Thursday, December 2, 2010

Best Way To Make Someone Miserable

Cologne Caroya Toronto called "Mandi Furlans!

"The fate must be taken to what it is: every day is an opportunity, a gift that someone has done, "say Giampiero Mughini. I think this aphorism is really true. I've had confirmation last Saturday, when I was host of "Fuarce Furlans," the broadcast community in Cologne Caroya Friuli, in the heart of Argentina. Everything stems from a friendship on Facebook with Claudio Roya, who decides to surprise me drawn into his wonderful program, followed not only in South America but also in the Friuli region, thanks to the frequencies of "Radio Waves Furlane. Who would have imagined to find a cousin of transmission "Mandi Mandi" around the world?! But has happened, and it was beautiful. We talked about the different realities experienced by Friuli between Argentina and Canada. I had the pleasure of knowing Caroya Cologne, a real "Picula Friƻl": born in 1878 with a contingent of Friuli, up to 30-40 years ago was populated only by our fellow countrymen. Today the city has 24,000 inhabitants and more than half are from Friuli, even went so far to the seventh generation. Soon will post an interview with Claudio, meanwhile, enjoy the site of " Fuarce Furlans !


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