Monday, March 21, 2011

Cervix Hard And Open Pregnant?

Catania is the little stuff, keep on dreaming

UDINE - The zebrette eagle no longer stop. Yesterday, the eleventh of Guidolin has stamped the 13simo helpful in a row, beating Catania 2-0 a little small. Goals from Inler and Di Natale, the latter to seal 25simo vacation, they remain stable Udinese in fourth place in the standings to 56 points, just six lengths off the pace. And yes, because Milan was beaten at Palermo in anticipation of Saturday (1-0). Inter and Napoli but did not disappoint, rising to -2 and -3, respectively, from the leaders. The distances are dwindling, and may fall further during the day 31sima, which will be held two weeks after the break for the national team commitments. A bench to take the fight there will be championship derby Milan - Inter match and Napoli - Lazio. Interesting also Roma - Juve. On paper, the Udinese could take advantage of these direct matches to climb the ranks and spacing pursuers (Lazio Roma). The Friulani will indeed be on stage in Lecce, with local people embroiled in the relegation zone. First leg ended 4-0 for the Bianconeri. If Udinese repeat this result (that is, the victory would be enough even with only one goal difference) will fight in the projected title. Who would have thought at the beginning of the season after four defeats that portend a year curse?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Are Ginger Snaps Good For Dogs

Huge prayer

may be only a memory and trivially the epitome of years of study? I, at 26, saying "... when that option still existed when it was believed that anthropology was more than just a curiosity?
seems, it seems ... is yes.
I close my degree course, close my right, close those 5 years that have allowed me to be who I am, which allowed me to be curious to the world, which allowed me to want to know to understand the 'another, which allowed me to know that there are infinite ways of being and the world to read and interpret reality.
Being anthropologists has never been easy but it is not so charming a way of life that asks nothing in return, despite gifts unexplored beaches and faces and stories that not even imagination can create. I think my power I have given a higher sensitivity and the desire that others like me can benefit from them must inevitably be without ... must, should ... no! There is not the case and why I write this and I join in this fight. We speak not only of a closure of a course, talk of cuts that continue to dry up the Italian culture, culture with noble roots that are gradually raped day after day, event after event, after the policy choices policy choices. This trivially anthropology is the study of human cultures, mindful of my research in Africa and Latin America I ask you now: if we close the opportunity to understand how the world will go on?
Close some money by cutting faculty and research means not to allow young people to grow and create uniformity of thought. I learned the value of human beings lies in the difference, the value added of thinking beings is to understand that differences in thinking, culture and religion can know and compare. If we fear the discovery of the difference, then close the right, close human development.

NATIONAL MOBILIZATION AGAINST THE ABOLITION OF "ACEL" - Cultural anthropology, ethnology ethnolinguistic
On February 24, the Academic Senate of the University Ca 'Foscari of Venice has approved the deletion of the course degree "Cultural anthropology, ethnology, ethnolinguistic" (ACEL). This decision was taken despite the course has a good success (over 120 members), an excellent reputation nationally and internationally (about thirty students in various Italian and European universities), a new and promising position in the Department of Studies on ' Asia and Africa Mediterranean ", which suggests a further development, scientific and educational. Moreover, this is the current master of the Triveneto anthropology, and the only one in Italy that also has a specialization in ethnolinguistic. AISE (Italian Association for Science ethno-anthropological - Onlus), a reference for anthropologists in Italy, he produced a letter of protest to the Chancellor and the Academic Senate (attached), asking to return to the position already taken in the next session March 25. Around this document, we students, we are collecting the signatures of students and professors, from Venice, as other universities. To subscribe to its support, Just post a comment on the notice board of this page or send an email to sottoscrizione.acel @ , indicating in both cases, full name, degree program (or department, for teachers) and University of origin.

Thank you all,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Floor Plan For A Flat

The fear is 150.

I seem to live in a dream. One of those
inconclusive, unnecessary, repetitive, you always fall back on themselves carry this burden of fear and anxiety that cyclically return at night.
This evening I hung the flag on the balcony in honor of this nation that I am disgusted, but I can not help but love. They are prey to a fatal Stockholm syndrome, where it's hard to repudiate this executioner of dignity and destruction which congeals in the boot.
This evening I hung the flag for Italy to celebrate a united, single, true, true, an 'a priori to love Italy, a' Italy that belongs to us and to which we belong, an 'that Italy is rooted in the blood and stomach despite abysmal at times the distance between Italy and Italians, between north and south, between citizens and immigrants, including public and private interests. Distances abysmal in which you lose the sense of belonging to a single voice can create beautiful words.
I hung the flag in the face of those who deny Italy. I hung to mark a clear distinction between who is worthy to live in this country and those who mocked, distancing, self-confinement in a Celtic elite, not even deserve to polish this stupid, criminal, but fucking beautiful boots.