Saturday, September 27, 2008

Help Heal Redness From Eczema

taken from the site of Art.21

Not to forget Anna

Two years ago, October 7th, 2006, Anna Politkovskaya, a brave journalist Russian, was killed at his home in Moscow. She had been sent dozens of times in the Caucasus and especially in Chechnya , where he denounced the crimes committed by the Russian army. She never justified terrorism in Chechnya and has consistently encouraged both sides to interact, the only possible path to a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

her, armed only with pen, however, has been murdered. Who shot is still at large, as well as those who financed the group of killers who killed her, just 48 years.

to this remarkable woman more than one thousand two hundred and twenty of citizens associations, foundations, committees, local councils, editors have asked that the City of Milan dedicate a tree in the Garden of the Righteous in Milan Monte Stella.

The Garden of the Righteous is a unique place in Italy, created to remember the moral figures who had the courage to fight for the defense of human dignity.

A few days before the second anniversary of his death, the Democratic Party paid tribute to the exemplary figure of Anna Politkovskaya.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jaw Bone Showing Through Gum

still up in memory of Anna Politkovskaya

a personal blog to say what I think, was a long time since I had thought.
to make up my mind to realize it but it was a match. There are many opportunities
d 'encounter in life.
Mine was with a book - forbidden to speak - who introduced me to a great journalist Anna Politkovskaya .
Unfortunately now there is more, his pen has ceased to interfere with the maneuver, in fact, was murdered in the elevator of her home in Moscow October 7, 2006. His
ide however, have not stopped living. In my little
I welcome the call made earlier this year by his two sons, continue to give meaning to his life, spent in proclaiming the truth, reading and can make known his words and his thoughts. She
Novaya Gazeta journalist with its articles on the war in Chechnya and his statements on policy Putin has attracted the attention of those who wanted to silence her forever. You are one of the few journalists in Russia that he feared the pressures and threats.
may be able to capture the murderess but you will never find the real instigators.