris a fascist newspaper. In 1941 he was arrested by the police of the regime and sent into internal exile in Ventotene. In 1943 he was liberated by the partisans and, over the last two years of World War II, took part in the resistance within the ranks of the Garibaldi Brigades.

In 1945 he was elected secretary of the CGIL, which had been reconstituted in the year before with an agreement between Di Vittorio, Achille Grandi and Bruno Buozzi. The latter, who was killed by the Nazis on the eve of signing the pact, was replaced by Oreste Lizzadri . The three were representatives of the main currents of Italian syndicalism: Communist, Socialist and Catholic. The following year, in 1946, was elected deputy to ' Constituent Assembly with PCI.

The unit thus achieved union lasted until 1948, when, at the political general strike proclaimed by the bombing of Palmiro Togliatti, the Catholic component was separated and formed their own union, the CISL, soon imitated by the Social Democrats who regrouped in the UIL.

made headlines in 1956 his position, differing from the official PCI, against the Soviet military intervention to crush the Hungarian uprising.

The fame and prestige of Di Vittorio had a large following among the working class and movement trade unions around the world so that, in 1953, was elected president of the WFTU .

Di Vittorio continued to lead the CGIL until his death in 1957 in Lecco, shortly after a meeting with union representatives.

3 November 2007 the Italian Post Office, fifty years after his death, issued a stamp dedicated to Giuseppe Di Vittorio.

who had failed to see the two episodes can click below on RAI TV, good vision, it's worth it.

Rai TV - Bread and Freedom - FIRST EPISODE

Rai TV - Bread and Freedom - SECOND EPISODE

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Good Houshold Items For Masterbation

stories shock

published in Haaretz.
Contempt for the Palestinians,
cult of physical strength, super-elastic rules of engagement, "lead time" shock
stories of Israeli soldiers "So we killed civilians in Gaza" and the Defense Ministry opened an investigation

from our correspondent Alberto Stabile

JERUSALEM - Here are the stories of war, the last, fought for three weeks in the Gaza Strip. Stories that you would never hear. Not only because there is nothing heroic, but there is a lot of gruesome and morally repulsive, in a sniper who shoots on a mother and her two children who have the wrong road, so they want because the rules of engagement, or a soldier who fires up an old woman who lost walking, or on other young people in uniform abuse their power to damage, deface, injure a Palestinian civilian population which, after all, is considered one with the enemy fighter.

This and more is learned not from the Palestinian propaganda, but from the stories of stakeholders, dozens of students of Yitzhak Rabin, agreed on 13 February to discuss their experiences as part of Operation Cast Lead. Stories hard, heavy as boulders, able to create much embarrassment at the top of the armed forces. To the point that the military prosecutor, as if to balance the inevitable sensation with a reassuring gesture, decided to make public its decision to open an investigation. Haaretz

was to reveal the contents of that meeting. But the merit of having triggered the alarm at all that these accounts imply, is the director of the program pre-military academy, Danny Zamir, who heard the statements made by the young, but already experienced students, hath been addressed directly to the Chief of Staff, Gaby Ashkenazy.

"There was a house containing a family - remember the master of a small infantry unit -. We ordered the family to stay in one room. Then we went and got a new platoon. A few days later came the ' order to release the family. We put a sniper on the roof. The commander released the family, telling them to go to the right, but forgot to tell the sharpshooter who those people were released and everything was ok, and should not shoot ". Instead of right, the mother with two children go to the left. The sniper sees them move closer to the line, as he had been said, no one would have to pass. So "fired immediately, killing them."

"I do not think - continues testimony - that he felt too bad. The general atmosphere, from what I understand talking to my men, was, as it were, that the lives of the Palestinians are far, far less important than the lives of our soldiers. "

rules of engagement very elastic, "unbridled contempt," the cult of physical strength, the effect that "all Palestinians are terrorists," this explosive mix that has led to excesses that humanitarian organizations have denounced as war crimes. Israel has rejected that accusation, arguing that the Palestinian civilian casualties were caused by the fact that they were Hamas militants shield the people crowding the towns in the heart of which, however, the Israeli army has not hesitated to use a devastating power.

Here, however, does not speak or phosphorus bombs or other lethal devices unknown. It speaks, though it may seem out logo is a war, ethics. It is no coincidence that the Defence Minister, Ehud Barak, has rushed to reaffirm that the Israeli army "is the most moral army force that exists in the world." He added that, at most, to clarify the 'individual episodes. "

not think so, however, the protagonists of the stories. Apart from some cases fire against civilians without warning, a commander describes some incidents of vandalism. "Writing" death to Arabs "on the walls (of the houses occupied), take photos of family and spit on them just because you can do, I think this is the most important thing to understand what the Israeli armed forces have precipitated on the floor of morality. "

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jackson National Annuities California

DOPARIE Biological tests

(Consultations between the parties and the citizens who identify themselves as their constituents)

cacophonous this word does not make it immediately its meaning. Immediately puts into motion the search engine in our brain, to no avail, as we rush we can not find in our memory "intellectual" a similar period.

