Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jackie Chan Gestation Period

March 8

If I were a woman not to celebrate.
As often happens in modern society the symbols, ideals, high concepts are folded to a mere logic of profit for this holiday (unfortunately) is no exception.
Women's Day is nothing more than a balance with the plates on the two key words. On the plate
left we have the word "party" on the right the word "women". During the course of time the plate of the left has become much heavier than the right pumped out of proportion by a clear vision of seemingly senseless of all the meaning that this event holds, defacing fully the meaning of the word Women .

In those circumstances I can not find the connection of a day of commemoration and remembrance to those who first had the courage to speak up and be heard with any Centocelle offered as prize money in a show of 4.

the debasement of women perpetrated in every where and every when assumed contours more cynical and devious on this day because they hold millions of women with a patina that does not belong to them, forcing them into a funnel fun that you submit (again) to carnality and male meanness, with patterns and distinctively masculine tailored to women. The strippers are a classic example: is the male that is energized by looking, the woman is more mental, his excitement starts from much higher, so I struggle to understand and screaming girls (falsely, I hope so) excited by a game that is very masculine . Therefore, this "celebration" is a form of weapon more likely to depersonalization of women, making them far more than they are closer to the worst side of man, smoothing out to remove the characters of their feminine identity.

I am convinced that every March 8 is a 'missed opportunity. When women are aggregated in a positive way I am a 'magnificent waves, energetic, non-violent, powerful (see the post "If not now when ") as he also teaches the very recent history. This day should be an excuse to get together and think, being together, fun to find a complicity that is denied by the everyday, from the commitments that are added to the household routine work, lack and absence of their men, would serve to put into circulation manufacturer and the vital energy that is missing in today's male, who has a change would serve to give a sound lesson in life and reliability to those who want to turn in domestic quiet.

do not deny that I feel a sincere melancholy to observe women piled into a restaurant complied with all and comforted by the same mimosa, mimosa, which would have to be symbol and instead is intended to be only mark.
the light of what you will forgive me if today I just can not wish you, I'll start from tomorrow (and forever) to respect and estimated as only you know you deserve.


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