Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Walmart Shower Curtain Ring Circular

Israele, stato canaglia?
I soldati di Israele hanno fatto di Gaza una tomba
"Ciò che Israele fa subire ai Palestinesi è un abominio" ha dichiarato l’ex Presidente United States, Jimmy Carter, during his recent round in the Middle East.
April 21, 2008

With his gesture, a simple human diplomacy alone has removed our shame of belonging to this company "Western", which continues to blindly support a colonial state which has wiped Palestine off the map and adopt, by 60 years against a defenseless people, military operations to a terrorist character, a policy of segregation and targeted killings, known as "extralegal."

We would have appreciated that other heads of state had the courage to denounce the crimes of Israel's war with the same clarity of Carter.

Israel has the Middle East in focus and in focus. Is guilty of serious crimes, in violation of the rules of law International. And the European Union have the indecency to ask the Palestinians and their Arab brethren, to recognize "Israel's right to exist" as a "Jewish state", which would be tantamount to legitimizing segregation and deny Palestinian refugees their inalienable right to return, like any other refugees in the world, on land and homes from which they were driven out!

As stated so precisely the Palestinian intellectual Omar Barghouti, "no state has the right to exist as a racist state" [2]. A State which makes a reign of terror, killing women and children every day, their relatives, desperate, found mutilated, one can state that massacre, as happens in Gaza, in the space of a few days, hundreds of innocent civilians, by throwing their bombs that disperse hundreds of microfrecce acuminate, enter the body, maim, kill, create terrible suffering, - without which this raises, needless to say, the Minimum indignation of our democracy - should be banned nations.

While we deserve the best care, access to hospitals and medicines to relieve and cure our diseases and our wounds, Gaza, patients die because Israel will not let anything get in hospitals and are taken for objective. The Israeli army has destroyed, April 16, "El Wafa Medical Rehabilitation", putting the lives of patients and body health in danger, without electricity ed'approvvigionamento water, forcing surgeons to stop operating.

In Gaza, one year, and injured patients, who could be cared for, died for lack of care. Suhha Jumbass Al, 22, cancer patient, died in that terrible month of April, because the Israeli army has refused, like other 133 people who died recently before her, to go for treatment in Egypt.

The day after the massacre Boureij [3], the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had the arrogance to say that Israel will "pay the price of what Hamas is in Gaza. "

But who pays the price of suffering? ol'aggredito The attacker may it puts to death? What can still be" paying "Israel may it starves to these children, who suffer from malnutrition and psychological state which is disturbing, and the thousands of sick people scared to leave them abandoned for lack of care, which will continue to die for lack of medicine?

How can our society tolerate so many horrors and injustice? Why do our governments simply call "the two parties to exercise restraint," as if it could establish a symmetry between the occupier and occupied, between the Executioner and his victim!

We are fed up of this attitude that is biased with regard to Israel's contempt for the Arab victims. A resident of Rafah told us recently with bitterness: "We dismiss pulling missiles filled with 3,000 pounds of heavy explosives. A ton of quest'esplosivi ZNT is able to shave an entire area. It is a missile of this type that the military Israel has launched against a mosque in Rafah and destroyed other fifteen houses. We condemn to death, poison us, we close, we cut the food, they bombard us, deprive us of any access to medicines, deprive us of vital products as chlorine to clean up the water and then sell us their poison from lettuce insecticides, at an exorbitant price. "

The Palestinians have the right to life and to be protected, like all oppressed people of who is much stronger than him. Never was a war waged by a colonial state has thus been permanently covered by deceit, by misinformation, hypocrisy.

Even the so-called "friends of Palestine, the Israelis that peace is idealized, are not without blame. For, be content to condemn the Israeli occupation and its crimes is not enough to settle the wrongs caused . should have the honesty to go to the root of the problem by requiring, not only end the occupation, but also the right of return for refugees, and the end of institutionalized racism against Palestinians, and this in a state that guarantees equal rights to all its inhabitants.

The people of Jewish confession that is identified with Israel can not continue to rely on the crimes committed by the Nazis to justify the existence of a racist state on stolen land to the Arabs.

This is unacceptable. Gaza is, for the people, a prison from which none can escape except to leave the Palestinians provided a VIP pass delivered to the "head of the customer" and in agreement with the occupation by the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.
corrupt authority, which participates in the clearance Hamas and goes against the aspirations of his people. The Palestinians, already brutalized by the army of occupation, did not deserve this further betrayal.

remains to be hoped that the time will come where those who have committed crimes or who have served, in way or another, the interests of the Israeli occupier, intended to be answerable to history.


Translation: EURASIA http://www.eurasia-rivista.org/cogit_content/articoli/EkplllkVulBQYjlvrA.shtml

original French version: http://www.silviacattori.net/article430.html

The water wars


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