They did it on purpose, those who coined this term, to create a sort of "crash" intuitive and reflective.

This is an innovative tool that allows sound through dialogue and political participation, to restore value to democracy by shortening the existing gap between politicians and people.

It 's a proposal designed and built by a group of
civil commitment - a Tink Tank , in a Pensieve species - which has as its objective to raise awareness about themselves and the public important issues concerning the company Italian (eg political activities of government and opposition).

This tool has the name " doparie . Or: "primary" held after the elections and on themes and issues of governance. The doparie could have a dual application. Indeed, they could be both practical consultative proposals building a peaceful participatory democracy. On the Internet there is a petition supported by hundreds of citizens and intellectuals, in this project. We support this proposal, which defends our rights. Guys, let our voices be heard!

More specifically: What are ?

Doparie : the name may sound bad and look strange, but in fact has a double meaning :

1) connects after primary : while you make the first primary election to choose the leaders, doparie become after the elections to make decisions in opposition or government

2) brings to mind the phenomenon of doping However, in this case it is a beneficial doping : as the movement of the body is good for the brain, creating a beneficial doping in sport ( "positive addiction", Science, 2001), so the movements of civil society and democratic participation may improve the quality of representative democracy and help the parties to govern or to oppose.

The doparie not have been imagined as a referendum open to participation of all Italian citizens , but as consultations between parties and the citizens who identify themselves as their constituents . The results of doparie mainly serve to renew the ties loose and frayed between the parties and their voters, which is a central factor in the crisis of contemporary representative democracies.

Can a scientific project on the emotions of happiness turn into a popular movement?

Accessions to the proposal of doparie

- "Kill us all" , boys
Locri - Association Caponnetto Lazio
- Oliviero Beha, journalist and writer
- Shipyard for the common good of Calabria

- Shipyard for the common good of Umbria

- Shipyard for the common good of Emilia
- Tana de Zulueta , journalist, former vice chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee

- Antonio Di Pietro, President of the Italy of Values, a former minister
- Antonello Falomi , former deputy parent company of PRC-Communist European Left in the Chamber of Deputies
- Filippo La Porta, essayist and critic literary
- Experience Tnt , medical, songwriter and musician
- Clotilde Pontecorvo, University Professor, La Sapienza Rome
- Lucia Colombo, university professor, University of Padova
- Gualtiero Rosella, writer
- Clara Sereni , writer
- Carlo Siliotto , composer music for film
- Mario Staibano , chief cardiac surgeon S. Philip Blacks in Rome, Lazio Region Health Department Manager for Italy of Values \u200b\u200b

- Scardamaglia Francis, producer and writer
- Elio Veltri, co-founder of the Yard for the common good
- Alfonso Berardinelli , literary critic

- Serafino D'Onofrio, Bologna City Council

- Cosimo De Nitto teacher

- Maria Letizia , actress

- Carlo Pasini , television producer

- Margherita Hack (thanks to the efforts of Nadia Scardeoni)

- Stefano Corradino, director of the online newspaper Article 21

- Giancarlo Noble

- Ugo Sansonetti

- Angelo Aiello, a psychologist-psychotherapist

- Stephen Sabean
- Daniela Matronola , teacher and writer

- Elisa Cross, a lawyer and justice of the peace

- Dardano Sacchetti, writer

- Serafino Murri . film critic and director

- Dino Giarrusso, director

- Nadia Scardeoni , art critic

- Federico Pacifici, actor

- Adriano Angelini, journalist and writer

- Francesco Cardellini

- Elizabeth Mattei, CNR researcher

- Bassoli Fernando, a journalist and writer

- Andrea Natoli

- Gabriella Belloni, director and writer

- Eleanor Regolini , Library Readers' Club of Rome Basaglia

- Cristina Cellini , actress and screenwriter

- Cosimo De Nitto teacher

- Stefano Puglisi, a researcher at CNR, Bari
- Giovanna Viganò , entrepreneur, Milan
- Rita Berardi teacher
- Stefano Ceccarelli, director and writer

- Roberta Santacesaria , university professor, La Sapienza Rome

- Arturo Hermann researcher Isae

- Attilio Vitali, geologist

- Nello Correale, director

- Stefano Nolfi, CNR researcher

- Sabrina Paravicini , actress, writer and filmmaker

- Great Rosalia, President Association Becoming , Clinical Counselor Supervisor

- Alessandra Conversi

- Deborah

- Joe Losiggio

- Valentina Calabrese

- Andrea Di Paola

- Angelo Rega

- Anna Borghi , professor

- Francesco Tuccino , sociologist

- Vittorio Marinelli , lawyer

- Stefano Murgo

- Stefano ABEI

- Rosario Sena

- Marta Csabai , Hungarian university professor

- Giuseppe Pernice

- Sergio Mazza

- Giovanna Grimaldi

- Elizabeth Marino

- Elizabeth Del Signore

- Eugenio Alfano

- Laura Wise

- Sergio Cevallos

- Claudia Pappas, director

- Sabrina Zaninotto, psychotherapist

- The signatories of the petition on line of doparie: signed.cgi? doparie

Monday, March 2, 2009

M Jak Milosc 821 Online


the girl and the soldiers

television and the war ... .........

Gaza wounds and new weapons - 02/22/2009 - from an article that appeared in The Lancet Share Today at 9:37 Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah and Dr Ang Swee - 'The Lancet' *
Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah and Dr Ang Swee, two British surgeons are able to reach Gaza during the Israeli invasion. This article describes their experiences, share their views and draw the inevitable consequences: the population of Gaza is extremely vulnerable and totally helpless in front of a possible Israeli attack.

Gaza's wounds are deep and layered. We speak of Massacre of Khan Younis in 1956, in which 5 thousand people lost their lives? Or execution of 35 thousand prisoners of war by the Israeli army in 1967? And the first Intifada, in which civil disobedience of a people under occupation is answered with an incredible number of injuries and hundreds of deaths? Even more, we can not disregard the 5,420 wounded in southern Gaza during the hostilities of 2000. But despite all this, in this article we will only invasion that took place from 27 December 2008-18 January 2009.
It is estimated that in those 23 days, have been spilled over the Gaza Strip and a half million tons of explosives. To give a rough idea of what you are talking about, you should specify that the territory in question covers an area of \u200b\u200b360 square kilometers and is home to 1.5 million people: it is the most densely populated area of \u200b\u200bthe world. Before the invasion, has been starved for 50 days by a trade embargo but, in fact, since the election of the current government has been put under commercial rules. Over the years, the embargo has been partially or totally, but never absent. Employment
opened with 250 victims in one day. Each police station was bombed, causing heavy casualties among the security forces. After sweeping away the police, the Israeli army devoted themselves to non-government targets. Apache helicopters and F-16s have caused it to rain death from above, while the guns of the Navy conducted an attack from the sea and artillery took care of the earth. Many schools have been reduced to rubble, including the American School of Gaza, 40 mosques, some hospitals, a number of UN buildings and of course 21 thousand houses, of which 4 thousand were destroyed. Approximately 100 thousand people have suddenly become homeless. The Israeli weapons

armaments used in addition to bombs and conventional high explosives, also include non-conventional types. Have been identified at least four categories:

phosphorous bombs and bullets
Eyewitnesses say several bombs exploded at high altitude, releasing a wide range of micro-phosphorus bombs that were distributed over a large area. During the invasion by land, the tanks were accustomed to break down the walls of ordinary houses with bullets and then firing at them with phosphorus shells. This method allows you to unleash terrible fire in the building, and a large number of charred bodies were found covered with particles of phosphorus glow. One area of \u200b\u200bconcern is posed by the fact that the residues found mixed with a stabilizing agent seem special, which confers the ability not completely burn up to extinction. The residues of phosphorus still cover the countryside, playgrounds and apartments. It rekindled when curious children collect them, or produce toxic fumes when farmers watering their contaminated land. A family returned to his garden after the hostilities, has watered the ground and was incorporated by a blanket of smoke emitted from the ground. The simple inhalation produced epistaxis. These compounds of phosphorus are treated with a stabilizer, in a sense, a similar anti-personnel mines. Because of this constant threat, the population (especially children) have difficulty returning to a normal life.
From hospitals, surgeons tell of cases where, after a primary laparotomy for relatively small wounds with minimal contamination, a second surgery showed increasing areas of necrosis after a period of 3 days. Subsequently, the patient's general health deteriorated and, within 10 days, require a third intervention, which highlights a massive liver necrosis. This phenomenon is sometimes accompanied by profuse bleeding, kidney failure, stroke and death. Although acidosis, necrosis of the liver and stop sudden cardiac arrest (due to hypocalcemia) are typical complications in victims of white phosphorus can not be attributed solely to the work of this agent.
is necessary to analyze and identify the true nature This phosphorus and changed its long-term effects on the population of Gaza. It is also urgent to the collection and disposal of radioactive phosphorus on the surface of the entire region. These substances give off toxic fumes on contact with water: the first rain could poison the entire Gaza Strip. Children should learn to recognize and avoid these hazardous wastes.

The use of heavy bombs bombs DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosives) is evident, although it has not been clearly determined whether it was used depleted uranium in the south. In urban areas, the survivors show amputations due to DIME. These wounds are easily recognizable because the stumps do not bleed and the cut is clean, a guillotine. The shell casings and shrapnel of DIME are extremely heavy.

bomb implosion
Among the weapons used, there are also the bunker-buster bombs and implosion. There are cases, such as the Science & Technology Building, or the Islamic University of Gaza, where an eight-storey building was reduced to a pile of debris no bigger than five feet.

silent bomb
The population of Gaza has described a new type of weapon from the devastating effects. Comes in the form of silent projectile, or at least preceded by a whistle, and vaporizes everything that is in large areas without a trace consistent. We do not know how to categorize this technology, but it can be assumed to be a new weapon to make particles of experimentation.

Survivors tell of Israeli tanks that, having stopped in front of the apartment, telling residents to leave. Usually, the first to obey were children, the elderly and women. That, just as quickly, they were lined up and shot them. Dozens of families have been disrupted in this way. In the past month, the deliberate murder of unarmed women and children was also confirmed by human rights activists.

Deleting ambulances
least 13 ambulances were victims shootings. The drivers and nurses have been fired while recovering and evacuating the wounded.

Cluster bombs
The first victims of cluster bombs were admitted to the hospital Abu Yousef Najjar. More than half of the tunnels of Gaza were destroyed, rendering useless most of the physical facilities for the circulation of commodities. Contrary to popular belief, are not deposits in these tunnels for weapons (though they may have been used to smuggle arms), but for food and fuel. The excavation of new tunnels, which now takes up a good number of Palestinians, has sometimes triggered cluster bombs on the ground. This type of bomb was used at the Rafah border already severe burns and five were taken to hospital after the explosion of these traps.

count of the dead
At January 25, 2009, the death toll has reached 1350. The number is constantly rising due to the amount of serious injuries that continue to die in hospitals. 60% of the dead are children. Serious injuries

The number of serious injuries is 5,450, with 40% of children. This is mostly for patients with burns or traumas. Those who have suffered fractures to one leg and those who, although injured, are still able to walk, were not included in this count.
In our discussions with nurses and doctors, the words "holocaust" and "catastrophe" were often mentioned. Medical staff to complete bears the signs of psychological trauma due to hectic work last month, the past to deal with the masses who filled the morgues and operating rooms. Many of the patients died in the Accident and Emergency Department, even before the diagnosis. In a district hospital, the orthopedic surgeon has completed 13 external fixations in less than a day.
It is estimated that among the seriously injured, 1,600 are likely to remain disabled for life. Among these, many have suffered amputations, spinal injuries, head injuries, extensive burns with disfiguring contractures.

Special factors

During the invasion, the number of dead and wounded was particularly high because of the following reasons: *

Nowhere to run: Gaza has been sealed by Israeli troops, who prevented anyone from escaping by bombing and land invasion. Simply, there was no escape. Even within the borders of Gaza to travel from north to south have been made impossible by the Israeli tanks that have cut off all avenues of communication. Unlike the war in Lebanon and 82 of '06, in which people could move from areas of heavy bombardment to those of their security, an option that type was blocked in Gaza.

* The density of the population of Gaza is exceptional. E 'disquieting to note that the bombs used by the Israeli army are "high precision". Their success rate in downtown buildings crowded, is 100%. Other examples? The central market, police stations, schools, UN buildings (where the inhabitants were merged to escape the bombing), mosques (of which 40 were razed to the ground) and the homes of families, convinced be safe because of their non-combatants were afflicted. In condominiums, a single implosion bomb is enough to wipe out dozens of families. This tendency to target civilians makes us suspect that the military objectives are considered target side, while the objective the population.

* The quantity and quality of the ammunition described above and how they were used.

* The lack of defenses that Gaza has shown towards the modern Israeli weapons. The region does not have tanks, warplanes, no anti-aircraft system to be deployed against the invading army. We have witnessed firsthand the exchange of bullets from an Israeli tank and AK47 Palestinians. The forces were, to say the least, you learn.
The absence of functional bomb shelters available to the civilian population. Unfortunately, even if there were no match against the Israeli bunker-buster.

Conclusion If you take into consideration the following points, it is obvious that a further invasion of Gaza would cause catastrophic damage. The population is vulnerable and helpless. If the international community seeks to prevent injuries and mass killings in the near future, have to develop some defense force for Gaza. If this does not happen, civilians continue to die.

Original article: The Wounds of Gaza, "The Lancet - Global Health Network," February 2, 2009. Translated by Massimo Spiga

for Megachip.

* "The Lancet medical journal is the più autorevole del mondo